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Qtwyqp Qly
Rikchik Language

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Qtwyqp Qly

Native Name: Qtwyqp Qly
Creator: marqwithaq
Creation Date(s): 2000 - Present
Comments: This language started development with the intent that it be a language which could facilitate rapid communication. This objective failed to be met and as a result the potential of the word building process is very limited.

Phonology and Spelling Conventions: This language has three scripts. The Logographic Script: Characters are each composed of one or two radicals in a predictable way. Extra marks are added to indicate parts of speech. There are no spaces and almost no punctuation. The Phonetic Script: Curvy. Marks are added to indicate voice and aspiration. Consonants are flipped after vowels. There are no spaces and almost no punctuation. The Roman Script: Each sound is represented by one letter or combination of letters in the latin alphabet. Some of the choices made to form transliteration method are scary. Uses English punctuation when possible.
Morphology and Conjugation: Word structure is CCNVVVNCC where C is a non-nasal consonant N is a nasal consonant and V is a vowel. Any of these components except one vowel may be omitted in any given word. The NVVVN part of a word is what carries all of the grammatical information in all but one special case. Depending on what part of speech they are, words may be inflected to match or indicate: gender, number, case, intensity, tense, mood, affirmation, properness, voice, and/or person. The CCs carry the semantic information.
Syntax: OSV. Adjectives follow nouns. Adverbs follow verbs.
Comments: The author will be the first to admit that the grammar is needlessly and excessively complex.

Sample: Ble phthymgz phthymsh phthwymps phwmd ttla n'larm bhzw n'lar bnartq thymtp n'larm bhzw n'larm bhzhymtq qhywpp shwdd qthn'rarn' ttwat bhzw n'lar bnrartq ttlam dle n'lor qqyorqp.
Translation: And they said, Go to, let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Comments: Don't let the romanized orthography scare you.

Link: The Qtwyqp Qly website.

Last Updated: April, 21st2005