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Love Kingdom Current Events/Current Storyline (Updated 8/4/04)

Exactly one and a half years has passed since Love Kingdom vanished from the traveling eye, protected within a magical seal upon the disappearance of it Queen. Since such time, no soul could leave nor enter the prospering land, and its tale had just now begun to become legend. The legend of the glorious kingdom that exists in an everlasting peace and prosperity...but cannot be found. Having vanished at the end of a gruesome war, scholars tell of a King cut down by the hand of his own flesh and blood. They tell that the Queen, having been left alone in charge of the paradise she loved so much, disappeared into thin air shortly after. It is not known what will this happened of…but this much is known now. Due to the curse put upon the land (or blessing, depending on one’s point of view), some were left stuck on the outside, and to this day, they long to return to Love Kingdom. Others just wished to go and see the lovely palace for themselves, but sadly, not even the most thorough explorer could find its gates. For the first time…even the purest of heart and soul…could not enter in.

In time, one such explorer emerged -- a greedy, power-hungry man consumed completely with his own ill and evil intentions. He had heard of the Love Kingdom, and sought desperately to find it. But alas, he could not, and through his frustration he decided to take another approach. The Queen of Love Kingdom – She could lead him to the long since hidden land. The man conspired with a Nightmare that knew the Kingdom well, and he persuaded her to help him search for the Queen in exchange for his own services to her. The Nightmare, a terrifying creature similar in appearance to an overly tall equine, used her extensive manipulative powers over dreams to find the young woman who had been cut off from her kingdom after so long. This pleased the man and he eagerly paid the Nightmare his dues, setting off thereafter to find the unsuspecting Queen. And find her he did, nestled as a simple priestess in a far off kingdom and separated from the court she used to know so well.

The man posed himself as a friend to the Queen, tricking her and seizing a chance to take her as his own. But his efforts were for naught, for the kingdom came to her rescue and the two were parted. Seething with anger, the man was filled with rage and it caused him to conspire more. He used his terrible magic and cunning mind to present to the Queen an offer she could not refuse, and with a heavy heart and a strong will she brought herself to him. The man was pleased by this and once the two had met again his confidence grew; his unquenchable thirst for power grew stronger. He revealed his true plans to the Queen along with his terrifying command to be made King of the vanished Love Kingdom. A vile grin upon his face, the man forced the Queen to show him the way to his Final Destination, where all of his dreams would come true.

The Queen was on her way to her glorious return, the man holding her captive in secret at her side, his malevolant and conniving goals almost fulfilled. Prophecy was fulfilled as, upon her return, the gates to Love Kingdom opened, and the Kingdom was once more revealed not to one but to all, for all to enter in again. All, including those wretched souls who had formerly not been able to pass through the blessed soil to lead them to Love Kingdom.

The day of the wedding came, and as they stood at the altar, the fate of our blessed kingdom seemed to come to a close.. until a mysterious occurance disposed of the wretched man who had captured the Queen and forced her to marry him. The details of his demise will be kept from recognition in the anals of history, as they were too gruesome and horrid to be told..

(That's right.. we're once more open for business! For all our members- you are allowed to RP either having been trapped within LK all this time as a resident, or having been kept out.
To all new members - All applications are currently being processed at this time, though no knight or guardian applications will be accepted.
Please be aware that the enchantment formerly protecting Love Kingdom is null and void while this storyline is in place. Again, the enchantment guarding against evil, and blood spill, is broken. The Consent Rule is still in effect however. Practice caution.)

 The Background Story of Love Kingdom

If you wish to read more about the background of Love Kingdom, please click here.

 How to Join

In order to join Love Kingdom, you must real the rules of the continuity here, and then fill out this membership application.

 Current Positions

All medieval positions are considered, but currently we are in most need of a few good knights, paladins, entertainers, and merchants.

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