Annoying, isn't it?

Here's what happened.  I had a large amount of my files stored on a server that, unexpectedly, went down.  So when the server disappeared, there went all the files I had stored there . . .

Thanks to Heather, I've managed to retrieve many of the files that were lost.  Unfortunately,I haven't been able to retrieve everything.  If there is a story or an illustration listed that doesn't have a link on it, it's because the file has been lost.  I've left them in the lists, however, in the hope that I will be able to pull together everything that I once had on this site.  So, if you have any of the stories saved on your hard drive, or are the author of one of the stories that is no longer linked, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send the story to me at  Also, if there are any mistaken links (i.e, links that bring you to the wrong story, etc.) please let me know.  This reconstructing has been quite a job, and I've done my best to preserve as much correct information as possible.  However, there may be some things that have still managed to fall through the cracks.

Within the next few weeks, you can expect several of the unlinked stories to show up again. 

I am still accepting new submissions.  Click
here for further details on that.

Thanks for your patience, and my deepest apologies go out to all authors who have lost the links to their work on my site.