X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at

This Role Playing thread invovles mostly Vision and Genesis. It's basically a one character record.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Genesis on 3/31/2003, 9:32 pm
The next day he stays home, resting up. But since this is the weekend, that's fine. He doesn't have to be back at the college untill monday. The old lady next door stops by a couple times to ask if he could help her with her roses again when he has time, but other than that he's left to his own devices.
Monday arrives and he wakes early, getting ready for the first class, which starts at eight. He gets there an hour early to check up on the students' projects, but there's not really anything to do, as they've just started sprouting. He takes a peek into the greenhouse, but restrains himself from taking a nap against the Tree.. no knowing when he'd wake up if he did that.
Back to the classroom, the instructor's arrived, and soon students filter in. Some early, some late. He's in the little off-room with the sink and other equipment most other days, but today the class is going to be doing some hands-on work with their experiments. As soon as they all have their subjects before them, he wanders around the room, glancing at each to make sure the students are working and using the equipment right.

Posted by Vision on 3/31/2003, 9:45 pm
Vision glances around the house, her gaze distant. She was off work for the day and bored out of her mind. With Mirage out, Paradox at his home in the woods, and Kat out wandering around somewhere, she was short of company and entertainment. She couldn't even settle down to tinkering with her various gadgets. Her mind wanders to the subject of Genesis, and she wonders what he's doing at the moment. It had to be more interesting then her current predicament.
Sudden inspiration hits her as she realizes that he must be at the university right now, working. Certainly it couldn't hurt to drop by? See what he did all day. Ah, but I could be a terrible nuisance..
The shifter attempts to find something useful to do, but now unable to get her mind off the idea, she eventually gives in. With a grin Vision heads towards the door, snatching her jacket on her way out. Locking the door she checks the mental shield over her thoughts, enhanced by the necklace Genesis had given her. It wouldn't do to let him know she was coming, it would completely ruin the surprise.
Almost skipping now, she's soon on her motorcycle and roaring towards the university campus.

Posted by Genesis on 3/31/2003, 10:06 pm
Satisfied that most of the problems have been solved, Genesis is about to return to the sideroom when a red headed girl raises her hand for attention. He sighs mentally, but can't help but smile. Breya can be annoying at times, but it's his job to help.. Besides, she happens to be the only other mutant he knows with any kind of affinity towards plants. He makes his way to her table, noting that her partner is absent today. "Yes?" he asks, his voice quiet and curious.
"I can't seem to figure out what's the matter with this one, Alex." she indicates one of the three test subjects.
He studies it for a moment, asking a few questions about what she's been feeding it, how much, it's position in the sun.. all the time wondering if it's him or the potted plant she'd focused on.
Ah well, it's probably just her way of paying close attention.. tho he wishes sometimes she'd pay a little more attention on her subject than her teacher.
He sighs finally and asks her in a near murmur if she'd been using her talents with it. She replies in her most innocent voice and wide eyes that no, of course not. She siddles up closer, as if trying to see what he's looking at.
Oh brother. He moves a half-step away uncomfortably, wishing that a certain someone else were acting the way Breya is, instead of the girl herself. It's not that she isn't pretty, in fact, she's lovely. Red, curly hair framed a delicate, china-doll face, and freckles dot her cheeks. Her eyes are almost as green as Vision's.. yikes, he'd have to get her out of his mind if he's going to keep his focus on the projects and evade certain advances at the same time.

Posted by Vision on 3/31/2003, 10:26 pm
Vision comes to a stop in the parking lot near the building Genesis is working in. Her entrance earns some attention from the few people outside, as that sort of grandstanding was usually reserved for the male gender. Swiping her helmet from her head with a florish and shaking out her hair, she can't help grinning amusedly at the notice she's recieved. Absently she notes she's probably drawing a bit too much attention to herself, but at the moment she hardly cares. She might as well have some fun with this! Now she just had to find were Genesis was, and hope she hadn't come at a bad time.
She could let up the necklace's guard enough to sense were he is, but that might let him know what she was up to. Besides, it would be cheating. The shifter is looking on this as a little adventure. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, evade campus security and find.. No, rescue Alex Greenman from the thrall of deadly boredom! The shifter shakes her head slightly, smirking at her own imagination as she enters the building. Really, you're being ridiculous.. He's probably busy and you're going to have to wait to shanghai him in the halls or something... That earns another slight grin. Oooh, but that might be fun..
Almost giddy she's rather amused by the mental image of her latching onto Genesis to drag him into a broom closet to..? The shifter drops that thought before it's even begun. Really, Jenn... What's gotten into you? The feel of spring in the air outside is enough to answer that one for her.

Posted by Genesis on 3/31/2003, 10:36 pm
Breya peers up at Gen through her lashes as she speaks, her intense green gaze almost hypnotizing. Almost. She leans in, closer to him and he sighs resignedly. She's not the first student to get a crush on him, and will likely not be the last. As long as he can get through this semester in one piece...

Posted by Vision on 3/31/2003, 10:48 pm
Vision wanders past the various rooms, furtively scanning for Genesis at every window she comes to. She visits the tree room, actually pausing a moment to enter the room when it appears her intrusion wouldn't create a disturbance. Faintly disappointed she leaves again after a moment, she really had hoped Genesis would be here. After a bit more time spent searching, the shifter is loosing patience. She hadn't expected that she wouldn't even be able to find him!
Time to cheat. She opens the link a bit, just for a moment so she can get a read on were Genesis is. Hoping he hadn't noticed, but feeling rather too pleased with herself just the same she heads towards his presence. Finally she peeks in through a door and is glad (and relieved) to see Genesis inside. Watching for a moment, just to make sure it is him, she prepares to tap on the glass....
Then the behavior of the red head registers. That little!! Flirting with my..! Vision is about to charge into the situation when something else occurs to her and she shrinks back against the door frame. Maybe Genesis was enjoying himself? Vision peeks back through the window, altering her features slightly so she wouldn't be instantly recognizable. She had to figure out what was going on before she charged in...

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2003, 8:27 pm
Studying the situation with all but half of her face hidden by the door she's taken refuge behind, Vision hopes that Genesis hadn't caught the brief flash of almost possessive jealousy that escaped her control. The sight of Genesis being flirted with, aside from provoking an urge to go in and strangle the little brat, made her seriously ponder fleeing before she screwed up the rest of Genesis's life. He'd already been seriously injured several times due to association with her.. Certainly he'd be much better off forgetting her, and if there was someone else around to help the job along....
Distracted now from the scene inside the classroom by her own thoughts, she moves and vanishes entirely from sight of the window. Genesis wasn't her's in any sense of the word, no matter how thoroughly addicted to his presence she might be. If he remained anywhere near her for any length of time, he'd risk becoming caught in the crossfire of her dangerous life.
Vision nearly turns to go, but she can't quite make herself move. As selfish as she feels, she can't give him up. Before she left, if she did leave, she had to be certain.
Turning her gaze back to the window she continues her watch. After a moment she concludes, he doesn't look like he's enjoying himself.. Now unable to resist smirking a bit, she reaches out to sense his mood, hiding the proximity of her presence just in case she was wrong...

Posted by Genesis on 5/14/2003, 9:38 pm
Genesis had caught that brief flash of jealousy, but no emotion shows on his face other than a humoring smile. He absently seeks out Vision's presence, but blinks when she's not where he expects her to be. It was probably nothing... just a flash of jealousy for someone or something she passed on her motorcycle.. or something. He shrugs it off, attempting to keep his mind on his work.
It's very difficult. The red-haired girl beside him keeps sliding closer, pointing out little things in her project. Genesis nods and smiles patiently, glancing up when someone looks in through the classroom window, glad for the excuse to look away from those red curls. He's sure she's wearing some sort of perfume that's clouding his perceptions, because he thinks he recognizes the person looking in through the window. He blinks, looking back down at the little plant when Breya recalls his attention back to it, nodding at what she'd just asked.
Gosh, how long can she keep me here? He thinks, exasperated. Then, relieved, the student behind him asks a question and he half-turns to answer it. After answering that question he starts to walk away, but Breya raises her hand again, green eyes glinting.
Maybe if he just ignored her she'd go away... but then, his job was to answer questions. Sigh.
He wants to check his watch to see how long untill class is over, but refrains, resignedly turning back to Breya's side. He glances back up at the window, remembering the face and wondering where he recognized her from. Probably another student, he thinks.. maybe even from this class, though he doubts it. She didn't remind him of a student.
He blinks when he suddenly places the face at the window. She looked an awful lot like Vision... only different. That's strange. He remember's that Kat looked like Vision before she turned..erm.. catty, so maybe it was her?
He takes a deep breath and counts to ten as Breya bats her green eyes at him and flips her hair flirtatiously. It's not that she's not attractive, because she really is. He usually loves red hair and green eyes.. he just doesn't seem to be interested. Another mental shrug.
And where is the instructor? Shouldn't he be back already? He's beginning to lose his pateince with Breya, and that might not be a good thing for either of them. Oh how he wishes someone would rescue him...

Posted by Vision on 5/14/2003, 10:07 pm
HA! Take that you little hussy! Vision thinks with a savage grin. The shifter has opened the door and is rushing to Genesis's rescue before she realizes she's moved. Having made her entrance with enough force to slam the door into the wall, she's well announced. Probably drawing every eye in the room with the noise.
Her stride slows slightly as she realizes that she couldn't just haul Genesis from the room without an explanation. Well, she could, it would just create more fuss then she wanted to deal with at the moment.
She speeds up once again as she notes the red-head's proximity to Genesis. The smile she flashes at the girl when she reaches the two is far more teeth then anything else, and the teeth have a decidedly predatory look to them. It wasn't intentional, but for the moment the shifter is feeling far too dangerous to care what this brat would think of her sharp canine teeth.
Taking Genesis's arm she says cheerfully, "I'm going to need to borrow your instructor for a moment.. He'll be back in a jiffy.." With that she moves to lead Genesis from the room.

Posted by Genesis on 5/14/2003, 10:27 pm
He starts when the door bursts open and Vision, of all people, come storming in. If he thought he could get away with it, he would've laughed. She looks more like a feline pouncing for her kill than anything else, and the toothy grin she gives Breya only strengthens that mental image.
He does smile, however, at the way the girl seems stunned by Vision's sudden arrival, but he hides it from Breya expertly.
He lets her lead him outside, feeling every eye in the classroom follow their progress discreetly, though Breya is still so stunned she hasn't moved.
Once they're out side, the door safely closed behind them, he lets out an imensely relieved sigh. "You have no idea how glad I am to be out of her clutches.." he smiles sheepishly, then sobers, knowing that Vision must have had a good reason to have sought him out. "Here, lets go to the greenhouse," he pauses as the outside door opens and the instructor strolls in, smiling his greeting.
"Ah, Alex," the man nods to Genesis, pausing before the classroom door. Gen nods back, offering some excuse about an emergency for his hasty exit, which seems to satisfy the instructor. The man disappears through the door.

Posted by Vision on 5/14/2003, 10:48 pm
Vision flashes a grin, far more pleased with herself for the rescue then she should be. Well, considering how pleased I am about it.. She thinks, but doesn't voice the comment. She's seriously pondering moving her hand from his arm to his waist in an effort to replace any lingering effects of the red head's flirtation when the instructor strolls in, stopping the action dead.
She does her best to look like a person bringing news of an emergency, slightly flustered by the intensity of her own earlier reaction. Vision watches the man leave, sighing in relief. Now she's feeling faintly guilty for coming to visit Genesis at work. It was beginning to look like it hadn't been such a good idea, she was being a distraction and a nuisance...
Of course, it was also a great deal of fun. If she was lucky she might have scared that girl away from ever flirting with Genesis again, and there was the massive plus of Genesis's actual presence being involved in this little outing. With a decidedly feline smirk of satisfaction she moves a little closer to Genesis, not quite daring to snuggle right up to him. She'd probably get him in trouble if anyone caught them.
Ah well, she was having waay too much fun at the moment to stop now.

Posted by Genesis on 5/15/2003, 5:58 pm
Just about that time, a woman opens the doors to the outside and Genesis nonchalantly lifts his arm and wraps it around Vision's shoulders, pulling her closer.
The woman hesitates a half second, an almost puzzled, disappointed look on her face, then smiles and nods to Genesis. "Hello Alex," she says as she passes them, heading for the back door.

Posted by Vision on 5/15/2003, 6:08 pm
Vision's perfectly willing to be pulled closer, almost dropping her head to his shoulder. There's a particularly feline smirk of satisfaction on her features as the woman passes. The shifter isn't capable of paying much attention to anyone that isn't Genesis at the moment. Hopefully I won't get him in trouble.. She thinks absently.

Posted by Genesis on 5/15/2003, 6:17 pm
He chuckles mentally as he pushes the door open, leading the way to the greenhouse. Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. You should see some of the stuff that -instructors- do... or maybe you shouldn't.. He gives her a mental poke in the ribs, his arm still looped around her shoulders.
When they reach the greenhouse, there are a couple of students inside.. but they're on their way out. Genesis raises an eyebrow at the two boys, watching untill they leave, then locking the door and replacing the key in his pocket.
"So," he says when it's safe to talk "What brings you here today?" he peers at Vision, worry showing in his eyes, as well as seeping through the enhancced link. He hopes it's a social visit instead of that emergency he'd conjured up.

Posted by Vision on 5/15/2003, 6:26 pm
I'm not sure I want to,Vision replies dryly, although it's a relief to know I won't get you in trouble.. In return for the mental poke in the ribs Genesis receives a mental poke from a tail from the still smiling Vision.
"Oh, just visiting.." Vision replies sheepishly as she catches the worry. "I was bored out of my mind and figured I would drop by. Somewhat belatedly I realized it might not be such a great idea.. but since you looked like you needed an escape route.." She shrugs, looping an arm around his waist in what she's careful to try and make look like an afterthought.

Posted by Genesis on 5/15/2003, 8:00 pm
He chuckles, reflexively pulling her closer without really thinking about it "Good, I was rather hoping that was the case." He looks like he's about to do or say something more, but about then he seems to realixe their proximity and clears his throat, turning away slightly.
He's especially embarassed about the fact that he's reluctant to pull away, though it flashes through his mind, why should he be reluctant or embarassed... isn't it natural to want to be close to someone like her? But he subdues that thought before it can run away with him, though he half wonders whether he should let it do just that. Oops.. the link.

Posted by Vision on 5/15/2003, 8:16 pm
"Yes, it's kinda nice that for once there's no real emergency. At least nothing more then saving you from a.." She's about to say something about the red head before changing it, "..boring class." The shifter smiles a bit, hoping to hide the alteration.
Well, considering that Vision just about followed him as he turned away before realizing what she was doing and stopping the action, Genesis has no real reason to be embarrassed. However, Vision is faintly embarrassed now. Riiiight, she hadn't just been pondering snuggling right into Genesis and purring.... No, not at all..

Posted by Genesis on 5/19/2003, 11:38 pm
He raises an eyebrow and smothers a smile, part of her thoughts filtering through the link. No?

Posted by Vision on 5/20/2003, 12:04 am
Surprised and blushing, Vision reverts to her usual form of defense in such situations, denial. Hrm? She thinks, as if she hadn't a clue what Genesis was asking about. Never mind the fact that she's feeling embarrassed enough that her eyes have returned to their natural greener then green shade and her pupils have even gone slitted. Or the fact that she was still quite comfortably snuggled into the half circle of Genesis's arm, and had even managed to move a bit closer.

Posted by Genesis on 5/27/2003, 6:58 pm
Genesis laughs, but only mentally, as a shadow passes the greenhouse door and disappears. He grins Oh, nothing... just a little observation. He doesn't, however, move any further away. At a loss now for what to do or say, he glances around the room, his eyes naturally falling on the huge tree at the back of the greenhouse. Being the most prominent thing in the small, enclosed room has certain advantages, the Tree emits vaguely.

Posted by Vision on 5/27/2003, 7:12 pm
The shadow draws her attention for a moment, but doesn't distract her for long, as it's safely past the doors when she looks. The thought of sending him back to class briefly crosses her mind, as she's still feeling a bit guilty for coming and distracting him. However she's enjoying herself too much to send him away now. Aah.. She thinks simply, continuing with her charade of not knowing what he was commenting on.

Posted by Genesis on 5/27/2003, 7:20 pm
He mentally rolls his eyes, but douses that thought of sending him back to class. Have you any idea what it's like to try and hide from people in a classroom where you're supposed to be available to answer questions? He sighs theatrically, bringing a hand up across his eyes for drama.

Posted by Vision on 5/27/2003, 7:31 pm
Vision chuckles aloud, then answers mentally, Not a clue. But I do know that when I most want to be left alone there's a billion people in my office demanding attention. Her tail twitches, and for a moment Vision doesn't recognize the danger in that. Then she realizes she was currently at Genesis's work chatting with him, and she's half into her real form. Aie, you're not at home... You could cause a great deal of trouble if someone paused to look in the window... Thinking to herself.

Posted by Genesis on 5/27/2003, 9:48 pm
He laughs at that, nodding in agreement. It occurs to him then that he doesn't really know -where- Vision works. He tilts his head and mentally voices the question.. more like a feeling of curiosity than real words.
He catches her concern and is quick to remedy the problem. He points with his free hand to the windows, which are cloudy. No one would really be able to see into the green house any more than faint shadows. And the green of her natural form might even be better camoflauge to the green of the background foliage. He shrugs though, since it wouldn't really change anything either way.

Vision on 5/29/2003
Vision names one of the smaller, but still well-known tech companies. Carried along with is the vague suggestion that she's fairly high up in the management of it. It would certainly explain her loft apartment, and all her tech toys.
The shifter glances towards the windows, she hadn't noticed before that they were clouded. Well, that's a relief.. Still, she's far from comfortable in her real form in anything that even vaguely resembles a public space, and makes the effort to lose the tail. Her eyes, however, retain their intense shade of green. Vision must have caught some of Genesis's thoughts on the matter at some point.
Excuse me, Vision? Comes the hesitant intrusion. My apologies for interrupting.. but could you possibly give me a bit of a hand? It would appear Paradox is in need of some help.

Genesis on 5/29/2003
Aha! He laughs aloud at that, nodding his respect for her position.. and how much she must know to have gotten it. Fun, eh? he asks, amused. That really did explain alot.. like her expertise in that particular area.
Genesis feels the geist of Paradox's message through the link and blinks. Now that's odd.. he had seemed like the least likely person to call for help. Hmm, must be serious..

Posted by Vision on 5/30/2003, 6:59 pm
When I don't have a billion people in my office, yes. She replies, smiling. Vision blinks at Paradox's message, faintly annoyed with the interuption and somewhat worried as well. What's wrong?
You remember that picture of me in the paper awhile ago?
The demonic mutant continues, At the time we thought that it would probably be trouble, but nothing every happened with it? Well... I think it's suddenly become an issue again.
Vision blinks again, looking somewhat alarmed.
I've got a small mob roaming the woods in search of the demon-mutant. I believe they're armed with some of the new anti-mutant tech, and a small splinter of the group is pratically sitting on the exit to my lair.... I just hope the don't catch Centauri..

Posted by Genesis on 6/3/2003, 2:15 pm
Genesis blinks once, twice in quick sequence, startled. Talk about an emergency!
The memory of a mob of humans tromping through the forest in search of a different mutant flashes clearly in his mind, and for a moment he's not sure where that memory had come from. Could it be something he'd picked up from Vision? No.. not likely... And there's no time to dwell on it now at any rate.
Where? he inquires of Vision. He also wonders if she'd be able to transport them to near that area, but doesn't ask directly; she'll probably pick it up through the link, seeing as how they're still in very close proximity.

Posted by Vision on 6/3/2003, 6:14 pm
There's not that many, maybe ten or fifteen, no more then six sitting on my front door. I would just give them a demon to chase.. but with the unknown state of the technology, I'm not really certain that's wise... Paradox trails off.
Vision nods in agreement. No, don't do anything.. I'll see if I can find a way to scare them off for you.. In reply to Genesis's question, the shifter brings up a mental image of the area, doing a quick mental search for any area they might be able to pop in without landing themselves in trouble.

Posted by Genesis on 6/3/2003, 7:24 pm
Good idea to stay out of sight.. no telling what they may have in the way of technology. He shudders inwardly at what some of the people he'd talked to recently had said about new mutant-targeting tech.
Gen follows her thought-map, generally keeping out of the way. He has no controll over the transportation, but he figures he'd be able to help when they get there.

Posted by Vision on 6/3/2003, 8:34 pm
Vision thinks for a moment longer, then prepares to teleport them, before she realizes that the door is still locked. "Should we unlock the door before we go?" She suggests, any other instructor would have keys, but there might be a student that needed access. Although she isn't sure that the door is supposed to be unlocked. Since she was hauling Genesis away she's doing her best to make sure he doesn't get in trouble.

Genesis on 6/3/2003
He shakes his head "It doesn't matter, it really should've been locked anyway." he has no idea how those students got in, since it's generally kept closed except for classes and special experiments. "Well, shall we?" he holds out an arm, a wry smile lighting his eyes.

Vision on 6/3/2003
Vision replies with a simple nod, taking his arm and teleporting them. She'd been more then half tempted to wrap both her arms around Genesis's waist. The shifter's thoughts are tending towards ways to make sure that Breya's flirting is completely banished from Genesis's mind.
The two arrive in what appears to be a small cottage.

Genesis on 6/3/2003
And such a banishment would be most welcome, actually. But his mind is currently on the problem at hand. He decides that it'd be best for now not to give away their position, incase there were other humans within hearing range, so he uses the link to communicate. Where are we? And how far away is Paradox and the search party/mob?

Vision on 6/3/2003
In a cottage close to the woods. Paradox's home isn't more then a ten minute walk in that direction..
She answers with gestures absently of one hand. Half into her own form once again the shifter drops to the floor and slinks over to the windows and peers outward, listening intently. It doesn't sound like anything of the action is going on around here..

Genesis on 6/3/2003
He nods, surveying his surroundings, both inside and outside. His new empathic talent comes in handy now.. There are people between us and him. Maybe three.. they're not close, but we'll have to get past them. He can also sense the flow of energy in the forest. Most of it is channeled to and from the trees, but slight disturbances, like eddies in a current of air, tell him exactly where all of the people in this forest are. Including Paradox, even though he's out of sight.
Genesis reaches out with a hand and a tendril of thought to Vision, touching her shoulder so she can see exactly what he sees.

Posted by Vision on 6/3/2003, 10:23 pm
Vision straightens, her mood much improved with the realization that they wouldn't have to depend on her senses to get them to Paradox. She would have to be in her natural form for her to be of any use in that department, and she didn't exactly revel the idea of walking around as a green furball at the moment. Returning to her human form, the shifter studys the scene before her with narrowed eyes.
Alone, she would have no problem getting through the woods. Shifting, and then keeping mostly out of sight would hopefully keep her out of the sights of the anti-mutant weapons. With Genesis, however, it was going to be more difficult.

Posted by Genesis on 6/3/2003, 11:54 pm
I think I can avoid them, he sends her then, along with a mental image of him sensing their presence and going around it. It may be a little draining, but I think it's worth it.. if I can get to where Paradox is I can make a defence around him... Another mental image accompanies this idea, of impassable foliage around his home.. completely natural, and looking as if it's like that all the way through, but realy a sort of hollow 'ball' of dense foliage.

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 12:02 am
Vision smiles, relieved, her worries about Genesis's safety eased. She tilts her head slightly, a mental grin accompanying her thoughts, that would work perfectly, considering his home..

Posted by Genesis on 6/4/2003, 2:20 pm
Genesis nods, pleased that she approves of the concept. So, what's the plan? He decides that since Vision knows the area better than he does she should be in charge.. he can always pass along information (like where the members of the mob are) at any time.

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 2:36 pm
She ponders this for a moment. First get over to Paradox's, then scare off anyone hanging around his home, I think.. Then check on Centauri.. As long as Centauri didn't run out of forest to flee through, no human would be able to catch him.

Posted by Genesis on 6/4/2003, 2:48 pm
Genesis nods, re-checking his mental map of the disturbances in the energy flow. You lead, I'll follow, he sends her, a mix of nervous anticipation and faint mirth coloring his mental voice.
He begins calling pockets of energy, an easy thing to do here in midst of nature's primal flow.

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 8:15 pm
Okay... Is the simple reply as Vision slinks towards the door. Despite the fact that she knows no one is close, she scans the woods before exiting the cottage. She hasn't reverted to her natural form, but her movement carries more then a hint of her usual feline grace. Just watching her move might give the shifter away..

Posted by Genesis on 6/4/2003, 9:32 pm
Genesis watches, following her outside and re-checking his mental map. There was a group of three or four meandering in their general direction, but they were a ways away yet, and they didn't seem to know there was anyone else out here. Other than the people they're searching for, that is.
He contacts Vision with a question About where would Centauri be? And how big is he, about? he wants to see if he can find the boy and keep the search party away from him, or vice versa.

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 9:37 pm
Roughly seven feet tall.. Vision's slight amusement carries clearly, she doubted that was quite the answer Genesis expected to receive. Although she supposed that Genesis might have done some thinking why exactly Centauri's call name is what it is. Heavy horse sized.. She continues in the direction of Paradox's home.

Posted by Genesis on 6/4/2003, 9:53 pm
He blinks, but that's all he shows of his surprise. Hmm.. though he should've realized that Centauri = centaur.. concentrates on the mental map of energy disturbances, and spots him almost right away. Next to Paradox, Centauri is the largest moving entity in the area. Uh oh.. he shows her the map.. complete with a pair of humans moving toward where Centauri is. They're about a hundred yards from him, and moving slowly. Do you think they'll find him?

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 9:56 pm
Considering Centauri's size and usual complete and utter lack of grace.. Even norms should have no trouble hearing him.. The shifter answers with a slight frowns, Hopefully he'll hear them first and take off. At least then they'll have trouble catching him... Unless they have guns of some sort.. Then this could get nasty..

Genesis on 6/4/2003
He wishes he could tell if they were carrying anything, but the disturbances in force-lines that he's reading don't give many details. So what's first? he means whether to move to help Paradox of Centauri first, or the option comes that they could do both.. split up?

Posted by Vision on 6/4/2003, 10:27 pm
Vision slows slightly, thinking. They would get the most done if they split up. She could help Centauri, while Genesis grew the barrier around Paradox's home.. However, she loathes the idea of sending Genesis off alone. How would he deal with the group lurking near the underground lair? The situation with Centauri was definitely the more urgent, unless the situation with Paradox changed.... Difficult decision.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Genesis waits for her decision, keeping track of both situations. Absently, he reaches into his pocket for a couple specials, and blinks when his fingers only close aroung one. Oops... He'd nearly forgotten that he needed to make more. Oh well, no help for it now, he'd just have to figure something out if the need arose.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Centauri first, I think, with all the haste we can manage.... Vision says, suiting her actions to her words, or rather, thoughts. She'd caught his observations on his shortage of specials, and certainly wasn't sending him off like that. Then off to deal with the group near Paradox's home..

Genesis on 6/6/2003
He nods. That's just fine with him; he'd much rather have her at his side with this shortage than be off on his own anyway. Heh.. He follows, showing the quickest way to Centauri, while still going around the humans near him. It would take them to a rocky, open area.. possibly up above what ever trail Centauri was following, though he can't tell for sure.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Vision continues along, her ears twitching at every slight noise despite the fact that she's entirely in human form at the moment. Pausing for a moment, she listens intently for sounds of the half horse mutant. Certainly if he was close he'd be making a lot of noise as he moved.
The sound of something large moving through the trees announces Centauri's presence awhile before the mutant bursts into view, moving at high speed.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Gen stops when he sees the boy, readying his special for the humans that are fairly close and getting closer, drawn by Centauri's noisy flight. He's a little startled at Centauri's sudden appearance, but gets over that quickly, turning to the trees and mapping the humans' progress. He doesn't realize he still has his white lab coat on, or what effect it, along with his purposeful expression, might have on the boy.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Centauri cranes his head to look behind him, and nearly ends up on his face as he catches a hoof in a protruding root. The stumble draws his eyes back to the 'path' and bringing Genesis to his attention. The reaction is immediate, with all his bad experiences with labs, the mere sight of the white coat is enough to send him into a panic.
Vision curses under her breath as Centauri goes nuts. What had set him off now? The shifter scans the area, concerned that something dangerous had snuck up on them. It takes her a moment, but she eventually realizes what had alarmed Centauri so. Upset with herself for not remembering Centauri's justified fear of everything lab related, the shifter dashes forward. There had to be something she could do to calm the large half-horse mutant.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Genesis is rather shocked himself, checking and re-checking his mental map of the area. Nothing that should alarm him like that.. nothing at all in the area except for the trees, the two of them, and Centauri. He's careful to keep away from the boy's large body for fear of being injured. When Vision realizes what is wrong he senses through the link and winces. Oops. It's probably too late to just take the jacket off and fix it that way, but he does that anyway and tries to project calming feeling to Centauri.

Vision on 6/6/2003
The projected feeling of calm helps the horse mutant bit, so does the pine cone Vision scoops off the forest floor and whips at him. Having a pine cone rebound off his nose with a fair amount of force is an odd enough occurrence in the current situation that the shifters demands actually reach him. He blinks, relaxing enough that he falls mostly still, only shivering a bit.
Vision sighs in relief. "Sorry for startling you.." She apologizes. "This is Genesis..." Since Centauri obviously recognizes the name, she doesn't bother to continue. "Genesis, Centauri.." The exchange of names is finished hurriedly, as she knows they don't have much time. "Now, we just have to take care of the idiots following you, then we can get back to help your cousin..."

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Relieved now that that crisis is dealt with, he re-checks the energy map. They're comming... he can sense the humans comming nearer, moving faster when they hit that open area.. must be a clearing. He passes on that information to Vision, letting her see the mental map again. What's the plan?

Vision on 6/6/2003
She frowns in thought, studying the mental map. "Centauri, any idea what they have with them for weapons?"
Centauri steps back a bit, "No idea.." He answers quietly, obviously nervous.
The shifter makes a thoughtful noise. "Perhaps we can simply sneak past them.. An afternoon of useless searching might cool their enthusiasm." Vision nods to herself, then glances at Genesis and Centauri to see if they have anything to add.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Gen shrugs. He's not at all sure... they'd obviously heard Centauri crashing through the underbrush, but if they played it right, they might be fooled into thinking it was a wild horse.. or even a deer. But in the meantime, the're getting closer... We'll have to hurry, not matter what we end up doing... he sends to Vision, glancing toward where they would emerge from the underbrush if they didn't.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Right. Since Centauri has nothing to offer, Vision gestures in the direction with the least amount of people in it and starts off. While she walks, she shifts, remembering a mutant she once knew with the ability to play with sound. If she could deaden the noise of their passage, they might actually get away with this. Assuming that those searching had nothing that would detect mutant powers in use...

Genesis on 6/6/2003
He senses what she's up to and approves, wishing that he could tell if they had any advanced machinery. It occurs to him that Vision might be able to tell, if she had his senses, since she's more attuned to electronic devices.. or at least would know their presence if she encountered it. He 'voices' the idea to her mentally as they hurry along.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Her eyes are orange when she looks at Genesis, obviously a result of her shifting. Vision perks a bit at the idea, thinking it rather brilliant. Concentrating on the Genesis, she searches around, looking for hints of advanced technology.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Now that feels a little strange... he can feel her shift through the link, and for a moment it's as if he's looking at himself.. sort of. He lets her see how he views the area, especially focusing on sensing the humans, then leaves it to her, retreating slightly to watch, faintly amused.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Catching his sense of looking at himself, Vision is faintly amused for a moment. However, she soon has to turn all her attention to her task. Her eyes are green now, Genesis would recognize the shade from looking in the mirror. A sense of organic material wasn't really meant for the search of technology, but it was better then any other sense she had. With a frown of concentration she searches the woods, discovering only that they carried with them something she couldn't identify.

Genesis on 6/6/2003
Genesis follows her thought process, and thinks.. there should be a way to isolate the energy from electrical devices... He nearly runs headlong into a tree before comming back to the present and dodging. After that, he figures it's best if he keeps his eyes on where he's going while running, and let Vision figure out what details she can.

Vision on 6/6/2003
Vision nearly smacks into a tree herself, but Centauri manages to steer her away from the collision. Not having even noticed, Vision continues to search, finding two more of the unknown devices. One was with the group behind them, another with the group by Paradox's and the last was with another group a distance away. One among the three was slightly different, she assumed it did something different. If only she could find out what exactly they did! Eventually realizing that she was basically running blind, Vision gives up for the moment and opens her eyes just in time to avoid another tree.

Posted by Genesis on 6/10/2003, 9:42 pm
Gen almost swerves into her to get her away from that tree before she wakes up. He sends a little pulse of energy along the mental link, along with a questing feel... Did you find anything?
They're nearing where he feels Paradox's presence, he knows that, but he has no idea what he's looking for. Would the demonic mutant live in a cabin, or something? He has no clue, except what Vision might send along the link, but he readies a pocket of energy for the effort ahead. He'd never really tried to grow a barrier before.. except for that time in the simulator when he caught those wolf-ish creatures. This would likely be a bit different. Not nessisarily harder, because here in nature he was in his element, with the lines of life flowing around him. But he wouldn't be using his own specials, either, having to rely on what the forest has to offer.
It would probably be slow work, too. He sighs, pulling his thoughts back together to keep from falling flat as he runs.

Posted by Vision on 6/10/2003, 10:36 pm
Yes, sort of.. She passes on the information she gathered, thinking hard. There had to be some way to get the group by Paradox's away from the area. She just wished she could think of something better then acting as bait so Genesis could do his thing in peace. The shifter continues to speed along, moving easily now that she's got her eyes open.

Posted by Genesis on 6/10/2003, 10:51 pm
Hm.. he hadn't thought about that. He didn't think he liked the idea of sending Vision off as bait either. The only other thing he can think of... Oh, wait.. what if she were to shift to a mutant who could project illusions.. like Fantim?

Posted by Vision on 6/10/2003, 11:04 pm
Vision perks a bit, catching the idea and pondering it. The idea would work, as long as none of the technology could accurately pin-point the source of a mutant power.. The shifter worries about that for awhile, then realizes it's pointless to concern herself over it now. She wouldn't really discover the problems involved until she tried it.

Posted by Genesis on 6/10/2003, 11:32 pm
Genesis begins to slow.. they're nearig the area now and caution would be advised. He can sense the humans around him, but they still have that unknown technology... I hope you're ready.. He sends the mental map to her through the link, showing the human search party and Paradox's locations.

Posted by Vision on 6/10/2003, 11:39 pm
As ready as I can be.. Vision replies, sounding a bit tense. She shifts a bit, thinking of the only illusion producing mutant she knows, Fantim. With that she ponders what illusion she should create. One that looks like Paradox would certainly lure them away, but it might be allowing them to get a little too close to the truth... Of course, if the illusion made it look like they'd killed Paradox it just might work...
Belatedly she remembers Centauri, and gestures for him to remain where he is. The half horse mutant pauses to eye the area nervously, his ears flicking around like mad to snap in the direction of every little sound.

Posted by Genesis on 6/24/2003, 7:04 pm
As he readys himself for the effort ahead, Genesis takes a quick peek inside her thought process, gives a mental nod, and then a possible suggestion. What did the image of Paradox look like? How vague or different from the truth can you make your illusion? He sends along a mental image of something that looks vaguely like a black, flying, dragon-like creature. And a questioning feeling as the image of the vague, dark, dragonish-creature running through the trees chased by a group of humans, then being shot and falling into a pit, or a lake, or over a cliff. That way they'd have no way to be suspicious when they try to move the illusional Paradox...

Posted by Vision on 6/24/2003, 11:46 pm
The picture in the paper was extremely blurry, and from a distance.. As long as it's large, dark and possess bat like wings I should be able to do anything I want.. She ponders that for a moment, then answers the rest of it. Yes... There's a cliff not too far from here that might work.. She'd have to ask Centauri to be certain. Now the only difficultly was in creating a convincing illusion..

Posted by Genesis on 8/28/2003, 7:21 pm Genesis nodds and leaves her to that job, returning his thoughts to how he is supposed to get near enough to Paradox's tree to seal it off. He has enough energy stored up now to do it, but not from any kind of distance. He isn't too proud to admit that he's a terrible tracker, and would probably end up making more noise than the hunters if he tried to be stealthy. If only he could be more like.. well, like Vision and her sisters--catlike, stealthy. And able to shape-shift. Oh well.. wishing isn't going to get him anywhere fast, so he turns his mind back on the subject. He could wait untill they had passed and then sneak in around them... but what if they left someone behind in case of a decoy? Hm.
When he could think of no alternative, he tentatively put the question to Vision, hoping that she might have an idea.

Posted by Vision on 8/28/2003, 9:03 pm
The shifter asks Centauri about the land in the area around them, and is pleased to hear that there is a fairly steep cliff not far from their current position. Vision ponders this for a moment. I could set the illusion, then come with you. I should be able to.. handle anyone that's left behind.. Hopefully the natural weapons of her natural form would offset the fact that any mutant hunter that saw her would shoot on sight. Or.. Centauri could go with you.. She studies the half horse mutant thoughtfully.

Posted by Genesis on 10/16/2003, 3:46 pm
Somehow he doubted that would work.. he knew that his sister needed to work with the person or persons she creates the illusion for as long as the image was working. Sort of like molding clay, he'd always thought.. she would nudge the mind in this direction, suggest something here or there; the actual illusion was more getting the mind to believe what she told it than actuall creating anything. So Vision would need her entire concentration focused untill the end, and that wouldn't help him.
And as for Centauri.. first of all, he doesn't want to endanger the young mutant any more than he already was, and besides, two people messing about in the woods would make more noise than one.
No, the only thing he can think of to ensure everyone as much safety as possible is to go alone. Oh well. Maybe the hunters will all be fooled and follow the illusion to it's 'death'..

Posted by Vision on 10/16/2003, 6:21 pm
Vision frowns worriedly as she picks that observation up. She wasn't pleased with the idea that her entire attention would have to be focused on the illusion. Genesis and Centauri didn't have any experience with this sort of thing, she wasn't comfortable with the idea of leaving them on their own. Centauri especially, could make things extremely difficult if his horse half panicked.
She's even less pleased with the idea of Genesis going alone. True, Centauri was a complete klutz, but he could also take bullets without any major permanent harm, something that couldn't be said of Genesis.
The shifter's brain goes into overdrive, seeking a way to keep them both safe. Something Genesis thought earlier clicks into place and she almost smiles. Centauri she couldn't do anything about, but Genesis, at least, she might be able to help. Shall I? She asks the the plant mage. knowing that he probably caught a lot of her thoughts.

Posted by Genesis on 10/16/2003, 6:30 pm
Genesis smiles faintly as he follows her mental processes. It really is the best solution.. Go right ahead, m'lady, he sends back, along with a mental bow.

Posted by Vision on 10/16/2003, 6:33 pm
Mentally gathering her resources Vision goes to trigger the change using the borrowed ability that Genesis has seen in action before. She's making every effort to attempt to grant his previous vague wish, to temporarily give him a form more like her own. His own thoughts would influence the specifics of his form, little but the basic idea of the ability for quick and silent feline motion was set, along with a faster set of reactions and better natural weapons. The male's form would shift and change to suddenly be replaced with something entirely different. ~*~
The shifter nearly collapses once she's finished. She'd forgotten something thing, namely the amount of energy such a thing would require. She might have enough juice left to power an illusion, then she'd be looking forward to returning home and collapsing.
Or maybe just collapsing...
No. With a effort of pure will, Vision manages to remain standing. I will finish this. Her attention turns to seeing the details of what exactly she's done to Genesis.
There's a moment of worry, what had she done? Genesis was now a monster like herself. But it's only temporary. She reassures herself. The positive side of things will hopefully keep him safe.. Everything would be fine..
As long as she was around to turn him back.

Posted by Genesis on 10/16/2003, 8:08 pm
A shiver went down his spine as he shifted. Now that was an interesting sensation. When he realizes that he'd shut his eyes, he opens them, and is momentarily surprised that the forest had gotten so much brighter suddenly. Then it occurred to him that cat's eyes were much better in the dark than human eyes. So it must've worked.. he catches onto Vision's predicament about then and acts almost without thinking, sending a thread of energy along their shared link. Enough to make sure she really won't collapse at any given second, but not too much that he both depletes his store and overloads her system. Are you alright? he asks, worry seeping through the link.
As he moves closer, to make sure that she really isn't going to fall over, he catches a glimpst of his hand. Instead of human skin, faintly tanned from working outside so often, he sees rich, deep grey fur. He flexes and wicked looking claws extend from his fingers. Fascinated, he turns his hand over and inspects his palm, which looks rather familiar; he's seen Vision's hands while she was shifted into her true form. It really did work!
Genesis pulls upthe sleve of hiswhite lab coat and eyes the thick, soft fur covering his arm. Black and grey fur, speckled with a wildcat's markings. In leaf green. Well, at least he wouldn't have to worry about camoflauge. He reflexively flicks his ear at a distand sound, then blinks when he realises he has Vision's catlike, tufted ears. His tail lashes--his black and green striped tail-- and he pins his ears back, sheepishly. Here he is examining his new senses and he'd completely forgotten about his mission. You'd better keep me on track, else I might just study all these new senses untill the cows come home, he sends with a fair ammount of mirth.
If he could look in a mirror, Genesis would see markings on his face and what shows of his neck very much like an egyptian mau. And large, black and green tufted ears. His vibrant green eyes are the same, however, only slited, catlike pupils wide in the dim light.

Posted by Vision and Centauri on 10/16/2003, 8:30 pm
Fine.. She replies, sounding decidedly dazed. Vision's just staring. The shifter moves towards him, one hand lifting slowly. She recalls herself just in time, dropping her hand before it reaches his fur and begins to trace the spotted markings. She's half caught between complete fascination and a sort of distant dismay. Much of the last is eased when she sees that his eyes haven't changed. But who's going to keep me on track? She asks, still sounding a bit stunned. Then she realizes what she said, and the underlying thoughts that probably accompanied it and blushes. Not to mention there probably aren't many cows around here.. It could be awhile before they come home.. The shifter adds in an attempt to relieve some of her embarrassment by eclipsing her first comment with a flippant remark.
Centauri, who had been unaware of the entire exchange, glances back and nearly has a heart attack. One glance at Vision's expression gives him a fair hint to who the new feline mutant is and how he got that way.. Although the reasoning behind it escapes him. He's also pretty sure that he better pretend he didn't see Vision blushing like that just now. He really didn't want Vision to rescue his cousin, then decide to kill him.

Posted by Genesis on 10/20/2003, 2:34 pm
Somewhere at the back of his mind he's vaguely disappointed that Vision hadn't completed that move. Might have felt.. nice to have her fingers running through his fur.
That thought is so unusual it makes him realize just what he was thinking. Hmm.. or maybe it was the little vague hints of underlying thoughs he'd gotten from Vision. Either way, both are pushed to the side in a moment, to be inspected later, as he smiles at her last remark. True, true.. and that wouldn't help anyone, would it? he chuckles mentally.
When Centauri turns to see them he flicks an ear and glances quickly in the boy's direction. Genesis had almost forgotten about him. We should get moving, he says to Vision, listening hard and casting about with is empathy for the hunters. Shall we meet at Paradox's when this is all over? He reaches out a hand --paw?-- to her for a quick goodbie, an innocent handshake for good luck when viewed from the outside. However, in view of the fact that their shared link grows stronger with physical contact...

Posted by Vision on 10/20/2003, 6:13 pm
Yes.. She replies, an answer to both the comment about getting moving and the suggestion that they meet at Paradox's after. The shifter takes his hand, faintly amused by the reversal of their usual appearances. At the moment she looks human, while Genesis is the one covered in fur..
She winces as something else occurs to her. She'd done one other thing when she'd changed his outward form, aside from giving him heightened senses... She'd also made him an obvious target for any mutant hunter out there...

Posted by Genesis on 10/20/2003, 7:19 pm
The moment their fingers meet the link is strengthened so much that they might actually experience a bit of disorientation, seeing things through the other's eyes. Must be all the energy cracking in the air, Genesis thought somewhat dazedly. He can hear Vision's worry distinctly, but that aspect of his transformation doesn't bother him as much as it probably should. He was fairly sure he could move faster than humans in this form, and he was camoflauged. Or at least his fur was. But his jeans and t-shirt wouldn't make too much noise as they shifted together, and they were dark enough. And he'd leave his white lab coat here. At any rate, never one to worry, he shunted that aside and focused on the moment, all of those thoughts having fired off within the space of a split second.
He sends a sense of reassurance along the link. Everything would come out right. Then a mental smile, warm and sure, and right on it's heels, half hidden behind his still-uncertain mental barriers so that perhaps it's trying to remain a secret, a feeling of -- if not love, then deep trust and respect. He aparently doesn't realize his barriers are so transparent, else he might not have initiated this kind of contact.

Posted by Vision on 10/20/2003, 7:58 pm Faster then your common human, yes, but not faster then a bullet. Vision thinks worriedly to him, she knows the limitations of her form. Be careful, please..His thought about things coming out all right receives a fervent wish that it actually happens that way. However, she doesn't trust fate to cooperate.
Probably equally transparent to him is her vague thought, quickly snuffed for fear of making it come about by thinking it, is observation that she wouldn't know what she would do if anything happened to him. Slightly more in character for her usual tough exterior is her addition, If you get yourself killed I'll... She trails off at the realization that she can't kill someone who's already dead. Evidently she can't settle for merely expressing her displeasure at the idea, a threat of some sort needs to be involved. ^^; However, the feeling behind it is true, even if the delivery needs some work.

Posted by Genesis on 10/20/2003, 8:19 pm
He chuckles mentally, giving her hand a faint squeeze as he replies, with no little ammount of mirth, Faster than a speeding human, able to leap tall trees in a couple bounds.. It's a shadow..! It's a cat..! No, it's Almost-Super-Cat-Man! he can't help but smile now. Don't worry about me, if you must worry, you can worry about getting as many of those hunters to believe your illusion as possible. He reaches his other hand up without thinking to brush a strand of hair that had strayed across her forhead. Then, as though just then remembering why they were here, he goes on brusquely. And we'll never get anywhere if we don't get going. After a bit of hesitation he drops his hand, severing the close connection.
He puts one hand to a tree trunk, tentatively flexing his claws. He knows the relative idea of the whole climbing thing, but he hadn't climbed a tree since he was very young. And he'd never had claws and thick paw-pads to work with, either. Or a tail.

Posted by Vision on 10/20/2003, 8:46 pm
He actually gets a smile out of her with that. Of course, she's still worrying, just making a better effort to hide it. She studies him for a long moment, green eyes serious. Any effort to convince him she's not worrying about him would pretty much go right out the proverbial window at that. Point... She agrees with the remark that they'd better get moving and turns to Centauri, " Head over to Paradox's in awhile.. Hopefully we'll have cleared them out by then.."
Centauri blinks at her, "What exactly is your definition of 'awhile'? "
"Hopefully something between a hour and an eternity." She replies with wry amusement. " One hopes for your sake that it's closer to a hour then an eternity."
Centauri has better sense then to ask more questions. Until Vision spoke he'd been doing his best to be invisible and not gawk at the shifter acting so out of character.
Vision's attention had returned to Genesis, and she's half hiding a smile behind her hand as she sees what he's up to. This could be rather entertaining.. Or at least it might be if they weren't in such a serious situation..
The smile fades, but Vision spares a moment to wonder if Genesis ended up with palms and soles that stuck to things, and the prehensile tail. Oh well, they would find out soon enough. She really should be focusing her attentions on creating the best distraction in existence so none of the norms will even have the vaguest idea that Genesis is around.

Posted by Genesis on 10/21/2003, 12:43 pm Genesis is surprised that he can climb quite easily if he doesn't think too much about it. Sort of like crawling on the floor.. that is, if the floor was vertical. His paw-pads seem to stick right to the tree without effort or thought, and come loose when he wants them to. It would be interesting to see if Vision had this particular adaptation.. and he's rather amused to sense distantly that she's thinking almost exactly the same question about him. He chuckles softly and continues to climb, his black and green banded tail reflexively wrapping around the nearest branch as he reaches it.
Well that was fast. He shucks his blindingly white coat and folds it carefully, storing it in a space in the tree at the base of his branch. Then he peers down to where Vision and Centauri are and salutes. Good luck, he sends, and even manages to forward a little hope and courage to Centauri by using his empathy. Then he's off, moving as silently as he can among the trees, following the mental map in his mind toward Paradox's tree.
He's confused for a moment that the trees seem to be letting him pass without disturbance, and once when he'd accidentally mis-stepped, the branch that had been too weak to support him strengthened and bore his weight without a crackle to betray his presence. Then it occurrs to him: he is trailing this huge collection of energy, some of it must leak, and the seemingly miraculous happenings are really the forest's reaction to that energy.
Interesting. He would have studied it more, but at about that time he reaches the outer limits of theHunters' search area. He pauses, then moves forward slowly and carefully, casting about for their presences, hoping that Vision's illusion is already in effect..

Posted by Vision on 10/21/2003, 5:40 pm
Vision salutes back, Good luck! Centauri is a bit slow, his reply salute is probably missed by Genesis as he's already moving. "I suggest you find a place to hide for awhile, Centauri.." Vision says quietly. Once she's sure he's gone she finds a hiding spot of her own, and sits down mostly out of sight. With a few breaths to focus she eventually turns to finding the minds of the hunters around her. The shifter searches them all out, going as quickly as she dares while still being careful.
Once she's certain she's found them all she collects her thoughts and begins to influence first one group, then another until she has all the hunters under the belief that some dark, unnatural animal is stalking through the woods around them. Originally uncertain as to whether she should make it appear to be a humanoid or a beast she'd finally chosen the later. The farther from the truth, the better. She's also careful to keep the illusion beast low. It wouldn't do to have the hunters scan the trees and spot Genesis.

Posted by Genesis on 10/21/2003, 6:34 pm
Genesis's mind settles on one group of hunters, moving vaguely in his direction. He's just about to move on so they don't happen upon him (since he still isn't sure about their weaponry or mutant-sensing equimpent he's going to keep at least a hundred hards beween himself and any hunter) when the suddenly stop. He can sense their fear, then anger, then excitement as they take up the trail of -something-. Well, the illusion must be up and working then. Else someone got careless.He doesn't want to think about the latter, so he assumes the former. As soon as the area is clear, he moves on cautiously, wary of possible traps the hunters may have set, be they primative or advanced.
So he's relatively surprised when he sets of an alarm. It's nothing human ears would be able to hear, or even some animal ears. It's so low pitched it vibrates more than is heard, but it will attract anyone with the right sensory to pick it up. Which means it was set -and monitored- by the hunters. Genesis curses himself mentally for being careless, but since he still can't see the device, it's probably well hidden and he'd just waste more time shutting it off than he would just getting out of the area. He only hopes there's no tracking device in the thing.
He moves quickly now, heading for Paradox's tree, leaping from tree to tree and traveling along in the branches almost without thought. He can sense a pair of the hunters breaking away from those following the illusionary beast, heading in his direction. They're still far away, and he'll probably reach his destination before they reach him, but this is really cutting it close.

Posted by Vision on 10/21/2003, 7:17 pm
There's a bit of a tense moment as one of the searching groups nearly stumbles upon Centauri. The sudden reappearance of the beast the mob is hunting draws their attention away from the faint rustle of the underbrush just in time. Heaving a sigh of relief Vision returns to drawing all the groups together. That's about when Genesis hits the alarm, and Vision blinks as two of the hunters turn away. Seeking the reason for their sudden path change she's rather appalled by the discovery that Genesis is at the root of it. Thinking quickly the shifter adds an image of a squirrel to the branch Genesis was on, hoping that the equipment could actually be triggered by a mere rodent. If not she was going to have to randomly make it a mutant squirrel or something.
She's slowly bringing all the groups together as she directs the illusion towards the cliffs. If the two hunters would just return to the group, all would catch the finale, and then hopefully they would go home. Or she could just leave the two alone, and hope that they eventually lost interest. Would the sounds of their triumphant companions be enough to get them off Genesis's tail?

Posted by Genesis on 10/21/2003, 7:36 pm
With one final leap Genesis closes in on the area he'll be working with the vegetation. He needs to get to the center, where Paradox's tree is, but he doesn't want to startle him unessesarily. He sits still a moment, everwatchful of the still approaching humans (they should be reaching the tree with the device soon), gathering himself for the effort. Paradox is somewhat telepathic, so it shouldn't be too hard, but still. He reaches out with his mind, concentrates, centers upon the life energy he can sense within that relatively normal looking tree, and sends a question feeling, as though asking if he can approach. Hopefully the demonic mutant will 'hear' him and realize who it is.

Posted by Vision on 10/21/2003, 7:46 pm
~And the cavalry arrives!~ Is the mutant's reply. ~I suppose you want in?~ He comments, and opens the door if the answer is yes. Vision, meanwhile, is doing everything possible to distract the two without allowing her other illusion to flicker. The main group is getting closer to the cliffs now..

Posted by Genesis on 10/21/2003, 8:11 pm
With a burst of releif Genesis leaps from his perch and strides to the door quickly. The two would find the alarm soon, and he hopes they dont have anything that might be able to track him here. He has no clue, of course, of the squirrel illusion, and even if he would have, he still would have been cautious.
He's also forgotten about his appearance. He had adapted to this form to get here as soon as possible, so now it feels comfortable enough that the fact that he looks -very- different from the last time Paradox had seen him completely slips his mind.
So he sets right to work, sure that he'll be safe within the tree, and by the time he reaches the door the path that he'd followed to this clearing is choked with foliage. Even if his followers were still on the trail, they'd never get through without major equipment.

Posted by Paradox and Vision on 10/21/2003, 8:21 pm
Paradox blinks at the sight of Genesis. For a moment he'd almost thought it was Vision's brother, the nasty one Centauri ran into. The feeling of the mind outside his door, however, was too unique to Genesis for him to have any real doubts. ~That's an interesting look for you..~ He comments finally, completely unable to resist making a remark of some sort. The demonic mutant doesn't need to ask who's responsible, he can guess.
Vision is building up for the end. Figuring that the hunters would be less likely to stick around if given the opportunity to actually shoot something first, she settles the beast into a slightly slower lope. The sound of gunfire echo's through the woods, disturbing every living creature that hasn't already fled the area.

Posted by Genesis on 10/22/2003, 2:28 am
Look? Genesis pauses a split second wonderint what he meant by that before realizing that it wasn't his lack of white coat. Paradox was talking about. Oh, oops. "Ah, yeah.. the thing was.." he pauses just then, sensing some unusual activity on the edge of his carefully grown barrier. Apparently he'd be able to test his work right away.

Posted by Genesis on 10/22/2003, 7:35 pm
The two men at the border of his still-thikening defense pause, then try to make their way around what looks to them to be nothing more than a dense thicket. They trace their way around, and Genesis follows them with the defense, strenghtening branches, growing vines in so thick that light can't even get through. The men don't see it happen, because Genesis keeps ahead of them, but they must be getting suspicious, for here and there they try to push through the thick undergrowh.
Genesis keeps the barrier going in a roughly circular shape around the clearing, his eyes closed tight as he visualizes the area and controlls and directs the energy to where it will do the most good. He's breathing heavily after a while, beads of sweat trickle down his forehead. After a bit longer he is forced to sit down before he falls down. And still he works, sending energy to the trees and bushes and vines growing around Paradox's clearing. Only he's all but forgotten where he is at this point, his entire focus embracing the job at hand.
After a while, he pauses to check on the two men's positions and is relieved to find that he'd pulled ahead of them. Now would be a good time for Centauri to come, since if he waited too long he wouldn't be able to get past the barrier. "Paradox," he calls out, or tries to. His voice is husky, and a bit strained from all the effort he'd put out, but he makes a valiant effort to speak, relaxing his hold on the energy a bit to spare some of his attention in speaking. The air crackles slightly with the sudden charge. "It might be a good idea to call Centauri. He'll not be able to get here in a bit."

Posted by Various on 10/22/2003, 8:22 pm
Paradox has been standing a short distance from Genesis the whole time, watching with concern. The obvious effort the male mutant is making has him worried for Genesis's health. Even aside from the fact that Vision would kill him if Genesis keeled over, he wouldn't want to see anyone end up in the hospital due to helping him.
The energy in the air gets blink from the demonic mutant, he's surprised by the amount. ~ Will do.. ~ He replies, and messages to Centauri, informing him that he should return home lest he risk being locked out.
The half horse mutant heads out, nervously jumping at every shadow and noise. He doesn't know where the hunters are, and is just naturally nervous anyway.
The illusion beast snarls as the shot 'hits', and takes off into the trees at run. Soon it's on the edge of the cliff, snarling as the hunters surround it. The beast is soon 'forced' off the ledge, falling to the forest floor below with a massive crash, snapping off branches as it falls. There's a triumphant cry from the hunters and the sound of more shots ring out as the group celebrates.
Hopefully if the hunters went down to look the lack of broken branches would make them believe they simply missed the place the creature came down. Vision remains sitting awhile longer, insuring that none of the hunters are about to go anywhere near the cliff edge before allowing her influence over their minds to fade.

Posted by Genesis on 10/23/2003, 1:12 pm
Satisfied that Centauri is on his way, Genesis resumes his work, gathering the energy in the air and bending it to his will. After a moment he checks on the pair of hunters, only to find that their progress had stopped. He can't tell what they're up to, but he hopes that they havn't found a way through his barrier. They shouldn't be able to, unless they have some sort of laser-cutter. Which he severely doubts.
He doesn't know that Vision's illusion had just reached it's climactic end, else he would have been relieved and put the pair's sudden stop down to their celebrating with the rest.
He pauses in his efforts, sending a thread of energy searh out Centauri. Good, he'll get through in time. His conciousness moves on, really stretching to his limits as he seeks Vision. The link helps a bit, but only in telling him which way to go and how far. He knows she'll be all but burned out from that illusion. Last time he'd sensed his sister after such an illusion she'd been worn out, all but collapsing on the spot. And she hadn't been working with so many people. So he can imagine what Vision must be going through about now, he only hopes she can get herself in to where he was and not crumple in a heap right where she stood. He'll be able to send a bit of energy if she needs it, but he is all but used up himself. Good thing the barrier is almost complete; just a narrow opening near Centauri for the boy to get through.

Posted by Vision on 10/23/2003, 2:55 pm
The only reason Vision doesn't collapse is because she's already sitting. No longer distracted by the need to focus solely on the illusion, the shifter just about loses conciseness the moment she releases her influence on the hunters minds. A moment later she does black out for a moment, only to be brought awake by a particularly close spat of gunfire. Her mind clouded, she barely comprehends the fact that the hunters are most likely moving her way. The shifter is so tired she can't quite find the energy to care.
The vague sense of Genesis searching for her is enough to make her think about getting up. It's a long process, and the shifter is far from steady on her feet when she does finally make it to her feet. In an almost drunken stumble that's far from her usual feline grace she points herself in what could be the right direction and lurches off.
She ends up on the ground again a moment later as she trips over a protruding tree root. Dazedly she considers simply lying there until everyone went away. After all, her fur would hide her fairly well in the leafy green forest. The observation that she's in her natural form hits deeply embedded alarms, which shocks her a bit closer to awareness.
Vision gets up again, and continues her trek back to Paradox's.

Posted by Genesis on 10/23/2003, 8:27 pm
Genesis is vaguely alarmed that she's so far gone, though it doesn't really suprise him. He works to send a thread of energy to her, the distance between them and his exhaustion making it all but impossible to do even that. Hopefully that will help her get here in one piece. And able to racognize and avoid the hunters who are still dangerous.. to both of them, now that he looks like this, he realizes with a shock. How would they get out of a forest crowded with hunters when they both could hardly stand? Not to mention that they'd need to be able to fly-or teleport- to leave anyway, since the barrier is so sturdy now. Oh dear, maybe he can get out through the hole he left for Centauri... and just make that area -look- impenetrable, so that there would be a way to come and go that no one would suspect...
The ideas are slipping from his mind even as he thinks them. He needs to rest, but he's too worried about Vision. He needs to see her safely within the barrier before he can even think about collapsing.

Posted by Vision and Paradox on 10/24/2003, 4:32 pm
Vision continues on, seemingly missing the hunters through luck alone. She certainly doesn't seem alert enough to be making any major effort to go around them. After several more tumbles the shifter eventually makes it into the barrier and collapses just inside. She might have struggled up and actually walked inside, but Paradox solves the problem for her, lifting her with telepathy and floating her in. He can't believe the effort Vision and Genesis have gone to on his behalf.

Posted by Genesis on 10/24/2003, 5:57 pm
As Genesis feels Vision enter his protected area, he can finally let himself relax his hold on conciousness. He'd sensed the two men leave long ago, and since Centauri is already safely within, he was only waiting for her.

Posted by Vision on 10/24/2003, 6:21 pm
Paradox eyes Vision and Genesis, shaking his head slightly at their state. Now he has two unconscious feline mutants on his hands. Well, at least they could rest comfortably after their labors. Vision gets moved onto the bed, Genesis ends up on the couch. A moment later he dims the lights and moves into the back of the place to let the two rest.
Three hours later Vision snaps awake, instantly alert. Memories of her earlier activities has her on high alert, until she takes a look around and recognizes her surroundings. She's on her feet a moment later as she spots Genesis, lying unconscious on the couch. Well, she's on her feet then abruptly looses her balance and falls back onto the bed. Annoyed with her weakness she attempts standing again. Clinging to the surrounding furniture she eventually makes it over to Genesis and half collapses on the couch.
Once again resisting the urge to trace the spots on Genesis's fur she tries to assess his condition....

Posted by Genesis on 10/29/2003, 2:07 pm
Genesis stirrs slightly when he senses Vision awake and nearby, but it's apparent that he isn't going to come around for a good while yet. He's somewhat scratched here and there, and there are leaves and twigs in his fur from the journey; he isn't used to traveling along tree trunks and through the canopy, even though he's not as bad off as he could have been if it weren't for his talent with the trees.
After a while he does come about, though his eyes remain closed. Jen? He calls out mentally, too tired yet to make it verbal. He traces his way down the link, concern for her leaking past his weakened barriers. His tail moves, as though it has a mind of it's own, curling languidly along the length the couch and reflexively wraping around whatever it touches.

Posted by Vision on 10/29/2003, 6:32 pm
Vision settles for absently picking some of the leaves and twigs from his fur. She stops after a moment as she's rapidly loosing strength. The bed is looking further away by the second, edging across the room away from her. The shifter is tempted to simply flop over and fall asleep. If anyone thought to ask what exactly she was doing snuggled up to Genesis her excuse would be that she 'collapsed'.
The mental call startles her slightly, drawing her from her thoughts. She'd been leaking concern (as well as her general temptation to snuggle into him) for the last little while. Her concern spikes at his call, he sounded so weak.
Here.. She replies, then blinks slowly in surprise as she realizes she's as drained as he. Vision hadn't realized she was quite so run down. She's beginning to wonder how exactly she made it over in the first place. Getting back to the bed was probably beyond her current abilities. Although a vague under thought notes that isn't entirely a bad thing...
The presence of his tail slowly wrapping around the hand that's resting on the couch doesn't actually hit her for awhile. Running on as little energy as she is her thought processes aren't exactly going full speed. A vague smile is her reaction.

Posted by Genesis on 10/30/2003, 4:23 pm
With the contact of his tail around her wrist the link strengthens again, though it is no where near as firm as it was earlier. Genesis smiles as he catches some of those sentiments and wearily lifts his arm in a beckoning motion. Doesn't sound like a bad thing at all, and besides, you need to rest. his mental 'voice' sounds just as exhausted as it had before, but it's firm. In his sleep-fogged perception, he figures she needs sleep just as much as he does, and if she's too tired to get back to her bed, she can just sleep here. It never occurs to him that there might be consequences.
Besides, the subconcious of a sleep-deprived person generally takes over, so it's actually amazing that he hadn't suggested anything.. else. But then, all he wants to do right now is sleep, and one more warm body to snuggle up to is always a good thing. Especially in this case.
And there went all those already flimsy mental barriers. Maybe he should just go back to sleep before he accidentally transmitted anything else.

Posted by Vision on 10/30/2003, 4:48 pm
Vision's not too terribly hard to convince. After the first few words she makes a shooing motion to get him to move over and make a bit more room for her. She's soon snuggled into him, her tail pulling a mind of it's own stunt to curl around Genesis's knee and lower leg. The shifter is unconscious again almost before she gets herself settled.

Posted by Genesis on 10/30/2003, 5:28 pm
Genesis moves aside when propted, and curls up with Vision as he drops back into a deep restorative sleep. Not without one last thought, however, of comfort and relief, and happyness.
The next thing he's aware of is a presence nearby. He wakes slowly, feeling out with his senses and finding them, to his relief, a bit stronger and more sure than the last time he'd been awake. The presence in the room was nearby, possibly only a few feet away, and large. For a moment he's confused, since the only thing he usually senses when he wakes up is the empty house around him.Empty except for his few potted plants, that is. So this is something new to wake up to.
Also new, is the warmth at his side. His tail curls reflexively around it, and that's when it hits him. Oh.. Tail.. Paradox's house.. Vision. He opens one eye to peer around cautiously, still surprised at how well he can see in the dark.

Posted by Various on 10/30/2003, 5:44 pm
Centauri had been sleeping as well, waking shortly after Vision goes to join Genesis on the couch. Stretching the half horse mutant lumbers to his feet, glancing absently towards the bed. He nearly has a heart attack when he sees that Vision has vanished from the area. A moment later the feeling fades when he realizes Vision's just moved, only to return when he realizes what the shifter's reaction to seeing her snuggling like that would be. Immediately he retreats to his 'room', intending not to come out again until he's sure both she and Genesis are gone.
Paradox wanders in awhile later and smiles at the sight on the couch. Vision looked like she was rather enjoying herself. He'd take a picture, if he had a camarea around. The death threats from Vision on seeing the picture would be half the fun of doing it.
That's about when Genesis wakes up, and Paradox pads over when the change in thought process registers on his senses, his golden eyes glowing slightly in the darkness. Having that looming over you when you wake up would be enough to give most people a heart attack.. Of course, most people wouldn't be able to feel the demonic mutants amusement either.. Feeling slightly better? He inquires, knowing full well that a nap wouldn't make either of them feel significantly better after draining themselves like that.
Vision's still completely out of it, curled into Genesis's side with a vague smile on her face.

Posted by Genesis on 11/4/2003, 3:12 pm
Genesis opens both eyes and smiles faintly at Paradox "Somewhat," he manages to get out, though his voice is rough and nearly a whisper. He clears his throat and tries again, keeping his voice low to avoid waking Vision "How long have we been out?" He can't really tell time from the low light, so he has no idea whether they'd been like this for minutes, hours, or even possibly days, judging from what he'd felt like when he'd colapsed here.

Posted by Paradox on 11/4/2003, 5:33 pm
Well, that's good. You two really exhausted yourselves.. Paradox replies, wincing mentally at the quality of Genesis's voice. Asking questions of the male mutant probably wasn't the best thing he could have done. A good ten hours, it's well after midnight. The demonic mutant answers. There's no indication Vision's going to be coming to any time soon. She's still happily snuggled into Genesis.

Posted by Genesis on 11/4/2003, 5:58 pm
He nods and then yawns, showing a pair of impressive canine teeth of almost smilodon proportion. He would very much like to go back to sleep, but he doesn't particularly want to keep taking up space on Paradox's coush, plus the fact that he'd probably wake up with serious back problems if he did. Still, he doesn't quite have the energy to figure out how he'd get out of here and to somewhere else, much less actually putting the nonexistant plan into action. It occurs to him that midnight would be the perfect time for said move. Well, maybe tomorrow they'd be recovered enough to make thejourney out of the woods, unless someone comes up with a better idea, that is.

Posted by Paradox on 11/4/2003, 6:10 pm
He'd been thinking that particular topic over for awhile. Centauri obviously wasn't planning to come out of his room until the two felines vanished. ~ I could move you and Vision to the bed. I somehow doubt she's going to easily be separated from you at the moment.... ~That comment sounds decidedly amused. ~ Or I could attempt to fly you both to Vision's. Any preference?~ He suggests Vision's rather then Genesis's own home as he remembers his encounter with Genesis's rather eccentric land lady and her gun. Being shot full of holes is something that tends to stick in one's memory.

Posted by Genesis on 11/4/2003, 6:26 pm
He doesn't answer right away, weighing the options. Well, the best he can, at any rate, since his mind isn't quite working at maximum at the moment. It might be easier to just stay here, but he realizes that the last time Vision's sisters had seen her was before she left to see him at school. Several hours ago. They'd be worried to death if he didn't get her home, and he really doesn't want Mirage to kill him. That last thought makes him smile faintly, tired as he is. So if that were all it was to it, his decision would be to return to Vision's. But that 'attempt' thrown in there makes him hesitate. Would it be terribly difficult (or dangerous) for Paradox to take them to the city?

Posted by Paradox on 11/4/2003, 6:40 pm
~Well, the only way to carry both of you at the same time would be to stuff you each under an arm.. And I'm not sure how well that would work.. On the plus side, if I drop anyone I can catch them with telepathy..~ He's half kidding, half serious. ~ Taking two trips would likely involve leaving one of you on the roof for awhile, as I don't know if either of you are likely to make it all the way inside on your own.~

Posted by Genesis on 11/4/2003, 7:14 pm
Um, well, while not the most reassuring answer, somehow he'd still rather head to Vision's. Besides, even if two trips are made, they could probably wake Mirage or Kat, or even the oddly sentient plant-cat, and they'd be able to help out... right?
It takes him a moment to realize that he had been speaking to Paradox mentally all this time instead of verbally. Well, he is a bit out of it, after all.

Posted by Paradox on 11/4/2003, 7:19 pm
~You have a point there. Now the only problem is convincing Vision not to rip my face off when it comes time to separate you two in order to take two trips.~There's a chuckle from the demonic mutant at that last bit. ~ Well I am telepathic you know. I may not be able to pick up much more then vague emotion and some of what people may be attempting to think at me, but it rather helps that you're telepathic.. Or something.. As well.~

Posted by Genesis on 11/4/2003, 7:36 pm
Hmm.. he might be able to help with that.. a little bit, at least. Jen? He sends a faint pulse of warm curiosity down the link, something he might not have been able to do in his condition had they not been in physical contact. He's just wondering if she's able to pull herself out of sleep enough to answer conciously.
He doesn't really want to wake her up, but if she's going to come, he'd rather she woke now as opposed to suspended in the air above the city. A bit less traumatic if nothing else.
Heh, good point. Empathic, and maybe something more, he corrects mentally, more than half distracted by what his senses tell him about Vision, asleep at his side. And not only her mental state.. she looks so peaceful while she's asleep.

Posted by Vision on 11/4/2003, 7:44 pm
There's an answering pulse, a questioning feeling of sorts. It doesn't appear the shifter is going to pull herself out of sleep for anything short of a large a fiery explosion, or the source of the warm-fuzzy feeling as well as literal warmth in the form of body heat moving away. Asleep as she is she's radiating something just short of bliss.

Posted by Genesis on 11/5/2003, 12:06 pm
He smiles faintly. Now he really doesn't want to disturb her, not after feeling just how happy she is. Perhaps they should wait a little longer, when Vision is a bit more inclined to wakefulness. Besides, his sleepy mind admits, he likes having her snuggled into his side.
Still.. they're likely to sleep for quite a while, and he'd sensed something of Centauri's unwillingness to come out of his room and discovered the cause. Yet another reason to move. Sigh.
He sends another pulse along the link, this time of energy, in hopes that it might pull her a little closer to wakefulness. It isn't very strong, since in his state pulling together energy is very much like collecting an oil slip on the surface of a stream. But what he can gather, he sends, along with another question, a little more urgent this time.

Posted by Vision on 11/5/2003, 5:02 pm
There's a very vague sort of 'do I have to get up?' sort of feeling from Vision. She's still not very awake, but she's approaching something resembling consciousness. The shifter stirs slightly, her tail twitching before her green eyes open halfway. "Hrm?"
Paradox chuckles, ~ Well, welcome back to the waking world.. ~
"Mrph." Is Vision's most eloquent and decidedly unimpressed reply.

Posted by Genesis on 11/5/2003, 5:15 pm
Genesis chuckles, though weakly. Good morning, beautiful, he sends, mirth faintly coloring his thoughts. I don't suppose you'd like to sleep on a nice, soft bed, would you? Instead of Paradox's couch.. He communicates this not as words, but images and feelings, so that she'd understand even half asleep. First a simplified image of the two of them sleeping on the couch, along with the feeling that they might wake up with sore necks if they continued this way, followed by their being moved to Vision's bed and sleeping soundly untill they're able to move and think coherently. He's also secretly hoping that, since she's still half asleep, she won't move away from him the way she ususally does.

Posted by Vision on 11/5/2003, 5:32 pm
Her eyes have slid shut again, and her reply is something along the lines of, No, I'm sleeping on a nice, warm Alex. Which is accompanied by a faint mental purr, and an absent snuggle. Her vague but easily read under thoughts observe that she isn't sure how she can justify snuggling up to him at home where there are enough beds to go around. Mirage would never leave the subject alone, and Kat would have a heart attack. Then her mind sort of detours to the observation that Genesis would probably get a stiff neck, so maybe she might consent to being moved... Maybe.

Posted by Genesis on 11/5/2003, 6:04 pm
Another faint smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. Well, I have to get you home sometime, or else what do you think your sisters would say to your staying with me for a few days without so much as a postcard? He doesn't think that scenario would be particularly healthy for any invovled, plus the fact that if they just sort of show up on the roof in a semi-comatose state and Vision refuses to un-cling, they'd end up in the same place and she'd have a relatively good excuse.. unconciousness tends to relieve one of some decision-making.
He's also somewhat disappointed, though he refuses to admit why. Possibly because, even after all this time, Vision seems to be embarassed to know him. Though he's sure that at least Mirage suspects otherwize.
He reigns in his wandering thoughts, trying not to let any of that leak out, and having adifficult timeof it.
They could stay here for a little while longer, but not forever, however much he might wish otherwize.

Posted by Vision and Paradox on 11/5/2003, 6:15 pm
Mmm, point. She thinks in reply to both his first comment and the thoughts following it. The shifter then moves one of her hands to hook her claws into his shirt before returning to her practically comatose state.
When she catches what leaks out she makes an effort to sit up, to challenge that thought. However, she can't quite summon the energy. The best she can manage is making a mental note to bring it up later.
Paradox watches as Vision tucks her head back into Genesis's shoulder and then falls still. He'd caught very, very little of their conversation. ~So... Is she going to rip my face off if I attempt to take you both home?~

Posted by Genesis on 11/5/2003, 6:36 pm
If he'd had the energy he could have laughed. As it is, he breaks into a sort of quickened breathing that could be taken for mirth. Oh no, she won't mind if Paradox took them home.. as long as he doesn't try to separate them. A mental image of the now sleepy and languid Vision lashing out visiously at anything that attempts to detatch her from him, and then snuggling right back down again as though she'd been batting at a fly, makes him laugh again.

Posted by Paradox on 11/5/2003, 6:56 pm
A faint smile curls the corners of Vision's lips, and she snuggles a little further into him. Paradox's eyebrows rise, but he looks rather amused as well. ~ Looks like I'm carrying both of you..~ His mental voice sounds as if he's sulking about this, but he can't hide the amusement the thought carries. ~Right, well I suppose as long as I don't drop you both it'll all be fine.. Hopefully you won't get squashed in transit, Genesis...~ Paradox's running commentary is more for himself then anyone else. He figures Genesis is probably seconds away from the same comatose state as Vision, if he isn't at that point already.
So after informing Centauri that he and his house guests are leaving the demonic mutant picks the two up and heads outside. It's a good thing I'm so big.. He thinks amusedly, else there is no way I'd get off the ground with this load. It's going to be close as it is... Now finished warming up his wings Paradox readies himself and leaps into the night..
There's a few tense moments for the demonic mutant, but he manages to make it to the roof of Vision's house without dropping either of his two passed out passengers. After a moment of thought he simply pushes his way inside rather then waking up Mirage and Kat. He was the only one with enough muscle to carry the two, so he would have ended up inside anyway. At least this way the younger LeVali girls get to continue sleeping.
So Paradox places the pair in Vision's bed, tosses the covers over them and heads home... Sweet dreams..