The IBA Squads!

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The Squads!
The IBA Teams

Western Conference

1. The Los Angeles Lions

2. The Seattle Timberwolves

3. The Denver Falcons

4. The Phoenix Sharks

5. The Dallas Tigers

6. The Milwaukee Bears

7. The Portland Stallions

8. The Houston Longhorns

9. The Indianapolis Bulls

10. The Sacramento Bulldogs

11. The Cleveland Bengals

12. The San Antonio Stingrays

Eastern Conference

1. The New York Minks

2. The Detroit Kings

3. The Atlanta Rams

4. The Chicago Eagles

5. The Orlando Dolphins

6. The Boston Jaguars

7. The Miami Flamingos

8. The New Orleans Panthers

9. The Charlotte Bucks

10. The Washington Bisons

11. The Memphis Psi

12. The Philadelphia Redbirds

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The Intercontinental Basketball Association!
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Road to the Sweet 16, The Sexy 8, and The Incredible Dance for The Champiionship Trophy!!!!! Own an IBA Team! WOW!
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