Tabasco pepper; Tabasco Sauce - A very hot, small red pepper originally from the Mexican state of Tabasco. The word itself means "damp earth." Though these peppers are now grown in parts of Louisiana, they're not widely commercially available. Instead, they're used specifically to make Tabasco Sauce, a trademarked name held by the McIlhenny family since the mid-1800s. Produced since Civil War times, this fiery sauce is made from tabasco peppers, vinegar and salt. The peppers are fermented in barrels for 3 years before being processed into the sauce.

Table D'Hôte - a complete meal of specific courses offered at one set price.

Tablespoon - a measure of volume in the U.S. system; 1 tablespoon (T.) = 3 teaspoons or 0.05 fluid ounces.

Tabooli / Taboule - a Middle Eastern mint salad made with cracked wheat, tomatoes, parsley, lemon juice, onion and olive oil.

Taco - a Mexican-style sandwich consisting of a fried or soft tortilla folded around a filling such as beef, pork, chicken, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, onion, refried beans and salsa.

Tagiatelle - wide egg noodles.

Tahini - a paste made from crushed sesame seeds and used to flavor Middle Eastern dishes. When combined with a little oil, it is used as a spread on bread.

Tamale - a cornhusk spread with cornmeal and filled with chili-seasoned chicken, beef, or cheese, then rolled and steamed.

Tamari - a type of soy sauce.

Tangelo - a fruit that is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine.

Taro - a tropical food plant whose potato-like root is the basis for poi, a staple of Polynesian cooking.

Tarragon - an herb (Artemisia dracunculus) native to Siberia with narrow, pointed, dark green leaves, tiny gray flowers, a distinctive anise-like flavor with undertones of sage and a strong aroma; available fresh and dried.

Tempura - Japanese dish of vegetables and fish, including shrimp, dipped in batter, deep fried and served with a sauce.

Terrine - an earthenware covered dish often decorative or in animal shapes, used for cooking meatloaf or pâté of minced meat, poultry or liver. A dish that is often used to serve soup.

Thermometer - a device designed to measure temperatures; can be calibrated in Fahrenheit and/or Celsius and can be a column of mercury with temperatures indicated on a glass tube or a stem-type thermometer in which temperatures are noted by an arrow on a dial or a digital readout.

Thicken - the process of making a liquid substance dense by adding a thickening agent (ex. flour, gelatin) or by cooking to evaporate some of the liquid.

Thimbleberry - 1. A wild raspberry. 2. Any of several thimble-shaped American raspberries, especially the black raspberry

Thyme - a low-growing herb (Thymus vulgaris) with small purple flowers and tiny, gray-green leaves; the leaves have a strong, slightly lemony flavor and aroma; used fresh or dried.

To taste - to add an ingredient, such as salt and pepper, to a recipe in an amount which indicates the personal preference of the cook.

Toad in the Hole - an English name for meat, sausage or lamb cutlets baked in batter. Also, an egg, sautéed in a hole cut from a piece of bread.

Toast - to lightly brown th surface of a food using dry heat, such as baking or broiling in a hot oven or in a dry skillet on top of the stove.

Toddy - a hot alcoholic drink made of spirits, usually rum, hot water, sugar and lemon.

Tofu - smooth cakes of curds made from the milk-like liquid of cooked soybeans and water.

Tomatillo - a fruit, which is also called Mexican green tomato and jamberry. It belongs to the same nightshade family as the tomato. It resembles a small green tomato in size, shape and appearance except for the fact that it has a thin parchmentlike covering. Although tomatillos can ripen to yellow, they are generally used while still green and quite firm. Their flavor has hints of lemon, apple and herbs. Choose firm fruit with dry, tight-fitting husks. Store in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to a month. Remove husk and wash fruit before using. Cooking enhances the tomatillo's flavor and softens its thick skin. They can be used raw in salads and salsas for a more acidic taste. Canned tomatillos are available in ethnic markets. Tomatillos are rich in vitamin A and contain a good amount of vitamin C.

Tomato - the fleshy fruit of the Lycopersicon esculentum, a vine native to South America and a member of the nightshade family; used like a vegetable, tomatoes are available in a range of sizes, from tiny spheres (currant tomatoes) to large squat ones (beefsteak tomatoes) and colors, from green (unripe) to golden yellow to ruby red.

Tonka Bean - the fruit of a South American tree with a single seed that is dried and used to make bitters or as a substitute for vanilla. Also used in potpourris and sachets.

Top - to place one food item or mixture on top of another.

Torte - a round cake, sometimes made with bread crumbs instead of flour.

Tortellini - Italian for small twists and used to describe small, stuffed pasta shaped like a ring.

Tortilla - a round, thin, unleavened Mexican flatbread made from masa or wheat flour and baked on a griddle, eaten plain or wrapped around various fillings.

Toss - to combine ingredients quickly and gently with a lifting motion using two utensils.

Tournedo - a small thick slice of beef fillet, considered of the choicest quality; often served with a sauce.

Treacle - the British word for molasses.

Trifle - a sweet pudding made with leftover sponge cake moistened with sherry, topped with jam, almonds and layered with custard and/or whipped cream.

Trim - to remove undesirable portions of a food item (ex. external fat from a cut of beef or stems from grapes) before further preparation or service.

Triple Sec - an orange-flavored liqueur.

Truffle - any of the subterranean edible fungi of the genus tuber. Prized in French cooking for its aroma, and used in luxury dishes, particularly pates of goose liver.

Truffle, Chocolate - a sweet chocolate specialty from Flanders made with hot melted bittersweet chocolate, mixed with beaten egg yolks, butter, rum and cream. The mixture is cooled then rolled in cocoa powder.

Truss, to - to tie or secure with string or skewers the legs and wings of poultry or game in order to make the bird easier to manage during cooking.

Tureen - a large, deep bowl with a lid, used to serve soup.

Turn-Over - a circle or square of pastry folded over to encase a sweet or savory filling. Apple turnovers are a popular example.

Tutti-Frutti - a preserve of sweet fruits. It is made in a crock where layers of fruit, covered with sugar are laid down as they ripen during the season, stirred daily, and covered with brandy. Tutti-frutti is used to make puddings, ice cream, and as a topping for some desserts.