The Official Site of The Ghost The Official Site of The Ghost
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"The new smoother cleaner look of The Ghost"

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Games & Movies

Stick Figure Shooter
Awesome Game

Miniature Golf
Awesome Game

Radial Pong
How many ways can you play pong?

SF Cave Worm
Another Awesome Game

One of the coolest and wackiest shooters

All Your Base Are Belong To Us
The Classic All Your Base Inside Joke

Wacky Movie

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Visit the Official site of *The Ghost* -- the greatest superhero of all time!

If you have a good game/movie site or know of one, let me know so I can add a link to it.

Site Created and Maintained by Chris K.
This site was created on Friday, June 7, 2002 and will be updated frequently.
The Ghost Comics and all characters in "The Ghost" are © Chris K.
All HTML on this site was written using Yahoo! Geocities Advanced HTML Editor.

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