

  1. What is a vampire?
  2. Do they have a leader?
  3. Do they breathe oxygen?
  4. Can they have powers? If yes, what?
  5. Do they have to sleep in a coffin?
  6. Can they consume human-related foods, such as burgers?
  7. What exactly is the nutritional value of drinking blood?
  8. Do they kill every time they feed?
  9. Do the victims remember being attacked, or do vampire’s have a way to erase such a memory from their mind?
  10. Can garlic kill them?
  11. Do things, such as not being allowed to enter a home until they are invited, apply to them? If yes, what else?
  12. Does sunlight effect them?
  13. I have heard that vampires are protected by Hell Hounds. Is this true?
  14. Are they immortal?
  15. How can you be Changed into a vampire?
  16. What ‘traditional’ methods of killing a vampire can truly do harm to them?
  17. Which can not?
  18. After they die, do their bodies turn into dust?
  19. What is a Soul Mate?
  20. How does that effect them?
  21. And they are...?
  22. What happens if they find their Soul Mate?
  23. What happens if they don't ever find their Soul Mate?
  24. Who/what can be their Soul Mate?

What is a vampire?

A vampire (in my personal views) is a separate species of Homo Sapien. They evolved right along side humans, took the same path in evolution, but at some point broke away to become a species of their own (think of the relation between a gorilla and an ape). They have to consume blood to live, instead of protein like a human may. They evolved as hunters, yet loners, so they became adapted to fit such needs. To hunt they evolved fangs and the ability to be silent and swift, and to do so alone they must also have more strength than a human may.

Do they have a leader?

No. In the society of vampires there is no one person who is set as their leader. If a vampire is much more powerful than you are, it is wise to just give him proper respect. Each vampire must bow to the ones more powerful than they themselves are.

Do they breathe oxygen?

No. A vampire’s body is not designed for processing oxygen.

Can they have powers? If yes, what?

Yes. Speed, Telepathic, Enhanced Senses, Inhuman Strength, Jumping High or Long, they can also shutdown their heart and lungs at random. Each vampire has his or her own extra gifts in power too. Be imaginative!

Do they have to sleep in coffins?

Not unless they want to. There is no known reason for a vampire to sleep in a coffin.

Can they consume human-related foods, such as burgers?

If a vampire is willing to eat a food that has no value towards their way of living: then yes, they can. Most of those born as vampires are very unlikely to do so, though. Such as when a human thinks of drinking blood off a living creature as disgusting, a vampire in turn views the choice of eating the flesh of a long dead animal as repulsive. Only those that need to eat to ‘blend in’ will do so willingly, or those which were human once and wish to have a hold on something familiar to their old way of life.

What exactly is the nutritional value of drinking blood?

A vampire’s body is not designed to process it’s own oxygen. What few red blood cells they do have are very weak. To make up for this lack in their genetic structure, vampires attack, subdue, and then drink the blood of other living creatures; preferably something human.
Drinking the blood directly from a free flowing artery (like those found in the neck and wrist) allows the vampire’s body to process the oxygen-filled red blood cells of the human, and in turn use them to supply their own failing system.

Do they kill every time they feed?

No. Vampires usually allow their prey to survive, so they may go on to reproduce and give then further food for later in their lives.

Do the victims remember being attacked, or do vampire’s have a way to erase such a memory from their mind?

When a vampire feeds from a human via the neck, all the blood it extracts is full of needed oxygen. Because very little of the oxygen-filled cells in the blood is getting to the brain of the victim, it is likely the human will black out and not remember much of what took place. If s/he does they are more likely to write it off as a twisted hickey dream and go about their days.

Can garlic kill them?

No. Unless they are allergic and have an allergy related response, garlic should have no effect on their systems.

Do things, such as not being allowed to enter a home until they are invited, apply to them? If yes, what else?

Yes, and no.
Vampire can not come into someone’s house until after they have been formally invited to do so.
On the other hand; Running water can not stop a vampire (unless they can’t swim, that is). Vampires are not impulsive about counting large amount of tiny objects which may have accidentally been dropped on the ground. They are not driven to untie all knots they may come across, and burying a vampire under the ground will not prevent it from escaping and coming after your retarded arse for trying to do such a thing to them.

Does sunlight effect them?

As stated above, sunlight can not kill a vampire. The surface of a vampire’s skin is just like that of a human’s skin. The reason for this legend is suggested because most vampire’s have very light, almost white skin. This is not usually caused because they avoid sunlight, instead it is linked to the fact that vampires prefer to hunt at night. There is no sun at night to color their skin, so they develop no tans.
If after years and years of coming out only to hunt at night, a vampire should one day find himself up and about during the day it is very likely that his skin will quickly and painfully become sunburned, causing the flesh to become enflamed in both appearance and feeling. This is not caused because vampire’s are effected by the sun, but because said vampire’s skin was no longer producing the needed material to protect it from the sun; having only been active at night: he had no real need for it.
The eyes of a vampire, though, are highly sensitive to sunlight. They, too, have long since become adjusted to the ways of the night. Direct sunlight can be very harmful and may even lead to blindness. Vampire are cautioned to always wear their shades during such adventures into the light.

I have heard that vampires are protected by Hell Hounds. Is this true?

Yes. There are many different kinds of things that can be classified as a Hell Hound. The main use of such a creature is to protect the vampire while s/he sleeps. The vampire can choose from a wide range of things to be his Hell Hound. Humans, called ghouls, are one of the known things that a vampire can use. More famous is the choice of using a wolf to guard his keep. Other’s use beasts like tigers, lions, bears, and even hawks. The vampire must train his Hell Hound on his own time.
Some vampires may form alliances with other night-creatures, such as a shifter, for a similar purpose. They will guard him while he sleeps and he will use his strengths to protect them in turn.
Other vampires will choose to hire in a Hell Hound. The best creatures for this service would be an Accalian. He pays them for their work and they happily hang around in their animal form, using their supreme cryptic intelligence in protecting their ‘boss’ from any dangers.

Are they immortal?

Nothing lives forever. Only death itself is immortal.
That said, vampires are blessed with longevity. Some have been known to live thousands of years before being killed, some only survive a few years. Very few vampires die of natural causes.

How can you be Changed into a vampire?

The vampire will drain his or her intended to the point of unconsciousness then will transfuse their own blood in place of the lost blood in their victim’s system by having them drank their blood through the wrist, chest, or even the throat. After three full exchanges the participant will die in the mortal sense and will awaken three days later an immortal.
Fair warning: At the age a person is changed into a vampire that person will remain the same appearance until the day they die.

What ‘traditional’ methods of killing a vampire can truly do harm to them?

The ever famous Wooden Stake through the heart usually does the trick. Severing the spine, beheading, and extensive burning are other favorites practiced in the killing of a vampire.

Which can not?

Crosses have no effect on deflecting a vampire. Neither does the use of holy water or garlic rings. Metals related to the moon, such as silver, also can not harm them (in fact, many are known to enhance their powers). Sun-light can not fry them to smoky crisps, only their eyes are sensitive to such things as direct sunlight.

After they die, do their bodies turn into dust?

Every vampire dies differently. Some turn to dust, some of them have seizures, some may mummify, for other’s they will die looking like all the years of their lives caught up, some explode, some implode, and some turn to ash...(in other words...get creative!)

What is a soul-mate?

Sometimes, before a soul takes on its psychical form, it may split in half. Both halves of the soul take on two separate bodies. Mostly one male, and one female: so the soul may enjoy and learn from both genders.
Yet, the soul is still broken. Both halves will feel a need to find another half to themselves. And when they do meet it is said that they should recognize each other immediately.

How does that effect them?

Both genders are effected differently. All are born with the knowledge that they must find their soul-mates. They must; or they will become out of control of their own life. To help encourage them to find their other half, each gender had their own set of problems that can only be ‘healed’ after they find their soul-mate.

And they are...?

For the Females:
~Their emotional states are screwed. When she is sad, she will make it her duty to make everyone else sad with her. Same for being happy. They are also very firm in their emotions. If they are happy then they refuse to be made sad, And the same applies to being upset: they refuse to be made happy till everyone agrees that she is, indeed, upset.

For the Males:
~Over time the male’s fall deeper and deeper into a world of blank depression. They will slowly loose all affection and close themselves off in their own shells of loneliness.
~After so many years, they will lose all sense of feeling. If they get stabbed: they will not become aware of being so till they look down and see the blood covering their skin. Some may die from such wounds that they sadly remain unaware of till it is too late.

What happens if they find their soul-mate?

They negate each other’s problems. The girl’s extreme emotion will be shared with the mostly emotionless male, and the male’s calm resolve will be shared with his mate.

What happens if they don’t ever find their soul-mate?

The females will become stressed out. Some may suffer stress-related deaths(obesity or anorexia), become preoccupied and lax in protecting themselves and be killed. The males, in the end, may become suicidal and kill themselves.

Who/what can be their soul-mates?

Anything. Human, shifter, witch, Accalian, and so on...