




Photo Galleries

Fan Section

Are You Obsessed With Lord of the Rings?

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the characters or places mentioned. All belong ot the great mind of J.R.R. Tolkien. But you knew that, right?
Fan Section
This is the part of my site where you can submit fan fiction and fan art. ::sigh:: I don't suppose that you would want to submit to a lowly site such as this one, but please? Just so I can expand it just a little bit further? And remember, unlike fanfiction.net, my site will allow MSTs and other Lord of the Rings obsession lists and other stuff like that!! If you have a fanfiction.net penname, tell me that and the stories you want posted up, and I'll link to it, or email me your stories/fan art!!!
-Fan Fiction-

-Fan Art-

-Other Crazy Obsessive Things That Just Don't Belong in the Other Catagories-