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This Week

 The scene begins as thus. The light of the sun peers through the closed dust kissed windows as the heat searing heat seems magnified through the pane's of glass. Though the temperature is in actuality only 98 degrees, the heat index indicates it is well over a hundred. Though the time is early morning it seems high noon from this accursed hot weather. Outside the window is a picture which in a word could be described as Eden. A lavish garden of earthly delights flourishes here in this lush, fertile soil. The emerald green grass here, though a bit shaggy and long currently receives a much needed trim from the lawnmower.

 The riding lawnmower is operated by none other than the colossus known to the wrestling world as Baine. He is stripped to the waist to relieve himself from the heat. His feet are currently shoeless and wears only a pair of white shorts, and baseball cap, which has upon it the ULW brand. Sweat beads from his muscular, well tanned physique as he makes a final pass mowing by the begonias, which are in full bloom.

 Baine finishes the task and drives the mower to park in a back garage, where he proceeds to get off the machine and walks over to a rather large black refrigerator. Mumbling to himself he browses the contents where he retrieves a large plastic bottle of water which he takes a large drink from. He reaches up to the top of the refrigerator and pulls down a towel which he uses to remove the sweat from his body.

 The giant pauses to sigh heavily and walks to the opposite end of the garage where he sits upon a weight bench. For several minutes he lay upon the bench face up where he proceeds to have himself a rigorous workout.

 The scene fades,

 Again the scene begins in the same room as seen previously, with the dust kissed windows. Baine sits silently watching the television, fixated in a trancelike state. the television shows the debut match between himself and his brother Devin wrestling Hurst and Too Magnificent. Moments later is another match where he is in the scramble cage match against many opponents. At last the final match plays where he loses to Hurst and Too Magnificent. He watches the last few minutes again and again.


Baine just rolls onto his back, his arms spread across the canvas as Magnificent slowly covers him, hooking the leg with whatever strength he might have left as the official slides in the ring,


The bell sounds and Magnificent just rolls onto the apron to the boos of the fans as Devin Hawk slides back in the ring to the side of his brother looking angrily at the two men who have managed to beat them!)

 Jerry Walters:
What a big win for Syndicate – the Vengeance franchise, Hawk and Baine up till tonight have looked unstoppable in tag competition but tonight – though through cheating have managed to come second place and they have egos Tim, they are undoubtedly not going to let this rest, I promise, this won’t be the last we hear from these four men.

 Baine presses the power button on the remote control and sits still replaying the events in his mind. He prepares to take another drink of his water when he pauses. His vacant expression turns to something much more sinister.  Emotions swell quite apparently. Hate, dismay, anger, rage all break lose as Baine throws the bottle at the television, spilling the contents which make sparks shoot from the television. Baine stands quickly and picks sixty-two inch  television over his head, ripping the cord from the wall. His mouth opens and unleashes a hellish roar as he throws the appliance into the wall with all his might causing it to explode, as well as create a large crater in the drywall. Next Baine grabs the chair in which he was sitting and hurls it through the closed window, where it spirals downwards into the begonia bed, crushing them all.

 Breathing labored Baine collapses to the ground, his back against the wall. Silence ensues. He utters softly breaking the quiet of the room.

 Baine: "This is fucking bullshit."

 The whispers gain power as again he speaks, the angry tone enhanced.

 Baine: "This is fucking bullshit!! I mean for god sakes what the hell is wrong with everybody?! Week after week, I come out and give it my all. I even asked the fed brass for a fucking chance to compete one on one. This way I can prove to the world, no fuck the world. Prove to myself I still have what it takes to be in this business. Sure I am one half of the Dominion, but so fucking what? It seems the only one in the team that can do shit is Devin. Although he is my brother I need some recognition for myself as a single wrestler on the roster. The brass have no problem giving Devin his shot at that but what about me, what about Baine?!?"

 Baine pauses a moment and chuckles.

 Baine: "Jesus Christ, I am sounding more and more like that whiney bitch Raven from the old WWF days. That's not who I am, nor how I wish to be labeled. So I have to think now of how the hell to show the fed heads here I deserve better than exclusive tag only matches."

 Baine scratches his chin and slowly smiles. he stands and walks to the open hole where once the window was set and continues.

 Baine: "Of course, why didn't I think of this before? Its perfect."

 Baine walks in a fast manner downstairs where he goes to the telephone. Picking it up he places the receiver to his ear.

 Phone Voice: "Hello?"

 Baine: "Yes, this is Baine, may I please speak to Conrad Gray please."

  Phone Voice: "Just one moment sir, I will see if he is available."

 Baine: "Thank you."

 There is a two minute hold where Baine is forced to listen to Ace of Base remix music. The horrors.

 Phone Voice: "Yes Mr. Baine, I will transfer your call now."

 Gray: "This is Gray, What can I do for you Baine?"

 Baine: "Yes Mr. Gray, I am calling in regards to your comments concerning Jericho Dylan."

 Gray: "Yes what about it?"

 Baine: "Well I was curious if you meant the title of his is up for grabs 24/7, were you serious or just jerking the asshole's chain?"

 Gray: "Baine, you have been here long enough to realize that I am no Vince McMahan. I refuse to waste my time and energy to talk a big game and not back it up. So to answer your question, I am as serious as your career is in jeopardy for bothering me with such an unimportant matter as this. So if you will excuse me, I have a multi million dollar company to run here."

 Gray hangs up the phone as does Baine a few moments later. A smile crosses the man's face as he starts to speak.

 Baine: "It seems this week I will have a busy week. First I am going after Jericho's title and take it from him as easily as a thug mugs a senior citizen for his social security check. Then I am in a tag team match the likes the ULW has not seen since my arrival here. A six man tag elimination match. Looks like I need to call myself a cameraman and get things started here by have a couple promotional videos done."

 Baine again picks up the phone and dials it.

 Phone Voice: "ULW main office can I direct your call?"

 Baine: "Yes this is Baine again, I need a cameraman to come over to my home right away so I may record a promo."

 Phone Voice: "Very well sir, I will send one out right away."

 Baine: "Thank you."

Baine hangs up the phone. An hour passes.

A white Ford van traveling down the streets of a small suburban community. The sun high overhead shimmers off of the several pools in the backyards of these homes. The smells of freshly cut lawns permeates within the air. Several men wave to the van as they mow their lawns an different patterns which in their opinion will make their lawns appearance look it's best. Children running and playing seem to smile and point to the van as it rolls by slowly. The driver of the van looks to be about in his mid thirties. He has a large pot belly, which his Star Wars episode two t-shirt fails to cover completely. His generic sun glasses are broken and taped up on the side. In the passenger seat sits a well groomed man in his late twenties. He is in good physical shape. The driver makes several cheap comments about his choice of attire, for he has on a dark colored sports jacket, white dress shirt, black socks and dress shoes, but where his pants should be are a pair of ugly tie dyed swimming trunks. The driver unable to keep his comments to a whisper finally looks to the reporter in the bad shorts

 Driver: "Hey how is your mamma doing? She been doing alright?"

The reporter with a confused look on his face replies.

 Reporter: "My mother is simply fine. Why do you ask?"

The drivers smiles and takes advantage of the opening. He fights back the laughter as he replies.

 Driver: "I was just wondering because it looks like either you forgot your pants, or you dressed yourself this morning."

The reporter rolls his eyes and snaps back at the driver.

 Reporter: "You are the last man in the world who should give fashion tips, with your large belly hanging out of your juvenile clothing and sun glasses held together by duct tape."

The driver quickly pulls over and points to the reporter, with a look of anger.

 Driver: "Listen here you piece of Bantha Fodder, for your information Duct tape is like the Force. It has an light side, a Dark side, and it binds the universe get out now!!"

The reporter looks stunned and replies.

 Reporter: "Screw that we are supposed to do an interview so we will do it. I don't want to get business mixed in with personal relations."

The driver shakes his head again, this time his face is marked with an expression of amusement.

 Driver: "What the hell are you talking about? This is the address for the interview."

The reporter blinks a few times and gets out and opens the side of the van up, allowing three more men to get out carrying various equipment. They all start to the door. Inside reveals the sight of a plush looking white carpet, the black leather furnisher, including a large overstuffed lazy boy recliner, love seat and couch. A classical melody by Mozart plays in the background upon a large state of the art home theatre system. Baine the 7'7 monster walks through the room wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts and white muscle shirt. Spots of water appear all over his massive corded muscular body from where he did not dry himself thoroughly after stepping from the pool outside. Upon his head rests a black Tommy brand skull cap with the words "Forsaken" embroidered within the front in large crimson letters. He sits upon the plush recliner and puts on a pair of socks and begins putting on his black leather Converse high tops when an audible knock is heard at the door. Baine hurriedly finishes tying the black laces and walks briskly to answer the door. As he looks out of the peep hole he sees the ULW camera crew standing to do an interview, or so he imagined. He raises both eyebrows and sighs as he half smiles to himself and he calls out to the awaiting ULW staff.

 Baine: "Who is it?" he almost laughs as he speaks.

The reporter holds his microphone to his mouth and replies.

 Reporter: "ULW staff to do an interview with you, if you have the time that is."

Baine smiles even wider and clears his head as not to laugh and ruin his moment of fun. Then he in turn replies.

 Baine: "Oh yea? Well give me just a minute and I will get right with you. I am sort of um.. preoccupied right now."

The reporter makes a face and looks back to his crew and whispers.

 Reporter: "Just like these ULW wrestlers, they always think that we are just a bunch of geeks with cameras and microphones. They never give us the respect we deserve. Stupid ass steroid junkies."

The camera man and reporter laugh at his comments. Tears come to a few of their eyes. Their laughter is cut short however as the door opens and Baine stands, towering over, his smile is gone from his face. He grabs up the reporter with one hand and lifts him off of the ground and pulls his face to meet his.

 Baine: "Listen up you low life sack of shit, you ever accuse me or anyone from ULW for using steroids again I will stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry. I assume you are here to do an interview since I saw a couple promos on the television last night that concerns me? Get in here and......"

 Baine looks down and sees the reporter's very bad shorts and a stream of yellow liquid running down his leg. He tosses the frightened reporter back and blinks a few times before continuing.

 Baine: "On second thought you just stay right out there in your underwear and meet me around back on the patio. I have some plastic chairs back there you can sit on because you sure as hell are not going to sit on my new couch smelling like piss. Hurry it up too because I sure as hell lost the good mood I was in after you running your mouth about me."

Baine slams the door and heads to the back sliding glass door where he waits for a few seconds before he hears someone screaming like a little girl, and a large dog barking. He smiles again and watches as the reporter runs quickly to the patio chased closely behind by a black and tanned rottweiler. Baine snaps his fingers and the dog stops giving chase and heels to the left side of Baine where he sits panting. Baine shakes his head and speaks.

 Baine: "Oops, sorry about that I forgot all about Shade being outside."

Baine walks to the sliding glass door and puts the dog inside and closes the door behind it, then turns his attention the the bladder control challenged reporter. Baine does not break eye contact as he sits into a wooden cherry red stained bench. He motions to a plastic chair for the reporter and continues.

 Baine: "Now lets get this interview going before I let Shade back out to play find the ball with you, and I am not talking about a tennis ball in case you are wondering."

The reporter sits into the plastic chair trying to cover the wet spot in the front with one hand and holding the mic with the other. He clears his voice and gives the signal for the cameraman to again start recording.

 Reporter: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen I am Peter Richards with ULW reporting now with one of the newest additions to the ULW, Baine. Now Baine, it seems in your several years of being in the wrestling business you are in a bit of a slump. What comments have you to say on the matter?

 Baine: "I wont deny that comment at all. No matter what I haven't been able to show my true potential. But that ends this week. You see not only am I in a six man tag match with the Syndicate being my partners, but also I want in on the action for the Anarchy title."

 Reporter: "That's an awful lot to try and accomplish in one week, how do you plan on doing this?"

 Baine: "I am driven. More so now than ever before. I cannot falter for this is a test of the most importance. A personal test of my skills, and endurance. So if anyone were to ask me what drives me, there is but one answer. Inner rage. The rage which burns to my very soul. In the past I have been seen as a juggernaut. A machine that is unstoppable and indestructible by any means. I will first speak of my self appointed quest if you will, to take the Anarchy title from Jericho."

Continue with Anarchy Title segment
Skip to go to 6 man tag segment