
This site is about Commander Keen and it' fan base. It' a clone and not much more. But I hope top put some good stuff here in the future that no other sites have. I hope you enjoy your stay and don't forget to check out the forums. I made this page just for the fun and to train the ability to make a site, there are a lot better Keen sites, you can find these in the link section. Suggestions for this site are of course welcome, sent them to holydjaser@hotmail.com or post them on our forum.
General game info
Gameboy color Keen
Our forum
The Commander Keen  forum
News 2004

3 June
I added a game tool and a game

31 May
I've been busy with drawing some new Commander Keen pictures. Check them our in the fanart area. Also there were also two official new Keen pictures founded. Go to the General game info to find out what.

9 may
I added a new picture and a fan-game made by Memsys. The background is also darkened now,

3 May

Sites is finished for now

2 Ma
Still not finishded, working on...

28-30 Apri
I registered and messed around to try out how to make a site. I created a layout etc, it's more work than I thought to create a site.