by Terry Sinclair

  Brooke woke up early and stepped out from underneath the small lean-to that she called home. The ocean breeze tousled her long brown hair, so she brushed it out of her eyes. She stared out at the beach and the waves crashing into the reef some distance from the shore.

  For most, it would have been a breath-taking view, but for Brooke it was ordinary and predictable, the same scene she had viewed every day of her young life, as far back as she could remember. She did enjoy being out here alone, though. Early morning was quickly becoming her favorite time of day; a time when she could be by herself, with her thoughts and feelings, and longings. A time when he was still sleeping.

  Things had been happening in the last few months. Things which she did not enjoy. Chris and she had both begun to change, slowly, but definitely, and the outcome wasn't what Brooke had hoped for at all. Chris seemed to be getting bigger. And stronger. His muscles were developing, and with it he seemed to be getting more aggressive too.

  Over the last few months, he had begun to boss her around and demand that she do things for him, like gather his food and repair his clothing. These things were a particular pain because his appetite was forever increasing and he was constantly ripping the seams out of his clothes, which were fitting him tighter and tighter as time wore on. These things she would have done gladly, were it not for his ever increasingly hostile attitude and rudeness. Never a "thank you"; always "do this now", very brutish and rude.

  Brooke was beginning to tire of it, but the one time that she spoke up, Chris slapped her and told her to never speak of it again. The slap hurt, and made her cry. She had run off down the beach, and sobbed gently as the tide rolled in. When she returned to their hut, Chris acted as though nothing had happened and showed no sign of remorse. She was truly hating what he was becoming, but saw little that she could do to stop it.

  Nevertheless, all these degradations she could have tolerated. But the thing Chris did for the first time last week was beyond Brooke's ability to deal rationally with. In the middle of the night, she had awakened to find Chris on top of her fiddling around with her crotch. At first she was caught off guard and could only gasp. In that instant Chris covered her mouth with his hand and the next thing she knew, she felt as if she was being ripped in two.

  Chris had just jammed something long and hard up her pissy hole and the pain that it caused her was excruciating. She tried to scream in agony, but was muffled by Chris's hand. From his position and contact with her, it took Brooke only seconds to figure out what was being thrust inside her, a notion confirmed as Chris began to slide it in and out. With each inward thrust, the young girl winced in pain, though as the ordeal wore on, each pumping motion was slightly less painful than the last.

  The whole event lasted perhaps one minute, and ended when she felt a warming sensation inside her, and Chris fell off of her rolled over, and went to sleep. She however couldn't sleep, and didn't want to move for fear of the soreness that would result. She just lay there the better part of an hour and sobbed.

  This horrific event replayed itself every night of the past week. Chris had called it "bounce" and said that he really liked it, and didn't really care if she enjoyed it or not, but that he was going to do it and try to stop him. She took him up on that offer, but when she pushed him off, he simply became more aggressive and overpowered her. She quickly learned that it was easier and less painful to just submit, lie still, and hope that it ended quickly.

  This was the morning that Brooke awoke to. An entire order and way of life in tremendous upheaval. The smartest thing she thought she could do was to get away from it, at least for the day. Chris could gather his own food for the day. Sure, there may be hell to pay when she returned, but the peace and tranquility that a day away offered was worth that price.

  She ventured off into the jungle.

  Her day went tremendously well. She was maturing, and as such for the first time took the moment to look closely at all the flowers and plants, and the animals that she saw on her path. The island was truly a paradise--at least under these circumstances--and she enjoyed sucking it all in.

  As the day wore on, and she found herself well into the interior of the island, she came upon a fresh-water spring that had formed a small lake. Near the lake was a large bush with a strange fruit growing on it. The youngsters had learned by trial and error which foods were suitable for eating and which weren't. If it made you sick, stay away from it. Otherwise, and if it was palatable, eat away. This new fruit simply needed to be cataloged, and so with a bit of trepidation, but no true concern, she picked a piece and bit into it. She found it to be quite juicy and sweet, very much like a plum. Very few of the sweet ones ever turned out dangerous, so she finished it off and sat down by the spring to rest.

  Within about five minutes, though, Brooke began to wonder if the new fruit was in fact alright or not. An incredible burning sensation was overtaking her, particularly around her crotch. She rubbed between her legs vigorously in an effort to squelch the burning, and it helped a bit. She also noticed the particularly pleasant sensation that that provided, in spite of her discomfort. Perhaps a cooling swim would be in order, she thought, and so she stripped off her top and bottom, and dove into the spring.

  She found her swim to be refreshing and soothing, both to her body and mind, and she frolicked in the spring for the better part of an hour. Occasionally, she would reach between her legs and with her fingers caress the inside of her thighs and up into her crotch in an effort to revive those new feelings of excitement. It occurred to her that if Chris would just be a bit more gentle, or had a smaller dinky, that his sessions of bounce could actually be enjoyable. But she knew that she could never bring that up.

  After her swim, she sunned herself for a while and ultimately fell asleep, rolling into the shade of a large tree. When she awoke, she could tell it was late, and realized that she should be returning to the hut and facing her punishment, whatever form that might take. She picked up her clothes and struggled to pull them on.

  She found them to be particularly tight, really snuggling her skin, and she wondered if they hadn't gotten a bit wet and had shrunk sitting in the sun. Not a problem, she thought. She just let them out a bit tomorrow. She started to walk back to the beach, but was continually struck by the fact that the jungle didn't seem to look the same. What was different escaped her. Same plants, same animals as her trip out to the spot, but something somehow was intangibly different. Give her time, she thought.

  She was a smart girl. She'd figure it out.

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  Chris was waiting for her upon her return, and the look on his face wasn't pleasant. Brooke knew to expect a beating, and was prepared for that eventuality. It had been worth it. As she approached, Chris stared at her. Something was not quite right. He couldn't put his finger on it, but whatever it was, it made him uncomfortable and he didn't like it.

  As she walked up to him, he glared at her and demanded, "where have you been?"

  "I spent the day in the jungle. What of it?" she said with just the hint of defiance in her voice.

  "I don't want you going there again. Do you understand me?" he replied. He considered slapping her for her attitude, but then thought better of it.

  "Maybe I will, and maybe I won't," said Brooke as she sauntered past him. Her confidence level was way up, and yet she was still surprised that Chris hadn't hurt her in any way. Oh, there was no question in her mind. She was going back to her spot tomorrow.

  That evening, as the hour drew late, and she was nearly asleep, she felt Chris stirring and getting up. Instinctively she tensed up, and shuddered slightly as he slipped himself on to her. Chris strained to pry her legs open, and then inserted himself into her.

  Brooke noticed that it wasn't nearly as painful as the last few times, but still was annoying. Each thrust of his hardened cock, though, seemed to become smoother and smoother. Nevertheless, she grew weary of this game that he played, and inspired by her successes earlier, tried to force the horny boy off of her. Surprisingly to both of them, he was lifted of and thrown to the floor.

  Shocked and upset, Chris scrambled to his feet, still with a raging hard-on, pointed his finger at her, and yelled, "You stay out of the jungle tomorrow, or you'll be sorry." He turned, huffed out of the tent, and went down to the beach to finish the job by himself. By the time he awoke the next morning, Brooke had already gone. A feeling of trepidation set over him.

  Brooke searched all morning, and finally came upon her spring and bush again. Very curious about all the things that had happened to her over the last 24 hours, she decided to experiment and repeat the whole process. She stripped to her skin, and then picked a very large piece of fruit which she gobbled down greedily. Same as before, a burning sensation enveloped her body, concentrated on her crotch. She lay herself down on a particularly grassy and comfortable spot, and massaged the area vigorously until the pain subsided. She then again went for a refreshing dip, which did wonders to ease the fire in her, and then sunned herself. She then rose, and reached for her clothes.

  Even as she began to pull them on herself, she could tell that they just weren't going to fit. Her breasts, her young, supple, newly budding breasts, were simply taking up too much room for her shirt to rap around. Her skirt distinctly covered less of her legs than before.

  She had begun to suspect, and now knew for certain. Her clothes hadn't shrunk. She had grown. And significantly too.

  Not like Chris over the last few months. No, this had happened in a matter of minutes while she had been lying there. It didn't take her long to realize the potential of what had occurred. She realized Chris had left her alone because he feared her. And now she was even bigger! How much more could she exploit this, she wondered? She grabbed another piece of fruit, and ate it on the way back. She'd stop every once in a while as the discomfort became unbearable and rub or diddle, or jam her finger where Chris had jammed his cock.

  Each of these actions brought her a temporary relief, and each touch, each caress, caused her body to swell. Of this she was certain. She could distinctly feel the unbuttoned shirt tightening around her arms and shoulders, the skirt squeezing her waist. She enjoyed that feeling. She hurried her pace. She wanted to see what Chris's reaction would be today.

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