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Rebuilding of the Temple
-The Temple Mount is one of the most significant parts of the end time prophecy. In order for the return of Jesus and the tribulation to begin, the Holy Temple has to be rebuilt. This moment, when it is rebuilt, will mark the beginning of the end. Questions of when and where the temple will be rebuilt, how close is it from being rebuilt, and what is in the way, are all important aspects in learning about this magnificent temple.

Time and Place
-When and where will this Holy Temple be built? It is said that this temple will be built on Mt. Moriah in Israel. “Where we believe Abraham expressed his willingness to God to sacrifice his son Isaac.” (LaHaye, 121) Tim LaHaye is saying that this 3rd temple will be rebuilt on the hill top where it is said that Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac for God’s will. This is why this mount is so holy and symbolic. In the Bible, Daniel prophesied that a holy temple will be rebuilt for the return of Jesus. “All prophecy teachers who interpret the scriptures literally agree that the Jewish temple in Israel will be rebuilt.” (LaHaye,122) All teachers of prophecy agree that this temple has to be built on this mountain in Israel in order for Jesus’ return and the tribulation to begin. LaHaye also states that the tribulation will begin when this temple is rebuilt in Israel.

-History shows why this third temple is so important in the end times. The first temple in Israel was built by King Solomon. In 586 bc this temple for God, built by Solomon, was destroyed when the Babylonians invaded Israel. After this first temple ws destroyed, the Jews built a second temple that was completed in 516 bc. Though, almost 600 years later, this second temple was destroyed around 70 ad when the Romans invaded Israel. With these two temples destroyed, the Jews and Christians have waited for a third temple to be built. This third temple that has to be built, is the most significant out of all the temples. Now 2000 years later, the next and last temple is still being awaited.

How much longer for the temple?
-Many people believe that the end times are close because pieces of the temple are already being built. “Various groups have been working to prepare all the materials needed.” (LaHaye,123) There are already robes being designed and made for the priests. Tapestry that will be inside the temple is being constructed in areas of Israel. Grace Halsell went on a trip to Israel and a tour guide told her “We have all the plans drawn for the temple. Even the building materials are ready.” (Halsell,90) This temple is not far from being built. Many people are doing things to get ready for this Holy place to be built. One group that is pushing for the rebuilding of the temple is the Temple Mount Faithful. This group, founded by Gershom Solomon, is going around the United States and other countries gathering support for the 3rd temple to be built. This group has already built the cornerstone that will be used for the temple. These pieces for the temple are sure signs that this temple will be built not long in the future and that the end is inevitably near.

What’s in the way?
-There is only one thing that stands in the way of the temple being built. This problem is known as the Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock is a muslim temple that is a shrine in their religion. This muslim temple is in the exact spot that the 3rd temple is supposed to be built. “Some observers see an in soluble problem to the rebuilding of the temple because the muslim Dome of the Rock is yet located on the only possible site.” (LaHaye,126) There are some effects that may happen when the Dome of the Rock is destroyed. One, terrorism is going to skyrocket. All over the world muslims and people on their side will be destroying things and killing people. Two, this will lead to a Holy war between muslims and the Jews and Christians. This could be considered almost like a World War III. The only way to build the third temple is to destroy the muslim temple which could lead to big problems.

-All in all, the beginning of the end is not far away. The third temple is not far from completion, but once it is it will mark that we are for sure in the end times. Some people are looking forward to the temple being built because it means Jesus’ return is near. But some people are afraid of what happens when this all will happen.

-By Keith Van Pelt