Shaenna and McKenzie

What maps a person's past, no doubt, paves the roads for their future. Thus, is the history of the Sisters of the Macabre. What started as humble beginnings, quickly spun a web of deceit.
Embraced, believing themselves to be of True blood Brujah, by a sire found greatly wanting. Although of greatest intentions, she did nothing but wreak great havok upon all her childer. For a truth never comes from a lie.
Brought up in the ways of the True, they never allowed their rage to engulf them. This made them stronger. However, all good things must come to an end. And, they did.
Truth reared its ugly head, and all the childer scattered. Torn by the deception of an insanity driven sire, many chose final death over the humility they should face as ostracized members of vampiric society.
Luckily, for Shaenna and McKenzie, they took to the hidden hills of no particular land, and searched within themselves for truth.
What they found was a burning desire for freedom from the restraints of being of a particular blood. Denouncing their former "clan" and sire, (also sect alligience) they consciously chose to become "The Unchosen." Clanless and lost, they turned to the Sabbat.
Pledging loyalty to those that would accept their deeply buried rage and mold it into a useful tool. The Sabbat accepted thier flawed, yet courageous spirit.
And thus, they became the "Sisters of the Macabre." Taking this for their namesake in order to destroy all ties with their predestined un-life.

Today they mold their own destinies. They have "changed their stars", so to speak. What becomes of them now remains to be seen.

Shaenna's Character Sheet¤McKenzie's Character Sheet

to Sabbat