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  The Ending of Doraemon 

On a normal day, or as normal as it seemed, Nobita went to school and suffered his daily dose of abuses and bullying. Running home crying, hoping that Doraemon would rectify his problems, he discovered, to his horror, that Doraemon had stopped moving.

No matter how hard he kicked or punched Doraemon, the robot remained immobile and gave no reactions. Not knowing what to do, Nobita panicked, and tears were rolling out of his eyes. He was scared, and as he watched drops of tears falling, splashing themselves against the cold, hard body of the mechanism, Nobita suddenly realised he could time travel to the 22nd century and somehow resurrect Doraemon. Without thinking twice, he immediately jumped into the Time Travelling Machine located inside the drawer in his desk. 

When he reached 250 years later, he found Dorami and was told that Doraemon had a flat battery and Nobita's best friend couldn't operate unless he receives a new battery. Normally,  robotic cats would have spare batteries stored inside their ears, but considering that Doraemon had his pair nimbled off by a mechanical mice, the circuit has stopped. The problem being, if Doraemon has his batteries changed, all the memory saved inside Doraemon would be lost if the circuit is reset...

Doraemon will never remember Nobita and all the adventures they have been through together. Nobita, not wanting to lose his best friend, vowed to himself that from that day onwards he will study hard and one day become a successful robot technician and resurrect Doraemon with his own hands.

He told his parents and all his friends that Doraemon went back to the future. In fact, Nobita had hidden Doraemon inside his wardrobe. Not long after, people forgot about Doraemon's presence, though Nobita and Shizuka missed Doraemon dearly.

Nobita studied hard from then on, and each time he failed, he told himself that Doraemon is depending on him. Every time when he felt like giving up, he looked into the sky and think of all the wonderful time he had with Doraemon. Eventually, Nobita improved on his grades, and went straight from high school and into university, succeeding and achieving his goals. His hard work and determination paid off.

Thirty years later, Nobita transformed himself from a failure into the CEO of an Artificial Intelligence company. He was happily married to Shizuka, and after years of hard-work and research, he finally developed a computer chip which contained all of Doraemon's memory.

Nobita immediately retrieved Doraemon from his laboratory, and implemented the chip into his childhood friend. An eerie sound infiltrated the atmosphere, and  within the next moment, before Nobita realised what had happened, Doraemon slowly got up and Nobita was in mixed emotions. He was both excited and scared, scared that Doraemon forgot about him. But he knew Doraemon hadn't when he held out his hands towards Nobita and smiled warmly at him.

"Nobita, I have waited for a long time. Congratulations." Doraemon said. And from then onwards, and for the rest of their lives, Doraemon and Nobita and family lived forever happily together. And let it be a lesson to the rest of you:  If you can dream it, you can do it.

                                         THE END