the band
this star's shallow
thank yous
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All The Deities would like to thank...
Jam Music for the free stuff.
Jeremie Weldin for the rescue from a most certain website death.
Brenden Urick for being insane, yea, and hella funny.
Ali Vega for all the memories and those few months of rock n roll.
Kati Kore for the occasional band practices and nonstop fun.
Shauncey for the awesome t-shirt design and the driving conversations.
John Cheadle at Avalon for recording us and putting up with us!
Gregory Maxwell for  being a dirty hippy, letting Brian live with you, and being a really good friend.

Ami would like to thank...
Jeff Schwamb for being the man and I don't care what they say about 3 chord whiskey rock n roll!
Marlys Schwamb for being crazy but so helpful.
Kia for all the love, support, and long conversations. Now go check out his band,
End of A Decade.
Sharisse Roberts for defending me against the boys! Man! It's nice to have a girl on my side.

Brian would like to thank...
Sharisse Roberts for all the love and support (and help recording).
His mommy (even though he thinks she's gotten enough thank yous. Man, she had to put up with him! There's not enough thanks in the world!)
Ami for the drumset!