The Momentous # 666


The number six commonly represented, in many beliefs for centuries, the number of sex, momentous of the union between the Triple Goddess and Her consort.  This most likely is the main reason Christian authorities labeled six as the number of sin/evil (Satan...).  Pythagoreans called six the flawless number, or The Mother. The Egyptian form seshemu, (sexual intercourse) – shown in hieroglyphics by male and female genitals – exist in the Sufi love charm designed to open the cave of the Goddess: As in Open, Sesame.

The hexagonal hex signs also include the six-pointed Tantric yanta of love. The name of the sign comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch.  The word was borrowed from their native German word for Witch.  Hex is from the Old High German hagazussa or hagzissa - meaning HAG.

The triple six, 666, was the magic number of Triple Aphrodite or Ishtar in the semblance of the Fates. The Book of Revelation calls 666 the number of the Beast (Revelation 13:18).  When Solomon met the Queen of Sheba he acquired 666 talents of gold (I Kings, 10:14).  In Christian literature the 666 has been referred to as Satan’s number, but the repetition of the number in esoteric traditions is  extraordinary. The maze at Chartres Cathedral was planned to be 666 feet long.

The numbers 3, 6 and 7, to the Egyptians were most sacred of numbers. Three - Triple Goddess, six - Her union with God, seven - the Seven Harthos, seven planetary spheres, seven-gated holy city, seven-year reigns of kings, and so forth. Egyptians were gripped with the conviction that the total number of all deities had to be 37, because of the number’s magical properties. This was because it combined the sacred numbers of 3 and 7; and, 37 multiplied by any multiple of 3 gave a triple digit or "trinity": 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. The extraordinary number 666 is the total of 3 X 6 X 37.  Quite an equation.


Crowley & 666

There has been a lot of flack regarding Aleister Crowley's connection to 666 over the years.  Because of his connection to the number 666 he is automatically associated with EVIL.  In 1903, Crowley married Rose Kelly, and they went to Egypt on their honeymoon. After returning to Cairo in early 1904, Rose (who until this point had shown no interest with the occult) began entering trance states and insisting to her husband that Horus was trying to contact him. As a test, Crowley took Rose to the Boulaq Museum and asked her to point out Horus to him. She passed several well-known images of the God and led Aleister straight to a painted wooden tablet (funeral stele) from the 26th dynasty, depicting Horus receiving a sacrifice from the deceased, a priest named Ankh-f-n-khonsu. Crowley was especially overwhelmed by the fact that this piece was numbered 666 by the museum, a number with which he had identified since childhood.

Crowley experiemented with everything from sex to drugs, often to extremes.  In the early 1930's Crowley visited New Orleans, and spent time in the Opium Dens.

Napoleon was thought to be the "Beast" spoke of in Revelation because of 666 connection.  Napole (6) on Buon (6) Aparte (6).  The Pope, Hitler, Luther, and the Kaiser also were thought to be candidates for the "Beast of 666".  But then again, some old manuscripts of Revelation use 616 -- which brings us to Nero. 

"I saw one of the Beast's heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered at the Beast.  And they... worshipped the Beast saying 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?'  And there were given unto him a mouth... And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them."

The reference to some indicates the belief of Nero coming again, surviving his sword wound, and to the natural Christian supposition that he was reincarnate in Domitian.  (See T. W. Crafer - Apocalypse)

42 is the # of years 54-96 AD between the assession of Nero 7th Caesar and death by sword of Dominian, 12th and last Caesar.  In this sort of prophetic writing years are usually given as months, and months are days.  The original prophecy stated that Domitian, called himself blasphemously Lord & God, and would come to a violent end.  Some texts read 616 instead of 666 - which gives new meaning to St. Paul's words... "the Beast' crucified the Son of God aflesh".  Caesar Neron - has the value of 666. 

The original Apocalypse - 11th chapter - predicts preservation of the Temple and hence, written after Nero's death and before the destruction of the Temple.  The Hebrew letters, TRJVN add up to 666, and form the common Talmudic name for Nero - 'Little Beast'.  Authors of the Taalmud may have used 666 as the sign of Nero.

Triple 666 has significance in Latin, Greek, and in Hebrew.  In the Christian Mysteries 666 - 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 (18 X 37 = 666).  37 in Hebrew has the value of IChIDH - name for the essential self as unique point.  Title of Kether on the Tree of Life and the symbol of the point of flame of Spirit which exist in every living soul. 666 in the Christian Qabalah, also gives the # 6 = The Beast, # 60 = Man, 600 = Jesus Christ -- added together for the 666.  The meaning is the lowest is redeemed by the highest, and man created on the 6th day is the intermediary link between the worst and the best (Satan and God).


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