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The teams will unite for an epic 4-issue miniseries against impossible odds and facing a galactic threat, and maybe each other.

Batman & Spiderman

[Batman & Spiderman]

New Age of Dawning: Ra's Al Ghul offers King Pin a chance to rule the world with him. He promises to cure King Pin's wife of cancer in return for his cooperation. In truth, her ailment was manufactured Ra's Al Ghul to make Fisk more pliable. King Pin, distrustful of the Demon, secretly asks Batman and Spiderman for assistance. Together they effectively shut down Ra's Al Ghul's plans to to turn him into savior when he offers salvation from the natural disasters he has released upon the Earth. Ras, delighted by how thoroughly outfoxed he was, offers King Pin, his wife, Batman and Spiderman safe passage home. However, as a parting shot, he lies about there being no cure for Vanessa Fisk's illness. Talia, secretly sends her the cure out of respect and acknowledgement of the similarity of the love they share for the men in their lives.

Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk

[Batman & Hulk]

The Monster and the Madman: The Shaper of Worlds is losing his ability to absorb the dreams of others and without that ability he will go mad. If he goes mad the Universe will go mad as well. He comes to Earth looking for a cure. he makes a deal with the Joker to steal a Gamma Gun from Waynetech he hopes will cure him. Also interested in the Gamma Gun is Dr. Bruce Banner. Banner, as the Hulk, and Batman fail to stop the Joker from stealing the gun. The gun fails to cure the Shaper but, unexpectedly, the Hulk's unique radiation seems to help. Before a cure can be administered the Hulk goes into hiding. The Joker and Batman must work together to find the Hulk. After the Hulk cures the Shaper of Worlds the alien gives The Joker the power to make his dreams reality. Batman and Hulk trick the Joker into exhausting Joker's ability to dream.

[Superman and Spiderman] Superman and Spiderman

The Heroes and the Holocaust!: Superman and Spiderman team up to save the world from annihilation by Doctor Doom. Doom manipulates the unwitting Hulk into releasing Parasite from his makeshift prison in Metropolis. The commotion draws the attention of Superman. While the Man of Steel goes undercover in new York at the Daily Bugle Peter Parker lands a job with the Daily Planet. They both uncover Doom's plot to destroy all forms of fuel as part of his plan to subjugate the Earth. Parasite's greed causes Doom's fusion reactor to go out of control. Superman and Spiderman work together to keep it from reducing Earth to ash.

[Superman and Spiderman] Superman vs. the Amazing Spiderman

The Battle of the Century!: Superman and Spider-Man apprehends their respective archenemies, Lex Luthor and Doctor Octopus. The two criminal geniuses promptly escape from jail to plot a new evil plan. At the World News Conference Lex Luthor and Doctor Octopus kidnap Mary Jane Watson and Lois Lane to draw Superman and Spiderman into a trap. With a programming circuit stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs Lex Luthor and Doctor Octopus Commandeer a new Satellite. They use the satellite to blackmail the world. When blackmail turns to world destruction Doc Octopus turns on his partner to help Spiderman capture Luthor as Superman stops a mile high tsunami.

[Xmen / Teen Titans] The Uncanny X-Men and the New Titans
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Apokolips... Now: The X-Men are a group of "mutants." Sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, the X-Men were basically born with super powers; and were united by their mentor, Professor Charles Xavier, to be trained in the proper use of their abilities, and to stand athwart those mutants who would use their powers against humanity. Appearing are the "all new, all different" X-Men: the leader, Cyclops; the weather- controlling African, Storm; the German-born acrobat and teleporter, Nightcrawler; Russian strong guy, Colossus; the waif-like Kitty Pryde; and a feral Canadian, Wolverine.
The New Teen Titans were a group of teenage super-heroes made up of: Batman's partner, Robin; speedster Kid Flash; and amazon Wonder Girl; half-man/half-machine Cyborg; alien princess Starfire; the mysterious extra-dimensional empath and healer, Raven; and the shape-shifting smart aleck, Changeling.
Original X-Men member Jean Grey -- telepathic lover of team leader Cyclops, with the power of Phoenix -- became drunk with power, and metamorphosed into a nigh-omnipotent threat to destroy the entire universe before she momentarily regained control of herself and ended her own life, so as not to endanger all she held dear.
Deep space, in front of the "Source Wall." Darkseid (New God, and despotic ruler of the planet Apokalips) meets with the New God Metron to exchange technology, in order to further their respective agendas. Metron wishes to pierce the Source Wall, the better to plumb its fathomless mysteries; Darkseid also has plans.
Metron dons the "Omega-Phase Helmet" Darkseid gives him, in exchange for his own "Psychon Wave"; and seems to explode when his Mobius Chair hits the wall, much to the Darkseid 's amusement.
In upstate New York, the X-Men are engaged in a training session in the "Danger Room." After working up a good sweat, the team then sits down to a nice dinner prepared by neophyte member Kitty Pryde; following which, they all lie down for a nap.
Each of the mutants, in turn, has fitful and disturbing dreams of fallen teammate Jean Grey, except for Kitty, who awakens to see an intruder standing over her. Kitty then reflexively uses her mutant "phasing" power which (allows her to pass through solid objects) to fall through the floor of her bedroom and into the living room below, where she's found by her consternated teammates. On his way to find out what all the commotion is about, Cyclops finds himself confronted by an plaintive apparition of his dead love, who entreats him for help before vanishing.
Meanwhile, over at Titans Tower, Raven, who's a bit of a psychic, has a nightmare in which her "soul self" (a dark manifestation of her innermost essence, which she can unleash at will) is shredded and torn asunder by a giant firebird. This brings out Starfire and Changeling. Starfire recognizes Raven's description of her nightmare nemesis as matching Dark Phoenix, and sounds the Red Alert to the rest of the team. The team notices that appointed leaderman-in-residence Robin hasn't shown up.
Robin is busy on a stakeout in Gotham City, where he runs into the team's old enemy Deathstroke the Terminator and gets knocked out.
Meanwhile: the X-Men have made their joint way to the home of Jean Grey's parents. It seems they, too, have been experiencing similar nightmares, and an identical haunting. Professor Xavier contacts them, via astral projection, and informs them that he's detected the same phenomenon occuring at various sites where Jean's Phoenix powers were previously manifested, in the order in which they originally occurred; and tells them to head for the next location.
The Titans, in the meantime, discover their fallen leader in an alleyway, and compare notes. Starfire arrives late, and obligingly recites the tale of Dark Phoenix, in order to bring everyone up to speed; and charges the group with making sure that the Phoenix entity is destroyed, once and for all. Robin recalls that Phoenix used to be affiliated with the X-Men.
With the X-Men galavanting their team way across the globe: Professor Xavier finds himself well and truly exhausted, after the day's activities, and drifts off to sleep, but is taken totally unawares by a furious Starfire, bursting in upon him.
He reflexively gives her a telepathic whammy that puts her down for the count; but Cyborg and Raven put him out like a light, immediately thereafter. The other Titans bring up the rear, and Robin observes they may have made a mistake, but is interrupted by a cadre of Darkseid 's trained and murderous "parademons," who bust in all uninvited like, looking for the X-Men.
Making things even more dire for the wholly astonished Titans: said parademons are loaded down with special equipment that Darkseid provided to allow for the mutant powers of their intended targets; which allows them to make short, savage work of the Titans (whom they've mistaken for the regular heroes in residence). All of them, that is, except for Changeling; who manages to assume the appearance a parademon, himself, and fall in behind the ranks.
While all of this is going on, however: another group of Darkseid 's charges, led by Deathstroke, climb all over a particular butte in New Mexico where Phoenix once manifested her powers; where they seem to be putting together some big machine designed to suck up any/all residual Phoenix energy hanging about. The X-Men, in turn, take some exception to this; making a point, thereby, to convincingly bust up the joint.
Unfortunately for Xavier's charges, however: they're both grossly outnumbered and outgunned. They get taken out, one by one; and are summarily escorted back to The Wall, where Darkseid awaits with more deviltry in mind. DD>Darkseid takes a moment to weed out some of the more obvious deadwood from his operation; specifically, one Ravok The Ravager, who missed Changeling tagging along as a spy, Darkseid gets down to business.
The X-Men and Titans get strapped into a big machine, which forcibly extracts the X-Men's very memories of their fallen comrade; and -- combined with the vestigal emanations Darkseid has pulled from the various sites, Dark Phoenix lives again!
Cyclops finds this all incredibly disheartening, naturally; especially since this twisted version of his dealry departed seems all too eager to play footsie with The Living Embodiment of All Evil that's summoned her.
Then, at Changeling's prompting, Darkseid divulges his master plan; which is that he's going to use Dark Phoenix to transform Earth into a doppleganger of Apokalips, (complete with continent-sized volcano craters, etc.); and then he's going to use it as a militaristic staging area, from which to take over the rest of the known universe.
And with that, exit our villains, stage left (courtesy of one of Darkseid 's ubiquitous "Boom Tubes"); leaving our numerous spandex-clad heroes stranded on a desolate chunk of rock out in deep space, the better to get to know one other.
Once the obligatory introductions are over and done with, then: the two super-teams join forces, pursuant to getting the holy heck out of there; reeling in Metron's drifting "Mobius Chair" from deep space.
Changeling and Kitty Pride accidentally discover the chair's inherent teleportational abilities; and the rest all pile on (after Changeling assumes a suitably large form to readily transport one and all) for the trip back to Earth.
Once back in New York, empath Raven informs Professor Xavier she can sense Darkseid below them in Central Park; far, far below actually. The teams teleport beneath the surface of the earth, where Darkseid 's set up shop. Following a brief exploration, they encounter both Deathstroke and a cadre of Parademons; and a battle promptly ensues.
After disposing of their initial opposition, the two teams locate their real targets deep within a sulphurous, pit-like crevice. Taking the offensive, the good guys find themselves largely outclassed by the sheer power of their opponents. They also find themselves unable to stop Phoenix from firing a big, honkin' energy bolt deep into the earth, for the purpose of completing Darkseid 's plan.
So: Raven and Professor Xavier take the combined offensive against Phoenix, in an effort to bust up the psychic patch job Darkseid did on her; and actually manage to make her blow a karmic fuse. Fearing that she'll be returned to the void from whence she came, Phoenix then absorbs the energy she had previously expended to make the earth blow up; but it simply isn't enough, ultimately, to reverse her impending discorporation.
Watching as his plan commences to unraveling before his cavernous eyes, Darkseid informs Phoenix that the only way she can stabilize herself is to possess someone; ANYone, so she jumps in Cyclops' body, all quick-like.
Unfortunately (for Darkseid and Phoenix, that is), she could have picked a better target. Melding herself with her former lover rekindles all her long-repressed memories of their former relationship, and all that was good and right within her (plus all that shes going to end up missing, once it's gone for good; nudge, nudge, wink, wink); prompting her to decide that this whole teaming-up-with-Darkseid thing was maybe not such a hot idea, after all.
Rather than exist as a corrupted shade of her former self, ultimately: Phoenix ejects herself from Cyclops, and takes her blistering wrath out on the lord of evil who'd summoned her from the beyond; dragging him back, forcibly, to the Apololipsian Source Wall.
The Xmen and the Titans then hang out and get to know each other a little bit better, as Metron reappears to claim his chair at the aformentioned Wall.. and to pause just long enough to admire a brand new feature said edifice has sprouted, before murmuring "farewell".

[Superman and Silver Surfer] Superman and Silver Surfer

Norrin Radd. A aan who sacrificed his life to save his world from total annihilation becoming the Silver Surfer. He is now the only living soul of the once beautiful planet of Zenn-La.
Kal-El. As a child he was placed in an escape pod by his parents and jettisoned from his homeworld to save his life. The only survivor of Krypton is now the guardian and savior of Metropolis, known as Superman.

Green Lantern / Silver Surfer

[Green Lantern / Silver Surfer]

This prequel to the DC vs. Marvel crossover takes place before Final Night and after Zero Hour.
Silver Surfer investigates the destruction of a remote planet. The entity responsible, Cyborg, is still at the scene of the crime. Cyborg is also responsible for the destruction of Coast City, so Parallax shows up and starts beating on Cyborg. The Silver Surfer isn't sure who's side to take, so he stops Parallax, giving Cyborg a chance to escape. Parallax convinces Silver Surfer him to help.
At the same time on Earth, Kyle is attacked by Terrax - a herald of Galactus. Kyle is saved by Thanos, who convinces Kyle to help him out in stopping Parallax, and they go to the former site of Oa to try and gather the ambient energy left over from the destruction of the planet. After Kyle helps Thanos gather the energy, Thanos informs him of his true intentions, gather enough energy to destroy the universe.
Parallax and the Surfer show up and start to fight Thanos and Kyle. Surfer has given up a lot of his energy to Parallax, so he's very weak, but able to convince Kyle to stop the two titans from either destroying the universe, or re-creating it. Kyle manages to siphon off the energy from the two villains, but is unable to contain it, so he channels it into the Silver Surfer. Thanos and Parallax fall into a dimensional tunnel and Surfer follows Thanos into the Marvel Universe, but Parallax's final destination is unknown.
At the end, Kyle is thinking about how working with the Surfer was pretty cool, but hopes they never meet again. The final panel shows a glowing cardboard box taped together with duct tape, a key image in the DC vs. Marvel series, in which the Silver Surfer and Green Lantern meet up again.

Superman and Hulk

[Hulk and Superman] [Hulk and Superman]

[Amalgam Comics: DC / MARVEL]