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The Charter of Love Kingdom

1. Guild’s Name: Love Kingdom

2. Webpage URL:

3. Guild E-mail contact: - Rah's email

4. Rah’s Furcadia Name: Alania Love

5. Taneests’ (Taneestas’) names: Trinity Love, Reisha

6. Founding Members:
Alania -
Trinity Love -
Estrif -
Mazenki -
Meilseoir -
Mina Melo -
Pretty Poison Ivy -
Jack Thomason -
Delaney_Pendragon -
Kannikah -

7. Guild Dream title: Love Kingdom

8. Guild dream location:

9. How to Join: In order to join Love Kingdom, you must real the rules of the continuity here, and then fill out this membership application

10. Guild's Continuity: Love Kingdom had been completely destroyed once long ago, leaving but two members of its court alive. One of these, the Queen, had been placed under an evil sorcerors enchantment, until her own daughter, now close to her own age before she had been frozen, broke the spell. Once reunited, she had vowed to create her kingdom anew, void of pain, suffering, or bloodshed. She promised herself and her daughter, that with her own two hands she would recreate the glory of their home, and make sure it would never fall to those who would wish them harm. All are welcome, but no blood shall be shed within its borders, no ill will shall be allowed. This is the only true rule within her kingdom, and it is enforced thoroughly. (All the background of Furcadia itself, as stated in the Dragonlands, especially the Furcadian creation myths, is in effect within this kingdom.)

11. Style of play: Choose one: Medieval Kingdom strictly bound to preserve peace and be a safe haven.

Roleplay using Continuity and your Charter.

12. Continuity's Tech Level: Medireview [Castles & villages. Steel armor and crossbows possible.]

13. Types of characters your Continuity supports: Any medieval rank, no invincible superpowers. (This is flexible if one speaks directly to the Rah about it.)

14. Combat: Combat within the castle is not allowed. Any special occasion spars are to be done outside of the castle, using tourney Dreams.

15. Backstory: Love Kingdom had been completely destroyed once long ago, leaving but two members of its court alive. One of these, the Queen, had been placed under an evil sorcerors enchantment, until her own daughter, now close to her own age before she had been frozen, broke the spell. Once reunited, she had vowed to create her kingdom anew, void of pain, suffering, or bloodshed. She promised herself and her daughter, that with her own two hands she would recreate the glory of their home, and make sure it would never fall to those who would wish them harm. All are welcome, but no blood shall be shed within its borders, no ill will shall be allowed.

16. Geography and Biome: The castle is on an island surrounded by the sea. The weather is usually fair to cool, temperate. It has its warm days, and its cold days. It rains fairly often.

17. Magic Items: A cerulean gem broach is given to the court members of the kingdom, a sign of their rank as well as a protection item. It ensures that magic cannot hurt them to the point of shedding blood.
Lohir, the sword that the Queen herself wears, is a holy sword, protecting against foul play. It is enchanted, and indestructible, except if it ever pierces another living furres skin. It would then melt and disappear. It is used for defense purposes, as well as blessing.

18. Roleplay positions: We are looking for any medieval positions, although we are currently not hiring royal knights at this time. Security positions are available, as well as Royal helpers - these would attend to the needs of the court, as well as the needs of the castle. Special consideration is given to those who apply for this position, as it is a humbling one. Anyone is eligible to apply as a citizen if they cannot think of a job or rank to join as. Entertainers and smiths are also positions currently open.

19. Factions: Guardian Knights, led by Claspin the Pilferer, and Security Guardians, led by Suron De`couvale. We would also start an Entertainers Faction, if any joined.

20. Character Sheets: Character sheets are optional, but encouraged. A character sheet improves chances of getting the rank you want.

22. OOC Areas: There is one clearly marked OOC area in the kingdom. It is the pit in the top of the open area of the beginning of the dream. All other areas are IC unless stated otherwise by the Rah.

23. Guild Positions: These are mostly OOC positions and may not effect the roleplay inside the Guild.

Webmasters: Alania, Malreyna
Dream master: Alania
Dream Helpers: Lord Estrif, Lynx Atriedes, Washuu Security Solutions
Bot Master: TBA
Patch Contributers: Mastifiss, Lord Estrif
Recruiter: Open to Apply
Advertising Agent: Open to Apply

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