As Yahoo will be shutting down Geocities later this summer, Gable's Raccoon World has moved to

   Please bookmark and point links to the new site. Some content on this old site will be removed in an attempt to keep Geocities from constantly disabling the site for exceeding hourly bandwidth limits, so that I can publicize the move.  Thank you.

Go to The Gable's Raccoon World - Merit Award Winners

Excellent Site
Merit Award Winners

The Gable's Excellent Site Award of Merit is presented to sites that help to serve nature, animals and wildlife through action, education and/or fostering of respect for this planet and its creatures. The sites that are choosen are very, very special. The love that is put into them is very evident. Some will inspire you with their beauty. Others will lift you with their hope. Some will make your heart sing and still others will break it in two. Please visit these wonderful and moving sites.

My sincerest congratulations and thanks
to the winners who, through the contribution
they have made on their web pages,
have helped to make a difference in this world.

Please do not link to this award. And do not download this award unless you have been notified that you are a winner. Winners are selected arbitrarily by me (sometimes with a little help from one of my furry friends), from sites meeting the criteria that I have surfed out on my own or from nominations for sites other than your own. Nominations may be made by E-Mail. They will be reviewed within a week. Please put "Excellent Site Nomination" in the subject line and the URL in the message. The site must not have any obscenity, nudity or other "adult only" content.
Bells and whistles are not judged. Content is.

This is something I was told back when my site consisted of just a single (although very long) page. I had visited a beautiful page at a wonderful site, Wild and Free at A Place in the Sun. I was just learning HTML when this special stranger paid me a reciprocal visit. I didn't have tables, I didn't have music, heck I didn't even know how to make a second page. But he told me I had what lots of fancy pages don't - very good content. Val's words of praise and encouragement gave me the momentum to learn more while always focusing on content first, because without it the bells and whistles mean nothing. Thank you Val.

There is another person I would like to thank. I only "met" her recently, but the wonderful work she is doing for animals inspired my Ways You Can Help Pets and Wildlife Page. Through her lovely site at Paws R Us, with its lighter and serious sides, she is making a difference. I pray I can also. Thank you Jan.

Honor Winners
A Place in the Sun
Paws R Us

1997 Winners
Acinny and the Furkids
Christy's Critter & Conservation Corner
Circle of Life
Dal Pals
Emily's Cat Site
Joannie's Animal Pages
Matschca's Animal Rescue
My Rescued Kittens
Safe Haven for Cats
Pawprints and Purrs
Penny's Pet Page
Pet Lovers Connections
Pet Radio Network
1998 Winners
Adopt Homeless Paws
All About Our Earth
Cat Crossing
Charmin's Wag 'n Tails
Diabella Loves Cats
The Dryad Grove
The Eclectic Home Of MJArtisan
Harraden's Habitat
Home & Hearth, Quiet Corner of the Web
Just Me and My Dogs
Off to Sea the Woodro
Pinkpetals Welcomes You
Red-Eared Slider World
Senior Canine Rescue Society
Sparra's Nest
Sue Freeman's Guide to Rescue Cats
The Tiger's Den
Whisker's Corner - Home of Chinacat
Wind WoodAcres

1999 Winners
Creatures Wild & Feline
Blakid Suzn's World
Brat's Treasure
Dad, What is a Rabbit?
Room 2's Animal Reports

2000 Winners
Genesis Wildlife Sanctuary
Pets Are Love

If you know of a site you would like to nominate
for either my Excellent Site or Favorite Site Awards
please e-mail me. You may not nominate your own site
for the Excellent Site Award of Merit
but I do visit all sites signing my guestbook
and sometimes find winning sites that way.
If you visit some of the winners, you will get an idea
of what I'm looking for both for this award and for my
Gable's Favorite Site Award for excellence in web page design
in creating sites that are interesting, informative or just plain fun.

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Site, Content, Background Copyright © 1997-2000 The Gable