Can you FEEL the Luck of the Irish..???


Fast Paced, High Energy, Celtic/Rock Indie Band
Wants to wish you ALL  A Top O' The Morn,



     Possibly the only national holiday that is given recognition outside it's native land is St. Patrick's Day.
This is a clear indication of the Irish  influence throughout the world. For instance in  Canada, though not a national holiday, March 17th is recognized in many  communities and cities. Everything from parades, to the 'wearing of  the green' ,
to serving green beer (they really add green coloring to it!)
     to some places going as far as dyeing rivers green,
mark the holiday of  Ireland's patron saint.
The biggest observance of all is, of course, in  Ireland.
Almost all businesses, with the exception of restaurants and
     pubs, close on the 17th of March. Being a religious holiday as well, many attend mass, where it is the traditional day for offering prayers  for missionaries throughout the world, before the serious celebrating begins in earnest.

A little St.Patty's Day

  Around the year 400, Patrick was born in Scotland. When he was yet a boy, the Ard-Ri, that is,  High King of Ireland, Niall of the Nine Hostages by name, swept across the sea and captured his
  village. Patrick was taken to Ireland, sold as a slave, and sent to herd sheep and swine. There in  northeast Ireland, in his solitude and suffering, Patrick discovered the one true God, and,
to this Creator God he pledged his life.
 Years later, Patrick dreamed a vision, and following that vision, he escaped and struggled home to his family. After years of religious study to become a priest and missionary, Patrick dreamed of  returning to Ireland; often hearing in his dreams the voice of the Irish, "crying to thee, come hither and walk with us once more".

Eventually Pope Celestine fulfilled his wish and  commissioned him as bishop to preach the gospel to the Celtic people. Patrick came as the rising sun to the eastern shore of Ireland, and commenced an incredible mission across Ireland of  preaching and baptizing, ordaining priests and bishops, erecting churches and establishing places of learning and worship, though such feats in primitive times were not without difficulty and danger.

   Patrick, sent to preach the gospel to heathens,  found that the pagan Irish had great difficulty  comprehending the doctrine of the Trinity, until he gave them a natural example by holding up a  shamrock to show the three leaves combined to make a single plant. The Irish understood at once,  and the shamrock became the symbol of the land.  Irishmen wear it in their hats on the saint's day.

 March 17, 493 AD, was the death of Saint Patrick, and his uiversal recognition as the patron saint  of Ireland, that led to the celebration of March 17 as Saint Patrick's Day. Its emphasis in Ireland is a holy religious time with appropriate praying, singing and dance.



    One leaf is for HOPE

   The second leaf is for FAITH

   The third leaf is for LOVE

    The fourth leaf is for LUCK

  Four-leaf clover's are rare and are said to bring the
holder of the clover  GOOD LUCK!

  The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its  origin ages old.  According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from  the Garden of Eden.

  "The clovers also occupied a position in the cultural life
of early peoples.
   White clover (T. repens L.) in particular was held in high esteem by the   early Celts of Wales as a charm against evil spirits."
Clover Science and Technology" N.L. Taylor, 1985.

 Druids held the 4 leaf clover in high esteem and also considered them a sign of   luck.   In 1620, Sir John Melton wrote:
"If a man walking in the fields find any four-leaved grass,
he shall in a small while after find some good thing".
   The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today since there is not a  clover plant that produces all four leaflets,
making it a rare occurrence.



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