presented by modesty blaze

"Knight" by stephenpain

Knights of old
stole my fancy once,
stole my dreams,
or so it seems...
so it seems...

Knights of old
took me out of the swamps,
rescued me...
stole my dreams,
or so it seems...
so it seems...

Knights of old
gave me a childhood sweet,
stole my dreams,
or so it seems...
so it seems...

'Castle' by stephenpain April,1999

~ Have you met your Knight? ~
~ Knights, have you rescued your sweet love? ~

Please send us your Knight Sites, and we will link you here

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Modesty Blaze is member of RWA
The Redhead Womens Alliance


1. Knighthood in Flower webring

2. Our Brief History of TheDarkAges

~This is about Knighthood too~

3. The Dark Ages Links Page

We have a Wonderful Page of Related Links
Features "Iron Wolf"

4. Redheaded Womens Alliance Web Ring

5. Free 3-Card Tarot Card Reading

6. Spirit to Spirit Monthly Readers

7. Chinese Zodiac Page

8. Horoscope Zodiac Page

10. Ask Elizabeth Eightball (for children)

TheDarkAges also has a separate page for all Zodiac signs.
~You may reach these from our Homepage below~

~Back to TheDarkAges~

LINKS TO: To The Glory of God

to: Poems for Buddy

to: Oh Mamma, is it worth it?

to: Online Poetry (for my netbuds)

to: Women I Have Loved

to: Men I Have Loved

to: Holding Mamma's Hands

to: A Story of Hands

to: Love At First Sight!

to: Band of Angels...angels and about angels

to: 10 Gifts of Love

If you have compatible links or pages
email them to Modesty Blaze at

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This is more my personal experience
with knights...

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