X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread invovles mostly Vision, and it begins were the Vision Part VI left off. It's basically a one character record.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Vision on 2/25/2002, 6:13 pm
Vision brings her motorcycle to a stop right in front of Genesis's apartment building and sits staring up at it. She'd intended to give him his gift in person, but now that she was at his doorstep she felt silly. She couldn't think of a thing to say when she got up there. It was all too easy for her to imagine herself knocking on Genesis's door, standing there stupidly when he opened it, then shoving the present into his hands and leaving. Maybe she should just head home... but she really did want to give Alex his gift. Maybe she could just leave it in his mail box? Then he wouldn't feel obligated to get her anything. She frowns when she realizes that won't work, she doesn't know which mail box belongs to him. Maybe she could just leave it at his door? Then someone might steal it. Well she couldn't sit out here forever, he would notice her down here sooner or later. Especially since the rose was sitting in the pocket of her leather jacket.
She sighs and steps off the motorbike and walks towards the entrance of the building without looking back. Anyone that tried to steal her bike would regret it. She's just opening the door when another idea hits her. She could just teleport the wrapped present into Alex's house and let him find it. It was a pity she hadn't thought of this yesterday, then the present could have been from Santa. She smiles, liking the idea. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Genesis, rather that she wished to avoid what she knew could be an awkward meeting.
She pulls the small wrapped box out of her pocket and studies it for a moment. She hoped Genesis liked it. She closes her eyes, concentrating. She searches through Genesis's home, staying well clear of any of the more personal rooms. Eventually she decides to place the present on the table. In a flash of light the present disappears, then reappears on the table in Genesis's apartment. She smiles and opens her eyes. The fact that her power signature was all over the gift doesn't occur to her. Still smiling she walks back to her bike, places the helmet over her head and roars away, still smiling.

Posted by Genesis on 2/25/2002, 6:39 pm
He exits his bedroom when he senses Vision's approach, and picks up the small box that holds his present to her. It's good sometimes to have instructor/genius friends, especially among the electronics department...
He's a little surprised when the flash of her presence when she deposits the box on the table is followed by her leaving. Maybe she didn't want anything from him? What if she didn't want to see him in particular? It doesn't occur to him that she might want to avoid an embarassing situation, and he doesn't want to pry into something she'd want to avoid, so he keeps his mind to himself. He wishes he could reach out to the rose that he can still feel as she departs, but instead places the little box on the table next to the one that had suddenly appeared. He sits for a moment, studying the present, then picks it up gingerly and turns it over before opening it carefully.

Posted by Vision on 2/25/2002, 6:49 pm
The presents box is part of the present itself. It's a rather odd sort of container, made out of what appears to be sheet metal welded cunningly together to form a box with a lid. It's covered in some sort of chemical that makes it shine with an odd opalisant type of radiance. It almost looks like Vision coated the thing with oil and then froze the stuff into the surface of the metal. In any case it's rather strange. It could almost be mistaken for a rather small and masculine jewelry box.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 8:10 pm
He's careful not to shake it too much, incase there's anything fragile inside. He opens the lid and peers inside curiously, wondering just what she could have gotten for him.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 8:11 pm
Inside is a varied collection of rather odd looking seeds. They're all separated into different compartments by type.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 8:17 pm
He's quite surprised at what he sees, and immedately reaches out with his talent to caress the new surprises. She'd known exactly what he wanted... he can only hope his present is met with the same joy.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 8:20 pm
Vision pushes open the door to her home and steps inside. She wished she could have caught Alex's reaction to her gift, but she knew if she would have stuck around he would have discovered her presence. She really hoped he liked it.
She pauses for a moment in front of the tree, studying the mess under the tree in a minor state of shock. It had not been like this when she'd left. There was ripped up paper everywhere, it would take ages to clean up. She scowls, looking around for the culprit. She sighs when an orange and white head pops out of a particularly large pile of discarded wrapping paper. "Look at the mess you've made!"
The orange tabby just smirks, looking around at her masterpiece.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 8:17 pm
He smiles to himself, then can't help it anymore and reaches out to the rose, just wondering if she'd like to hear anything at all from him. He doesn't intrude, only makes his questioning presence known around the edges of her mental perception.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 8:20 pm
She sighs, going to find a garbage bag so she can clean the mess up. She looks down somewhat surprised when her foot connects with something. The mauled package of her newest movie lies beneath her human feet. She turns back to the orange tabby, eyes narrowed. "Okay Rhiow, enough is enough. I can deal with you messing up the place, but mangling my Christmas gifts is taking it a bit too far." She continues to advance on Rhiow.
The orange tabby scampers backwards out of easy reach. Why don't you try and kick my tail when you're my size? Beating up on me like this is hardly fair! Big bully.
Vision's eyes go bluey green. Rhiow knew exactly what pressure points to hit to tick her off. She's halfway shifted to cat when Genesis calls. She blinks, that had been quick. She studies the orange tabby in front of her, she would probably have enough time to teach Rhiow a lesson before Alex arrived. She hopes her smile and mental acceptance would carry to him. Hopefully none of her annoyance would.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 8:36 pm
He does catch a touch of the annoyance, but feels that it's not for him and smiles mentally, letting her feel the warmth of his love of the gift. Absolutely perfect. ~I hope I'm hot interrupting anything...?~ is about the gist of his amused thought to her then, and a questioning sensation that he could be asking her permission to let him come over and present his gift to her.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 8:40 pm
Her wide and toothy grin momentarily makes Rhiow wonder if she might have pushed Vision too far. When the half cat/half cat-mutant starts bouncing about in glee, she really does start worrying. However she doesn't catch the words Vision's chanting mentally... He liked it! He liked it! Vision quickly muffles her elation, hoping none of it was passed on through the link. ~No, not at all..~ She says, sounding more or less calm.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 8:47 pm
He actually caught most of that gleeful response, but doesn't let on that he knows, sensing that she wanted to keep it hidden. Instead, he answeres with a mental nod of assention and heads for the door, picking up both boxes and a backpack on the way out.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 8:49 pm
She smiles again, further worrying Rhiow, then turns her attention back to the orange tabby. Well, shall we dance?

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:05 pm
He smiles as he heads out the door and down stairs, humming happily to himself. He has a long walk ahead of him, but it doesn't seem so bad when he is able to contact Vision. It was torture for him when she disappeared for that short time, even though he knew that her own family couldn't have heard her the way he had... he decides to change that thought, hoping that Vision hadn't caught any of it, and continues on his way, humming softly.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:06 pm
Vision seems rather.... distracted at the moment.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:30 pm
He decides to keep to his own thoughts while he can, and leaves her to whatever she might be up to. He hefts the bacpack, smiling at what he knows are the contents.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:31 pm
There's a little spike of anger, then another minature spike of anxiety and another spike of anger. They're all quickly muffled.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:32 pm
He raises an eyebrow as he gets closer and hears her emotions stronger, curious as to what could be happening.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:34 pm
Everything has gone quiet now, Vision obviously has a tight rein on her emotions.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:39 pm
He shrugs mentally and continues on his way. A moment longer and he'd be at her building anyway.
He arrives and knocks on the door politely, waiting for a response from the other side.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:40 pm
A black cat speeds into the living room at a dead run and leaps onto the computer consul that controlled the house. Please say that's Alex, Vision hopes. She's not thinking, and therefore doesn't realize that she could consult the rose for an answer. She really needed someone to get her out of this. She's shaken up enough to make one wonder what happened between the time Genesis 'called' and now. She literally sags in relief when she sees that it is indeed Genesis. She smacks the button that would open the door and races to push it open. She wraps around his ankles before he even enters.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:45 pm
He smiles when the door opens and looks faintly surprised when the signal comming from Vision exits in the form of a cat. ~Jen? What happened...?~

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:48 pm
Get me out of this! The comment is accompanied by a pitiful mew. She could handle being trapped as a human. She could handle being trapped in her natural form, although she would not be happy about it. However being trapped as a cat, even if she'd been this way for less then an hour, was enough to seriously shake her up. It was bad enough she was naturally a green furball, but being trapped as a cat? She calms down enough to explain. Rhiow will only accept being taught a lesson if she's taught it by something her own size and shape. So I ticked her tail.. That thought sounds faintly smug. She had walked inside and was now looking up at Genesis, her head tilted at a rather uncomfortable looking angle.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:49 pm
He follows the black cat inside, listening curiously and wondering how he could get her out of that form. Would energy work?

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:50 pm
She realizes she'd get a crick in her neck if she continued like this, and studies Genesis for a half moment, then leaps into the air. She hoped Alex was going to catch her, if not she'd end up clinging to his shirt by her claws. Apparently being trapped as a cat has made Vision a bit scatterbrained.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:53 pm
He catches her, reaching out almost before she jumps when he catches the sudden impulse through the connection. He holds her gently, used to making cats comfortable after years of having grown up with them. He studies her curiously and sends out a tendril of searching energy to see what is wrong that she is unable to shift back.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 9:55 pm
She continues on with her tale once she's settled, somewhat comforted now. Anyway, so I won.. but she must have been in my workroom and she found the device I was working on, the one that blocks mutant powers. She stuck it on me, and now I can't get it offfff! The last bit is accompanied by another pitiful mew. If Genesis looked he'd see a device that almost looks like a watch battery stuck on the fur right between Vision's shoulder blades.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 9:59 pm
He listens to the rest of the story, retracting his energy when she tells him what had happened, and shakes his head at the end, exasperated with Rhiow. He smiles sympathetically and scritches the fur around the device, removing it gently.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 10:02 pm
She arches into his hand, acting more like a cat then her normal self. Or at least acting more like a cat then then Vision one normally encountered. She's a bit unbalanced mentally right now, having a bit of an issue with being stuck as a cat. She rubs her head against the underside of his jaw, then remembers just in time that she should probably jump down before shifting back. Thank you! That is heart felt, coming in a wave of gratitude.

Genesis on 2/25/2002, 10:04 pm
He smiles at the thanks in both her mindvoice and her actions and lets her leap from his arms, watching curiously.

Vision on 2/25/2002, 10:07 pm
She jumps and lands neatly, then slowly returns to her natural form. Almost immedietly she goes to shift into her human form, having had more then enough of being fur covered with whiskers and a tail for the day. She blinks when she realizes she can't. Evidently all that struggling to return to her natural form while she was trapped as a cat had drained her talent. She blinks again, rather annoyed by this.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 2:09 pm
He watches her return to her natural form, then fail to re-shift to human with a slight smile. He isn't sure whether or not lending her energy will help, but he rather liked the green look. But then again, his opinions are sort of biased... he grew up with cats, and loves the green plant. Oh well, she is still quite lovely in his eyes.
He winces mentally and hopes she didn't hear that one... they'd have to see about finding a way to sheild their thoughts from each other, if not for security reasons, then for the sheer embarassment it could induce.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 4:46 pm
She always felt naked when she couldn't shift. After a moment she realizes what a dense cat she made and flushes, her ears drooping slightly in embarrassment. Needless to say, house cat wasn't a form she used much. It tended to affect her more then the other forms she used more often.
At the moment she's more concerned with her own embarrassment then with what Genesis might be thinking. She catches the mental wince, but completely misses everything that was thought before it. She knows it wasn't in reaction to her real form, but she can't help feeling self conscious. She smiles faintly at the last bit, in total agreement. Her tail twitches about as she continues to wish she could actually shift.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 4:53 pm
He decides that she'd be completely uncomfortable if she can't shift, so lends a bit of energy in hopes that it helps a bit.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:02 pm
Another little wave of gratitude. She immedietly shifts out of her natural form into her human one with a relieved sigh. Much better.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:08 pm
He smiles at the relief evident not only in her sigh, but in her mind as well. He remembers why he came over and grins, moving over to a chair and slinging his backpack around so he can open it.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:10 pm
She raises an eyebrow, watching curiously.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:18 pm
First he takes out three gift boxes, all the same size, with name tags on each: Kat, Mirage and Vision. He grins as he holds them in one hand "Maybe these should wait untill I can get all you three sisters together."
The next thing to emerge from the pack is a somewhat larger box wrapped in what looks like reflective silver plasic or foil. This he hands to Vision "And this probably should be opened now..." he doesn't mention the 'why', but it's clear in his mind ...while there's a little privacy.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:25 pm
Oh! That comment isn't voiced, but clearly audible through the link. She eyes the trio of presents for a moment, her curiosity as obvious as her smile. Then she studies the larger box, surprised. She hadn't expected anything, she knew she was almost impossible to find gifts for. She eyes the box for a moment, then carefully slits the paper with her claws and takes it off. She'd shifted just her nails back for that purpose.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:31 pm
He watches with anticipation as she opens her gift. Under the paper is a plain brown box, the sturdy kind you can send through the mail. It's taped closed, but it wouldn't take much to remove the binding and open it.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:34 pm
Especially not with Vision's kitty claws. She slits the tape with quick motion, then pauses before opening the box.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:39 pm
He watches, grinning, and mentaly urges her on.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:45 pm
She raises an eyebrow at him, wondering what's inside. Finally she can't stand her own curiosity and opens the box. Peering inside she studies her present.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:50 pm
Pretty much all that can be seen at the moment is white cotten fluff. Whatever's inside must be fragile enough that Genesis didn't want it knocking around in the box before it even got to her.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:51 pm
She starts digging through cotton, carefully picking out the fluff so she wouldn't accidently damage what's inside. She's pratically radiating curiousity now.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 5:55 pm
He grins at that, picking up the curiousity as strong as anything.
Vision's searching fingers brush up against something harder than cotton, and a glint of silver catches the light when she moves a fluff...

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 5:57 pm
She resists the urge to prod the glint of silver, knowing the present -whatever it might be- was breakable. She carefully removes the cotton fluff around the glint of silver.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 6:03 pm
What is revealed is a masterpiece of silver, green electronic paneling and glass... in the shape of a cat. A green cat. It's attached to a necklace chain that almost looks like it could be liquid silver.
He revises something in his mind Good to have mutant electronics professors... and watches her reaction with both eyes and mind.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 6:08 pm
Vision's jaw quite literally drops, her mind seemingly stuck on an Ooh! of pleasant surprise. It was.... It was gorgeous. She pulls it out carefully, almost nervously. She really didn't want to damage it. If Genesis could see her eyes he'd probably notice that they've gone green.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 6:15 pm
He's grinning hugely at her reaction, but he also seems to be waiting for something. His mental presence seems to hint that it does something as well. He'd figured that Vision might like it for it's eyepleasing value alone, but wanted to provide something useful as well.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 6:18 pm
She blinks and looks up, her eyes still green. After a moment goes back to studying the gift, looking for a switch or something.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 6:20 pm
He laughs mentally and hints ~Try putting it on...~

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 6:26 pm
Oh, well that makes sense.. There's a faint flicker of somewhat sheepish embaressment. She slips it over her head..

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 6:31 pm
The moment it rests around her neck, a very soft humming surrounds the pendant, raising an octave before disappearing entirely, almost like something starting up. The necklace doesn't seem to do anything after that, but for some reason, Genesis 'feels' like his mental presence is muted.
Genesis had asked it made (and helped in the making) to muffle both incomming and outgoing mental projections unless the wearer wished to be 'heard' or 'hear' someone else.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 6:36 pm
She blinks, wondering if she'd somehow managed to break it. She blinks again when she realizes that she can't sense Genesis very well. She looks up, startled, then blinks yet again when she sees that he's still in the room. Oh! That's heard even through the mental buffer.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 8:29 pm
He laughs aloud and sends a questioning feeling, asking if she approves. This serves a dual purpose, since she can still semi-hear him, he will be able to show her that it responds to her will to hear and be heard.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 8:40 pm
She smiles in answer, nearly bouncing over to slurp his face. She restrains herself, not quite sure how he would take it. Now she wouldn't die of embarrassment! Well, she wouldn't die of embarrassment if she remembered to turn it on before she thought anything embarrassing. Something which might be a bit of a problem unless she kept it on all the time, and she didn't want to keep it on all the time. The only time she really disliked the link was when she spent his entire visit flushing at the idea that things she thought could be picked up by him.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 8:59 pm
He chuckles again and answers her unasked question "It has solar panels that recharge the battery. It'll never run down as long as there's light." He's a little unnerved that the connection isn't as strong as it should be at this close a range, but it's a small price to pay for even just the look on her face. He wonders if she realizes that the necklace allows her to 'read' him without his knowing it if she so desires.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 9:11 pm
She cranes her head to look at it, resisting the urge to try and figured out how it worked. Distantly she realizes that Genesis prefered the link remains at the strength it would be without the necklace, and loosens her control over the dampener. Vision hasn't thought that she might be able to pick up things from Genesis without him being able to stop her, and probably won't until much later.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 9:22 pm
He smiles at her apparent enjoyment of the gift, and hope she knoes he loves his as much as she does hers. He hefts the trio of boxes again, considering. After a moment of reflection, he decides that Christmas is the best tome to give Christmas pressents and asks Vision "Are your sisters at home?"

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 9:29 pm
Vision shakes her head, still practically glowing from happiness with her gift. "Nope. I think Mirage went shopping, and both Kanga and Kat disappeared earlier..." She assumed they went to go visit Joey and his female friend.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 9:37 pm
He nods. It is then that he catches his first glance at the mess under the tree. His eyes go wide and he sends a questioning thought to her What in the world happened in here?!

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 9:39 pm
"Christmas.." She answers, sounding amused. "Then Rhiow." She rolls her eyes. He'd just reminded her she had a serious mess to clean up.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 9:47 pm
He chuckles "Care for some help?" He doesn't really have anywhere else to go, even today. His mother and father had died years ago, and this was pretty much the first Christmas he's spent with anyone other than the old woman next door.
He's unaware of what Vision is or is not able to hear, but figures that she'd opt for the 'not being heard' option and keep her mind closed off from his, and thus he doesn't guard his thougths as warrily.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 9:51 pm
"Yes please." She says, glad that she didn't have to clean up alone, but feeling faintly guilty about shanghaiing Genesis into it. She blinks and studies him when she catches that bit about his parents dying years ago. Had she known that she would have invited him over earlier. After a moment she realizes that she might want to warn him when she had the link open.. She had a feeling she wasn't supposed to hear that.

Posted by Genesis on 2/26/2002, 10:03 pm
He smiles and replaces the three boxes in his backpack, then on second thought, he arranges them on a table. He moves to return to his pack, as if he's forgotten something then shrugs mentally and kneels at the base of the tree (and it's mess) and starts to crumple up the shredded wrapping paper for lack of a trashbag.
He doesn't realize the link is truly open untill he hears her last thought. He pauses and glances up at her, smiling slightly ~Thanks for telling me...~ it's a genuine thanks, but his mood is strange, as if his mind is on something else. For some reason, however, he's not openly projecting it, so the only way Vision would be able to hear it is if she truly wanted to. The pendant would provide the way.

Posted by Vision on 2/26/2002, 10:13 pm
She goes to get a trash bag, and then kneels near him to start picking up paper. She looks up when Genesis thanks her, "You're welcome.." She notices his mood, and studies him for a moment before continuing to clean. She occasionally looks up to study him. She did want to know what it was about, but didn't want to pry. She truly hated it when people dug around in her mind without her permission. Heck, she hated it when people dug around in her mind period, so she never gave permission. Hopefully he would open up or tell her or something. Her eyes have gone bluey green with concern and curiosity. She's figured out that she can go rooting about, but the fact that Genesis might not be aware of it is still unknown to her.

Posted by Genesis on 2/27/2002, 5:27 pm
He catches some of the curiousity and concern in her mind and smiles mentally, giving permission to see what there is to see in his mind. It sort of feels like he's opening the doors wide, invitingly. He wont force any information on her that she doesn't want to know, but he removes all barriers to her mind if she wishes to enter.
He's still packing away scraps of paper, lost in a different world. Strangely enough, the look on his face bares striking resemblance to one of Joey's blank looks.

Posted by Vision on 2/27/2002, 5:32 pm
She studies him for a moment longer, then goes to look. Distantly she notes the expression on his face, partly amused, partly concerned. Seeing that expression on the face of the silver haired teen was bad enough, but seeing it on Genesis worried her.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 5:47 pm
He still seems to be lost in his own little world, but he seems to be comming out of it. He doesn't notice Vision's concern, but probably should have since the link is still open.

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 5:50 pm
She looks around for the reason he's so spaced out, faintly wary. The thought of searching through another person's mind like this unnerved her slightly.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 6:02 pm
She finds his mind completely open, but somehow keeping to itself. There are no mental sheilds to stop any progress, and soon she would discover something of a scene playing itself out in his minds eye... it pulls at her strangely, and the feeling that if she were to enter it she wouldn't be able to escape untill it's finished...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 6:06 pm
Had she been in her natural form her fur would have stood at that observation. She stalls for a moment, undecided. After a moment she plunges in to watch. Curiosity killed the cat... She thinks dryly.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 6:23 pm
In the theatre of his mind, she's an observer... little more than a ghost to his perceptions, and just as able to interfere...
A young boy, about thirteen or fourteen is sitting on the ground beside a lovely garden up against the side of a house. The fact that it's snowing seems to bother neither the boy nor his garden, and both are as happy as can be. The boys face is tight with concentration, and a strangely familiar, if weak, glow is eminating from his outstretched palms. A few tiny tendrils of energy wrap around some of the more droopy sprouts and strenghtens them. The boy stops and lowers his hands to his sides, panting slightly, and sits back to survey his work. Much better. He looks quite pleased with himself Mother will love her present... Maybe it'll even make her feel better! The exuberant hope and pride in his boyish heart shines out through his bright green eyes and he shoves an errant lock of black hair out of his eyes...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 6:32 pm
She watches, curious. This was interesting. She's still a tad uncomfortable with the idea of not being let out until this finished, but so far this was much better then most of the flashbacks she had. Of course, this type of thing usually started out innocently...

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 7:43 pm
The boy takes one last look at his garden and stands, brushes himself off and heads inside the house. It's darker inside, and he pauses a moment to let his eyes adjust before continuing on down the dimly lit hallway. It's warm inside so he shucks off his thick jacket and hangs it up on the coat-hanger he passes on his way to his mothers room. She'd be awake by now, and he can't wait to show her his present.
He cracks the door open a tiny bit and pauses when he sees that she's not awake yet. Well, it's time to get up anyway, so she won't mind if I wake her... He eases in and tiptoes to the side of her bed, watching her still form. He's just about to reach out and shake her awake when he notices just how still her form is... "Mom?" he's a little frightened, his mother had been breathing shallowly the last few days, and he just might not be able to see her chest rise and fall... he's afraid to reach out with his talent... afraid of what he might find...
He raises a shaking hand to her shoulder and on contact his empathic sense comes alive with what she lacks... "Mom! MOM!" he sobs at her, shaking her now and pouring energy into her, thoughtless of what it might do to him. He doesn't care...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 8:00 pm
Vision blinks, watching.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 8:10 pm
When his father wakes him, he blinks and gazes into his face, unable to speak. He's so weak he can't even reach his talent to feel his father.So very tired...
He wakes again in the hospital, his fathers gaunt, tear streaked face watching him wearily. "Dad?" his voice sounds harsh and dry and he's surprised that he can find it at all "What happened? Where's mom?" the pain in his fathers face at the last question is almost as unbearable as if his empathic sense were working. His father stands and hungs him tightly, letting out one great sob. After a while he pulls away and gazes into his son's tearfilled eyes "Alex, you and me..." he doesn't finish, just straightened, trying to look strong for his boy.
Genesis reels when contact unveils his tattered empathy, and his fathers greif overwhelms him. For a moment, all he can do is keep himself from the brink of insanity... a hospital isn't the place for an empath.
The mental pain and anguish of patients throughout the entire wing hits him like a fist, burning his young talent with it's raw energy. Somewhere, someone was shot... someone else dying slowly from a painful cancer... a man shouts for help over his convulsing son... a young girl slips slowly into the life beyond, and takes Alex along into blissful darkness...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 8:18 pm
Okay, now she didn't like this. She wished she could do something, anything. This whole memory set her fur on end. Well, not literally, but close enough. She watches, hating feeling helpless.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 8:32 pm
The darkness ebbs and he wakes to find himself once again at home in his own bed. He sighs Just a dream... it was all a dream! but that hope is in vain. His father appears in the doorway, thin and underslept. He nears and hesitantly places a hand on Genesis's arm. Alex winces, expecting the flood of emotions again, but is stunned (and relieved) to find that his empathic talent had been crushed. His father sighs heavily and relaxes, some of the tension going out of his taut form. The boy wonders how his father knew, but is too exhausted to think about anything. His father leaves for a moment and Alex drifts in a half daze...
Years later, the seventeen year old Genesis fiddles with a button on his new tux and his father smiles proudly at him in the mirror. He smiles back nervously and straightens his jacket once more.
His father had aged faster than was possible, and now, though he's only in his early forties his hair was silvery streaked with faded brown.
Despite Alex's best efforts, he hadn't been able to reach his talents since the Christmas his mother... he turns from the mirror when his fathers eyes go wide...
Genesis trembles... he has repressed these memories for a good reason... and he's glad Mirage isn't anywhere about to hear them... he doesn't know Vision has come along for the ride, but even if he had known it wouldn't have helped him any. It is just too much strain. Too many years of holding them back... When he'd had that flashback of his sister's death... that had been the first stone to crumble. Slowly wearing at his walls untill they threatened to collapse. He'd been alright before the close contact of the rose... but it isn't Vision's fault and he knows that.
This would have come sooner or later, and had it been later he knew it would have been the end of his healing.
The teenage Genesis watches in horror as his father convulsed and topples to the floor... he tries desperately to reach his energy talent... He calls out to his father to breathe deeply and reaches for the phone, dialing up an ambulance... He watches them wheel his father out to the waiting ambulance, feeding his father the energy he's finally able to tap. He'd be alright... he has to be alright...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 8:46 pm
Oh dear.. Is about the extent of Vision's thoughts now. And she thought she had good reason to avoid sharing stuff through the link. Why had he kept the link up if he had even the slightest knowledge that it would do something like this to him? She never would have kept up relations with anyone if she'd been in a similar situation..

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 8:58 pm
He doesn't know to answer that question, but the answer is plain enough in his mind, because he needed this to happen. No one can keep all of those memories locked away forever and not go insane... Besides, it's clear through the open windows of his mind that even if it caused him lifethreatening danger, he'd stay with her as long as he could... as long as she'd let him, that is. Though he's still unsure about her feelings toward him, the lack of her presence is enough to prove his toward her.
Genesis watches his father exersize and smiles. It had been a few years since his heart attack and he was doing fine. Much better infact, since Genesis himself had rediscovered the link to his healing talent. Today is the first day of college for him and he rechecks his backpack before heading out the door "Bie dad! I'll see you next weekend!" he father smiles at him broadly and returns to his exercize.

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 9:02 pm
Actually, she realizes belatedly, she hadn't really kept up relations with anyone. Paradox had disappeared into the woods, she hadn't talked to him at all much until she went into the forest to ask for his help in retrieving Mirage from the lab. If Genesis hadn't come along, she probably would have remained that way. Generally scorning love and most likely retreating further and further into a shell. Distantly she realizes she was probably blushing furiously. It hardly mattered, she wouldn't be completely aware of what was happening in the real world until Genesis finished his flash back.

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 9:26 pm
Genesis sags slightly at the end of his flashback...
That was the last time he'd ever seen his father. He'd died before then end of that first fall semester and since then Alex had blamed himself. Had he been living at home instead of that appartment... if he'd realized that his energy talent had supported his father that much...
He sighs and shudders out of his trance, looking around for the first time since he'd sat down. He sees Vision and simultaneously realizes that she'd been caught in all of that. His eyes widen and Vision would feel the alarm and concern concealing more self condemnation. She didn't deserve that... he wishes he'd been able to sense it earlier, and warn her away... it was always his fault...

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 9:37 pm
Vision reaches out trying to steady him, feeling more then faintly unsteady herself. She should be used to this kind of thing, considering Mirage's talent, but she wasn't really. Her sister's talent didn't make things so real.
She kneels in front of him, she hadn't removed the hand on his arm which she'd placed there in an effort to steady him. She looks faintly spaced out herself now. Fighting a mental battle with some of her own less pleasant memories. After a moment she wins, her concern for Genesis replacing her own problems. She catches the self blame, and shakes her head in disagreement. "No, it's not your fault.." She says quietly. Curiosity killed the cat....

Posted by Genesis on 3/4/2002, 9:45 pm
He peers at her, listening to the inner battle as well as the comforting words. He nods hesitantly, realizing that her hand on his arm is making the link they share as strong as his empathic talent had been with contact. Strange... he didn't remember having that particulat ability... Repression erases everything, not only the bad, but the good as well.
He sighs again and gathers a little energy for her, a gift for being with him through his hardest time. It would help with the fatigue he knew she'd feel.

Posted by Vision on 3/4/2002, 9:53 pm
She studies him for a moment longer, wondering at the sigh. She blinks, faintly surprised that simply watching had taken so much out of her. When she realizes that he was reading energy she waves it away. "I'm okay." She insists. After all, if that had fatigued her, what had it done to Alex?

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 12:40 am
He hesitates, then releases the energy he'd been ready to send her. It's times like these he wishes he were able to give some of the energy he collected to himself. Who heals the healer? Not he, that's for sure.
He's exhausted, she'd be able to feel that through the link. He isn't sure if he's able to stand, much less walk home...

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 5:00 pm
She continues to study him. She could feel his exhaustion and wished there was something she could do. "You feel like you could use a nap.." She says somewhat dryly. The house didn't have a spare room at the moment, she supposed he could use her's..

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 5:08 pm
He chuckles at that, and tries to tell her that he's fine, but she'd be able to sense that through the link so he doesn't bother. "I think so too." he hears that there wasn't a spare room available "I can always just use the couch..." he offers.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 5:15 pm
She can't help smiling slightly. Mirage always said that her older sister would say she was fine even if she was ready to fall over, it seemed that Genesis is the same way. She shrugs at the couch comment, "I don't think it'd be all that easy to sleep out here.." The room was really bright, and she didn't mind Alex using her room. "Think you can stand?" That question is enough to bring the worry back into her features.

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 5:22 pm
He looks thoughtful, then shrugs and considers the question "Shouldn't be too hard," he answers wryly, then climbs to his feet, swaying slightly and reaching out an arm revlexively to steady himself.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 5:26 pm
"That's what you think." Is her somewhat amused sounding answer. She's already by his side when he sways, so she reaches out to steady him, the amusement fading when she sees he's so unsteady.

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 5:33 pm
He smiles sheepishly "Well, it shouldn't have..." he suddenly sounds very tired. He's still not quite sure what did it... there's no reason he can think of that something like a flashback would take so much energy out of him.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 5:39 pm
She slots her shoulder under his arm to support him. She didn't want him falling over before he got a chance to rest. "Nasty flashbacks seem to do that type of thing. Simple emotional trauma.." Vision sounds like she knows what she's talking about, although her mind is firmly keeping away from the reason why. She didn't want to start pelting Genesis with pieces of her somewhat unpleasant past when he was so exhausted. In fact, if she could get away with it she wouldn't share it at all.... Well, unless he asked.

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 5:45 pm
He seems just as content to let her sheild her past. Partly because he isn't sure if he could stay concious through another onslaught of stressful memories from either himself or her. He allows himself to be led wherever she wills, though he feels like he weighs a million pounds, and his eyes keep threatening to close.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 5:48 pm
She heads towards her bedroom, glad that Genesis hadn't asked. She opens the door and heads towards the bed, still supporting him. She doesn't notice the very amused pair of amber eyes watching from the shadows.

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 5:58 pm
He eyes the bed gratefully, sinking down into it's softness. He doesn't notice either, so tired that almost as soon as he's sitting his eyes close with an exhausted sigh.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 6:03 pm
Vision watches as Genesis sinks into her large queen sized bed. She pulls the covers over him, then waits a moment to make sure he's okay before drifting out of the room and quietly closing the door.

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 6:07 pm
He smiles for her, thankful, and is asleep even as she pulls the covers up.

Posted by Vision on 3/5/2002, 6:12 pm
She smile back, pausing at the door for a moment to study his sleeping form. After leaving the room she pauses, leaning against the wall. She really was tired, but she certainly couldn't sleep in her own bed. Hopefully Cass wouldn't mind if her older sister crashed in her bed for awhile. She heads into her younger sister's room and crawls into bed, curling into a ball out of simple habit. She's almost asleep as quick as Genesis and is well out of it when the slim orange tabby sneaks into the room. Rhiow studies Vision's sleeping form for a moment before sneaking out again. This could be fun....

Posted by Genesis on 3/5/2002, 6:17 pm
His sleep is dreamless, but somehow he can still sense Vision in the other room. Strangely enough, it seems to be not from the rose's connection, but the reawakened empathic talent. It's as hidden as it was before, but now the conection between himself and Vision is modified. Better actually, since instead of sensing individual thoughts, it could be 'turned down' so that only emotions are felt.
He smiles in his sleep, then is lost to unconciousness.

Posted by Mirage on 3/5/2002, 7:19 pm
Mirage steps in awhile later, her face almost completely hidden behind the mass of bags and packages she's hauling. Evidently she'd gone on a bit of a shopping spree and had taken thorough advantage of the after Christmas sales. She drops all the bags on the floor and looks around for her older sister with a grin. She couldn't wait to see the expression on Jen's face when she saw how much her younger sibling had bought. When she realizes that Vision wasn't coming over with a groan, complaining about her little mall mad spree, she blinks. This wasn't like Vision, staying out of sight when she must have known that Mirage had a little too much fun spending money.
She looks around, noting the half cleaned up mess on the floor and then spotting the trio of unopened packages on the table. She shifts back into her natural form then goes to investigate, picking up the package with her own name on it curiously. She notes there was one for each of her sister's as well. Who is this from? She's also rather curious about the slightly larger package that had already been opened. She studies it, wishing she knew what had been inside.
Mirage is so intent on her study of the gifts that it takes her a moment to realize that Rhiow had hoped up to stand on the table beside her. The mutant blinks at the feline's somewhat battered appearance. Blood is caked on Rhiow's nose, and there is a small chunk missing from her ear. Mirage just shakes her head, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened. "So Jen finally decided to discipline you, did she?"
Tried to discipline me.. The orange tabby corrects in a mutter, trying to hide her glee with the revenge she'd gotten.
Mirage blinks down at her. It sounded like the house cat hadn't learned a thing from the little encounter with Vision. She sighs, would Rhiow ever learn? It was beginning to look like the answer to that question was no. Mirage decides to change the subject before Rhiow somehow managed to get on her nerves. "So who are the presents from?"
Rhiow studies the presents without interest, Plantboy.

Posted by Mirage on 3/5/2002, 7:21 pm
Mirage looks up from her study of the gift. "Genesis was here?" She asks, eyebrows raised. She'd thought her sister was going to drop presents off, not that Genesis was coming here.
Correction, Rhiow says, Plantboy is still here.
"He's still here?" Mirage repeats with a blink, looking around the living room. "Where is he?"
In Jen's bed, sleeping. Rhiow says, as if she was just passing on well known and boring information.
Mirage blinks, eyes huge, more then a little startled by that statement. "What's Genesis doing in Jen's bed?" She realizes she shouldn't have asked that as soon as she opens her mouth.
What do you think he's doing? Rhiow asks, pretending it was a perfectly innocent question.
Mirage's eyes narrow, she knew the way Rhiow worked. The orange tabby didn't usually tell outright lies, but she did have a tendency towards bending the truth. "And where is my sister?" She asks, thinking she had Rhiow there. She didn't know what situation had come up that Genesis had exhausted himself so much that he'd ended up needing some serious rest, but she didn't think it was what Rhiow was implying. She hoped it didn't have to do with healing her older sister after she'd been in the danger room too long. Mirage had to do that a time or two herself and knew how exhausting saving Jen from near death was.
Rhiow just barely manages to keep the smirk off her face. In bed, asleep as well.
Mirage just blinks, ears drooping in startled embarrassment. It doesn't occur to her to ask where her sister is sleeping. All deep thought had just been shocked out of her. Now she was thoroughly glad that she hadn't gone to look for her sister. She most likely would have died of shock and embarrassment if she'd walked in on anything. "Oh!" Is her only answer to the feline's reply.

Posted by Genesis on 3/6/2002, 4:38 pm
He's still fast asleep, blissfully unaware of what's going on in the other room save for the faint spikes of emotion that go by almost unnoticed to his sleeping senses.

Posted by Mirage and Rhiow on 3/6/2002, 4:51 pm
Mirage remains stunned for a good ten mintues. When she finally recovers enough to speak she can't help asking about the already opened present. "What was in the gift?"
Rhiow studies it uninterestedly, still trying to contain her glee at the situation Vision would be treated to when she got out here. The orange tabby just looks at Mirage, as if asking if she really wanted to know.
Mirage blinks again, not sure if she did want to know. After a moment of studying the package she decides that did indeed want to know, if only to satisfy her curiousity. "Well?" She asks the orange tabby, eyebrows raised.
Rhiow is faintly disappointed, she had hoped Mirage would leave it there after assuming it was something personal. Well, she supposed the gift was personal, but not quite that way. It was a cat pendant, she answers Mirage.

Posted by Cinn on 3/6/2002, 5:04 pm
The green plant-cat chooses this moment to make an appearance, patrolling the house for any unwelcome 'sights' or 'sounds'. It pauses and tests the air with it's whiskers, scenting the cat and girl, Vision and Genesis. Nothing out of place, except for the little anomaly of it's creator in it's keeper's room. Nothing too strange. It goes on, peering in the room where Mirage and Rhiow are talking, noting the vibrations of the one's speach and uncomfortable movements. Was the cat being trouble to her? Ciin decided to investigate, pading over to the two.

Posted by Mirage and Rhiow on 3/6/2002, 5:07 pm
Mirage tilts her head. "A cat pendant?" She peers in the box, as if the present might still be there. After making sure that it isn't she looks at Rhiow again. "What'd look like?" She asks curiously.
Rhiow just turns her back on the mutant with a flick of her tail, evidently she was through with talking for the moment. She watches the hall, tail twitching in amusement. This was going to be great fun. If she was lucky Genesis and Vision would wander out at the same time. Her fur stands slightly when she sees what's just walked into the room. It was that dratted walking plant.

Posted by Genesis and Ciin on 3/6/2002, 5:19 pm
About the only reason Genesis would be getting up is if he suddenly wakes and can't get back to sleep. Actually fairly close at the moment, since his newly awakened empathy is feeding him information even in his sleep, and the shock Mirage felt a moment ago was almost an overload. He shifts slightly in his sleep.
Cinn advences purposefully and sends Mirage a questioning feeling concerning the cat at her feet, Bothering you? It ignores Rhiow's reaction, confident that it can survive any attack the cat would care to make, probably more than survive.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2002, 5:27 pm
Vision wakes up with a yawn and looks around her sister's somewhat messy room. She should probably get up and go check on Alex. If he was still asleep she planned to let him keep sleeping, and she bet that if he'd woken up he had left her to do the same. Flashbacks like that were nasty, and she knew it'd exhausted him. A moment later she wonders if anyone had gotten home yet. She hoped that neither Mirage nor Kat had stepped into her room and found Genesis there. It would be a tad difficult to explain. Well, to explain coherently anyway.
Mirage smiles slightly. "Rhiow is always bothering someone.." She answers, mentally affirming a negative. She glances at Rhiow, who is currently trying to ignore the plant-cat and scowl at it at the same time.

Posted by Genesis and Ciin on 3/6/2002, 5:35 pm
Ciin cocks it's head and nods, a disturbingly human gesture comming from a green cat-plant, and sends a feeling of acceptance back to her. It glances at Rhiow before flicking it's whispers and continuing it's patroll.
Genesis stirrs, and sighs. He's still tired, but something had awakened him and wouldn't let him go back to sleep. He feels Vision's approach and her emotional state, asessing the worry and sending his mental presence to comfort it with a sort of empathic 'don't worry'.

Posted by Mirage on 3/6/2002, 5:42 pm
Mirage looks faintly amused as she tries to figure out if seeing that gesture from a real cat was more disturbing or if seeing it from a plant-cat was.
Vision can't help smirking faintly. She was naturally a worry wart, she worried about everything.

Posted by Genesis and Ciin on 3/6/2002, 5:50 pm
Ciin disappears into the kitchen, finds nothing out of the ordinary, and moves on.
Genesis yawns and props himself up with his elbows, awaiting Vision's appearance. He doesn't feel Mirage in the other room, so figures that no one had come home yet. The way it's going, the three sisters won't get their presents untill after Christmas.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2002, 5:53 pm
Vision enters the room, leaving the door open a crack. "Feeling better?" She asks quietly, a smile on her face. She hasn't realized that Mirage is home either.

Posted by Genesis on 3/6/2002, 6:00 pm
He watches her enter and swings out from under the covers to a sitting position on the side of the bed "Well, I might be able to walk by myself." he answers ruefully. He can't remember when he's been so tired in his life and it's going to take more than a days nap to fix that. His stomache threatens to growl, but he doesn't want Vision to feel obligated to feed him anything, especially after letting him use her bed to recouperate somewhat.

Posted by Vision on 3/6/2002, 6:05 pm
Well, she supposed he was better, although not by much. The thought of trying to convince him to stick around for a few days crosses her mind, but she soon realizes that wouldn't really work. After all she needed her bed for herself... She'd have no place to put him. Still, she worried. The only person he'd have around to check on him would be the older lady. She decides she'd just have to check in on him a bunch, and make sure that he made it home okay. "Hungry?" She asks, not having caught the growl of his stomach, but suspecting he was probably starved.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 1:33 am
He catches her worry and smiles fondly. When she asks if he's hungry he hesitates only a moment before nodding. She'd pick it up through the link sooner or later anyway, so there was really no point in trying to hide it.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 1:51 pm
She's somewhat amused to note that smile did strange things to her stomach. "I thought so.." She smiles back, reviewing the contents of her fridge. Paradox had recently made lasagna. They could have some of that, if Genesis didn't mind eating the same thing he'd had last time he'd visited. Or she could threaten him with soup and see if that improved his condition. She laughs mentally at that thought, a small smile curling up the corner of her mouth.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 2:07 pm
He raises an eyebrow at her amusement, catching it through the modified-empathic link.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 4:35 pm
She arches an eyebrow back, wondering just what he'd caught. She hoped it wasn't her first thought..

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 4:47 pm
He sighs slightly "So, more soup? Or is there something else that I don't know about?"

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 4:52 pm
" Well, unless you'd rather not have lasagna or spaghetti..." She almost starts lauging, but restrains herself to a smile. It completely ruins her offhand tone.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:06 pm
He trys to hide his smile "I suppose I wouldn't mind," he sounds completely serious, but it's clear from the empathic link that he's close to laugter himself.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:09 pm
"What, not having pasta?" She too, sounds completely serious now, but she really isn't. "I do have chicken noodle soup.."

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:16 pm
"Oh, it doesn't really matter... if you had sushi I'd eat it right now." he pauses and looks worried "You don't really have any... do you?"

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:25 pm
He fidgets nervously "Sushi..." he replys, acting frightened but on the verge of cracking up.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:28 pm
She grins allowing her teeth to shift back. She was part feline, after all. Maybe she did have sushi.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:31 pm
Leans away slightly, mock afraid of the sushi threat. Only the twinkle in his eye betrays his mirth... that and the empathic link between the two.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:35 pm
She grins again, her teeth shifted to normal human ones. "No, raw fish has never really been my thing." She nose wrinkles slightly at the idea. "But I definitely have soup." The last is said on a bright note, as if the idea of soup would cheer him up.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:39 pm
He looks imensely relieved and sighs deeply, then smiles slightly "Either that or the spaghetti."

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:42 pm
She grins. "Sounds good." Absently she looks around the room. "Would you like it in here, or do you think you can make the walk to the table?" She's somewhat worried again.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:45 pm
He pauses a moment to think, his palms glowing slightly as he checks his own strength, serious for the moment. "I can make the trip to the kitchen, it's not terribly far away..." he pauses again, this time for an impish grin "...and I'll be able to make sure you don't sneak any sushi in it."

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:49 pm
She smiles in relief, she would have been terribly worried if he hadn't been able to make it to the kitchen. She would have insisted he stick around, at least until he recovered a bit, even if it did put her out of a bed. She grins in answer to the last bit. "Mmmm, spaghetti and raw fish! Just what you need."

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 5:52 pm
He looks frightened again, then laughs and pushes himself to his feet. He sways slightly, then steadies and smiles reasuringly.

Posted by Vision on 3/7/2002, 5:54 pm
Laughs as well, coming near when he sways so that she can steady him if he needs it. She heads out of the room, not moving far from his side in case he suddenly realizes he's not as steady as he thought.

Posted by Genesis on 3/7/2002, 6:01 pm
He follows, shaky but trying not to show it. He'd be alright as soon as he got some substance into him.

Posted by Various on 3/7/2002, 9:02 pm
Rhiow's sudden interest in the hall makes Mirage realize that Vision and Genesis were coming out. The thought of exiting the room and leaving the two alone enters her mind. They would probably be unbearably mushy, not to mention that they'd probably prefer they didn't have an audience. She wasn't sure she wanted to be around them, who knew what she might pick up?
Curiosity makes her stay. She found it really hard to believe that her sister had done what Rhiow implied. She knew her sister liked Genesis, but she didn't think Jen would take it that far. She stares for a moment after they make it into sight, then drops her gaze. She couldn't manage to keep her glaze level.
Vision continues to walk close to Genesis, she still suspected that he wasn't feeling as good as he pretended to be. She looks towards the kitchen when they make it into the living room, that's when she spots her sister. Vision suddenly realizes that this didn't look good. Both herself and Alex looked like they'd just woken up. Their hair and their clothing was mussed from sleep and they were coming from the hallway that lead to the bedrooms.Oh dear..
Mirage studies the two, peeking upwards through her bangs because she can't look straight at them. Vision was standing closer to Genesis then she'd seen her near anyone that wasn't family in a long time. However, she wasn't hanging off him, which was something she might expect if they really had made love. The state of their clothes didn't really say much in her sister's favor. Both looked like they'd just woken up.. The question where had they'd woken up?
Rhiow can't help smirking as she glances at Mirage. The feline mutant didn't looked shocked enough at the moment, although it was pretty funny that she couldn't look straight at either of the two. So Jen, did you thank Plantboy properly? She asks, tone conversational.
Vision looks up, not having realized that Rhiow was in the room with her sister. She scowls at the feline before she even finishes the sentence. The reply is a puzzled blink, her mind not quite grasping what the orange tabby was suggesting. After a moment she does realize what the housecat was insinuating and flushes furiously in embarrassment and rage. She'd just beat Rhiow up and the feline couldn't leave her alone for a single day?!? She was going to fry that idiotic little excuse for a cat!
Mirage observes the exchange silently, close to blushing in embarrassment herself. Had her sister's blush been one of indignant and embarrassed shock? Or one of faintly embarrassed and delighted confirmation? It felt more like shock and rage to her. Not to mention that she hadn't sensed anything like what she thought two people who had just gone all the way might be radiating. But there was that little mystery of what they'd been doing. After all, Rhiow almost never lied, and she'd said that they'd been sleeping in the same bed. Although she supposed that it was possible Vision had just curled up with Genesis because he happened to be the nearest source of warmth... She mentally shakes her head, still not quite able to meet her sister's gaze.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 5:12 pm
Genesis also notices Mirage and smiles at her, then looks confused when she doesn't want to make eye contact. He glances at the cat when she speaks and catches on just a tad before Vision and glares, Just what does that cat she think she's implying?! And did Mirage actually believe her!?

Posted by Various on 3/9/2002, 5:36 pm
The orange and white tabby smirks, her tail flipping about in satisfaction. She couldn't possibly have set that up any better. She stands and hops off the table to land neatly on the floor. I'll let you three settle this yourselves.. She says, acting as if she was a devoted little house pet that didn't aggravate her human to death. She saunters right past Vision and Genesis, tail in the air.
Vision shakes her head, showing her suddenly feline fangs in a toothy grin, her eyes glowing pure white in her human face. It's somewhat amazing that she'd managed to keep her form mostly human. "Oooooh no. You are not going anywhere." In one swift movement she's picked Rhiow up by the scruff of the neck. She holds the feline away from her body so that she won't get clawed. Rhiow's eyes narrow as she tries to get enough oxygen to breathe. Adult cats were not supposed to be carried like this.
Mirage nods slightly at Genesis's reaction, her gaze rising to study the two curiously. That answered her question quite nicely, but it still left questions. Like what they'd been doing that Rhiow could say that and not lie, but still insinuate what she did.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 5:52 pm
He watches the cat start to leave, about to reach out and grab her himself and is pleased that Vision did. He glances at Mirage when she looks up, glad that she's an empath and knows that emotional reactions can't lie. He waits to see what will be done about the troublemaking cat.

Posted by Various on 3/9/2002, 5:59 pm
The front door opens, and Kat enters with Kanga. Both girls take one look at the strange gathering, and beat a hasty retreat. Without a word they disappear into the other half of the hallway. Neither wanted to deal with Vision when she was like this, and seeing Genesis angry was faintly disturbing. Kat had ever seen the male mutant mad. Absently she wondered if he'd been hanging around her eldest sister too long. She wondered what Rhiow had done to tick off both adults so completely, but she isn't going to ask. Who knew what Vision would do to her? She takes refuge in her bedroom, not planning to come out until it was all over.
Mirage winces slightly when her sister picks Rhiow up. That couldn't be comfortable for the cat, and she hoped that Vision didn't get herself clawed up for it. Reflectively she wonders what her sister was about to turn Rhiow into, she could feel the specific type of power that belonged to that variety of talent building in the room. Whatever it was, Rhiow probably deserved it. That had been a nasty little prank the orange tabby played. The lavender striped mutant is feeling faintly guilty now, for ever doubting her sister.
Rhiow sighs slightly, still having trouble breathing. She wondered how much time she was going to be spending as a human for this one. She blinks when she realizes that might be a opportunity to create further chaos. After all, if she was human she could also flirt with Plantboy.. And wouldn't that put a bee in Jen's bonnet?
Vision's eyes are still blazing, she knew from Rhiow's expression what she was thinking, and she wasn't about to let that happen. Rhiow deserved to be something worse then a human, and be stuck that way permanently. Sadly, it would only be temporary, but she bet she could humiliate Rhiow enough that this punishment would stick. After all, she was going to end up the one thing that a cat couldn't stand to be... A dog.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 6:09 pm
He looks up when Kat and Kang enter, then back to the cat.
He also senses what is comming, but through the link he shares with Vision, knows a little more about what will happen than either of the other two. He thought it particularly fitting and smiles slightly, watching Rhiow closely.
He isn't usually like this, but that cat just wouldn't leave Vision alone!

Posted by Various on 3/9/2002, 6:20 pm
Vision knew this was going to drain her pretty badly, but at the moment she didn't care. Rhiow deserved to be something without legs, but she knew that the feline would find being a canine so much worse. She steps over to the couch, so she could collapse on it when she was done, and then triggers the change in Rhiow. There's a flash of blinding white, and Vision allows Rhiow to escape her grip and drop to the floor. Vision herself sways for a moment, then drops onto the couch, human face pale depite the grin.
Mirage almost breaks out laughing when Rhiow drops to the carpet as a terrier, a terrier with strangely mixed white and sandy orange coloring. What an idea! Turn the cat into a dog!
Rhiow falls to the floor and lands neatly, faintly surprised that she had so far to fall. Had Vision turned her into some sort of miniature human? Then she realizes that she's still on four legs. She can't help smirking, Vision was loosing her touch, it hadn't even worked. Then she realizes she felt really strange. She walks over to the mirror, suddenly aware that something was wrong with her legs. She looks in the mirror, and stares for a moment, disbelieving. With a howl of despair she speeds from the room at a dead run. Vision had turned her into a dooooog!

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 6:33 pm
He watches her move to the couch, worried that she felt the change would drain her so much she wouldn't be able to stay standing. He follows, and helps slow her fall. Not terribly much, since he's still pretty weak himself. He colapses beside her and watches the now canine Rhiow race from the room with a similar smile on his face. ~Nicely done...~ he sends to her on a wave of energy. She's just as exhausted as he is now, maybe more, and he figures that a little shared energy that could help her wouldn't do him harm.
Ciin runs into the room from the drection Rhiow had disappeared, somewhat alarmed that the cat-thing was now a not-cat-thing. It glances at it's creator and keeper, and the other in turn, sitting down to process the information it collects.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 6:44 pm
She's faintly surprised when Genesis helps slow her fall, even if it wasn't by much, he was still really weak. ~ Thanks.~ She answers through the link, the faintest hint of satisfied feline purr in her mind voice even though she was still human.
There's a yelp, then Saash comes speeding into the room with her fur standing. Since when do we have a dog?! She bounces into Mirage's arms, fur still standing.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 7:19 pm
He smiles his reply and watches Saash race in. He laughs faintly at the cat's reaction to the other's transformation. Since about half a minute ago.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 7:20 pm
Mirage starts laughing too when her cat bounds into her arms, she starts smoothing Saash's standing fur. "We don't have a dog, that was Rhiow."
Saash turns around to look at Mirage, her green eyes wide. WHAT?! Rhiow is that.. that.. that.... thing?! All her fur is standing again, despite Mirage's attempts to smooth it down. Why?! What did she do?
Vision smirks slightly. "She was up to her usual tricks."
Saash blinks hard. She musta done something really nasty.
Vision and Mirage nod.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 7:24 pm
Genesis also nods, suddenly tired again. Yes, he sighs, leaning back against the couch.

Posted by Saash on 3/9/2002, 7:20 pm
Oooh. Is about the extend of Saash's reply.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 7:27 pm
He sighs again and closes his eyes a moment, feeling not only his exhaustion but Vision's as well, and she probably feels his. He hears Kat and opens his eyes to glance in her direction and smile faintly at hesitation to confront her eldest sister when she's angry. Heck, he'd hesitate too.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 7:32 pm
Vision's eyes are drooping from the double set of exhaustion, but she resists falling asleep. She knew she'd probably wake curled up against Alex, simply because he was warm, and after what had just happened she did not want another mess on her hands. She's somewhat amused. ~What a pair we are!~ She says through the link, not really wanting her sister to hear that comment. Who knew how she'd react to the word pair.
Kat's green face continues to peer around the side of the wall, unsure.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 7:44 pm
He chuckles mentaly, ~Pretty sad, aren't we?~ but only smiles a little more at Kat outwardly. He doubted Jen would be able to do very much at the moment, least of all be angry at her younger sister.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 7:48 pm
Vision chuckles, then raises an eyebrow at Kat, who was still peering worriedly around the edge of the wall.
When Kat realizes that Vision knew she was here she almost squeaks and ducks back behind the wall, but instead forces herself to step out into the living room. "So what's Rhiow do?" She asks conversationally.
Vision rolls her eyes. "Long story." Kat realizes that Vision didn't want to explain and drops it there.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 7:54 pm
He almost laughs. Oh you don't want to know...
He wonders if Vision can sense his hunger through the link. He hopes not, since it is nearly making him want to stand up and walk a mile, even in his condition, in search of food. He sighs lightly and wills himself to forget about food for a while.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:02 pm
Vision chuckles. No, Kat did not want to know. The sudden growl of her own stomach reminds her of food. "Mirage, do you think you could warm up some speghetti and meatsauce?"
Mirage looks up, then nods. "Sure." She stands, placing Saash carefully on the floor, and heads into the kitchen. "You hungry too, Kat?" She asks after a moment.
Kat calls back an affirmative, and the sound of pots and pans comes from the kitchen.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:09 pm
He smiles gratefully and settles a little more into the couch. He listens to the comforting sounds in the kitchen and closes his eyes again to doze. Half dreams flit throught his sleey mind, home, mother in the kitchen with Kayli helping, father humming to himself over a model he's building... Kayli exits the kitchen smiling, but pauses and falls to the floor. Her mother calls out and a girl with red hair and silver eyes exits the kitchen, red stains on three blades protruding from her clenched fist. She screams defiantly and dives at Alex and his father...
Genesis startles awake, heart racing. He looks around with wide eyes before remembering that it was a dream. He looks troubled. What was that all about?

'Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:13 pm
Vision , who'd beeen half asleep herself and close to curling up beside Genesis as she feared, snaps awake with a small jump. She blinks, looking at Genesis, worried. He didn't need any more flashbacks..

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:18 pm
He agrees wholeheartedly, except that it wasn't a flashback. Only a troubling dream. He sighs again. He doesn't really want to go to sleep right here oh the couch, but it seems that the rest of him doesn't really care what he wants. Besides, it's warm and comfortable... why not go to sleep? He manage to just barely keep himself awake, but his eyes close again as he shifts into a more relaxed mode of wakefullness.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:13 pm
Wonders if she should just bite him and inforce some rest then send him back to bed. She looks into the kitchen, she'd meant to ask her sister if she could do anything for him. She yawns sleepily, wondering if it was her own exhaustion that was making her tired, or exhaustion she was picking up from him. Probably both, she decides after a moment of thought.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:28 pm
He smiles at that idea, but since the link is back down to emotions he doesn't really know how she'd make him sleep. Other than tire him out any more than he already is.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:32 pm
She continues to contimplate the idea, wondering if the backlash through the link would put her out as well. Eventually she decides she'd only put him out if he looked like he was going to do something silly. She really didn't want to have to bite him.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:34 pm
He sighs lightly and wishes Mirage would be back soon with that meal so he and she could both get a little rest.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:37 pm
Mirage comes back out after awhile, a plate in each hand. She passes one to Genesis, then hands the other to Vision. She leaves, then comes back with a plate for herself and one for Kat.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:40 pm
He opens his eyes as she emerges and accepts the plate of pasta with a grateful smile. He digs in, trying to force himself to chew and swallow each bite so he doesn't end up with indigestion from eating too fast.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:42 pm
All three of the sister's eat, moving pasta from plate to mouth without a word. When Mirage has finished she looks at the presents, which were still on the table. "So what are those about?"

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 8:40 pm
He finishes quickly and sits back, ready to go right to sleep here and now. When Mirage reminds him of the three identical gifts he'd brought with him he smiles "Well, now that you're all here together I suppose you can open them..."

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:50 pm
Mirage stands and reaches for the present with her name on it. Kat does as well. Vision eyes her present for a moment, too tired and comfortable to reach it. Mirage hands Vision the one that belongs to her. They all start opening their presents.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 8:56 pm
He smiles and watches, waiting to see their faces when they find the 'special' rings in each of their boxes. There is a woven-vine ring for each of them, one with a tiny flower in each of their stripe colors... Navy blue for Vision, lavendar for Mirage and white for Kat. No special properties about them except that they'll never wilt or crush. Of the few things he's ever been able to perfect, delecacy was the most dificult.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 9:02 pm
All three are curious, but Kat and Mirage are also surprised that they'd gotten presents. Three identical smiles, despite the fact that Vision is human at the moment. Kat takes hers out and studies it for a moment, curious. Mirage just puts hers on, and then admires it on her finger. Visions smiles at hers, studying it from the box.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 9:04 pm
He nods and sits back, eyes half closing but he still keeps an eye on their reactions. Yep, definitly sisters.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 9:10 pm
A chorus of thank you's, all said at the exact same time. After a moment, Mirage raises an eyebrow at Vision. "So what did you get?"
Vision blinks. "Get?" She's intent on denying it, until Mirage points to the opened box that was still on the table.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 9:14 pm
He chuckles and smiles his reply, basking somewhat in the warm glow of gratitude on three sides. He opens one eye a little more at Mirage's question and Vision's reply, curious.

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 9:25 pm
"Oh." She blushes faintly, then knowing that her sister wouldn't leave her alone until she found out. She pulls the necklace from where it is hidden under her shirt. The cat of green, glass and silver gleams in the light.
"Ooh." That gasp comes from Mirage. "Nice."
Kat seems to be faintly stunned, she hasn't said anything but she obviously thinks the same.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 9:14 pm
He closes his eye again, amused but still very tired. Seemingly even more so than before, now that he's eaten. He yawns quietly and wonders if there's any way he'd be able to get home, or if he'd be staying right where he is for the rest of his convalescence. A good night's sleep would fix this, but he isn't sure he wants to risk further Rhiow trouble by sleeping in Jen's bed again...

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 10:25 pm
Vision yawns as well, curling up into a sleepy ball. She wasn't sure Genesis was in good enough shape for her to take home, and she wasn't sure she was in good enough shape to take him home.
Mirage, seeing the dilema, speaks up. "I don't think Paradox would mind if you used his room.." She trails off, waiting to see if Vision would finish it.
"You could stay in his room, if you wanted." Vision finishes, half asleep. That solved the problem nicely. She thinks gratitude, knowing Mirage would pick it up. The lavender stripe mutant nods as she picks it up.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 10:31 pm
He smiles gratefully, but is mostly just exhausted at the moment. That and the full stomache are making him think that maybe just sleeping right here is the best option after all. Especially since the being in Paradox's room is preceeded by the getting to Paradox's room...

Posted by Vision on 3/9/2002, 10:35 pm
Mirage studies the two, faintly amused. "You two need some help?"
Vision shakes her head subbornly. "I'm okay."
Mirage smiles. "Right."

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 10:37 pm
"Mmm..." comes his half asleep reply. He agrees with Vision.

Posted by Mirage on 3/9/2002, 10:42 pm
"Right." She says again. "Who do you want to help?" She asks, eyeing Kat.
"Er, Genesis." She says hurriedly. Not trusting Vision not to bite her or something.
"Right then, grab an arm!" Mirage says cheerfully as she grabs one of her sister's arms and levers her from the couch. A she suspected, Vision could barely get her feet under her.
Kat just blinks.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 10:46 pm
He moves slightly when he hears through his fuzzy, half asleep mind that they were going to help whether he wanted to move or not, he opens his eyes slightly, eyeing Kat. She didn't really look strong enough to carry him, so that means that he'd have to muster enough strength to stand at least. He sighs and reluctantly pushes himself away from the back of the couch, but that's about all he can manage. This was going to be terribly embarassing...

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2002, 10:48 pm
Kat blinks again, absently hoping Vision didn't strangle her for manhandling her boy friend. She grabs an arm, as Mirage suggested, and pulls trying to lever Genesis off the couch like Mirage had done to Vision.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 10:50 pm
He adds as much strength as he can, trying to make it easier on Kat, and manages to climb to his feet with her help. Heh, if he weren't so darn tired, this might have been funny.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2002, 10:48 pm
Kat tries to keep him from falling over as she points him towards the hall. They don't get very fall before Mirage returns. Between the two females, Genesis makes it into Paradox's den. They allow Genesis to fall into Paradox's giant bed. Mirage pulls the covers over him. "Night, Genesis." Mirage says from the door, her hand on the lightswitch.

Posted by Genesis on 3/9/2002, 10:56 pm
He's asleep almost as soon as his head hits the pillow, but manages a grateful "Mmm," for the two girls before drifting off. He wonders vaguely what would happen if Paradox were to come home to find someone sleeping in his bed, but doesn't have the energy to consider it further and is lost to unconciousness.

Posted by Kat on 3/9/2002, 10:58 pm
"Night, Genesis." Kat calls quietly as Mirage flicks out the lights. They leave the room and shut the door quietly behind them. Mirage checks in on Vision, not surprised to see that she was asleep already as well.