The Lothlorien Letter - Quotes

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"Say What???"

This is the section where we feature funny tidbits and wacky quotes found on our message board that make you just wonder: what was our guild talking about?

carpe_gimli "I am much nervouser in physical uncybernetic form. Unless its Geography. Geocgraphy is my playground. It has monkeybars. Yes. Yes it does. And a bald hairy man. But don't tell him that. He'll eat me."

carpe_gimli "ALI!!!!! Don't use STCIKERS! Use the many faces of Gimli! When the teacher (guy or girl) sees his lovekly face, you could be writing in Brazilian and they wouldn't care because they were in love with Goimli but they can't have them so what are they thinking?! DIE evil teachers! YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM! BACK OFFFFFF!"

mouse_1019 "What your middle name is is your first name's last name which is your first name's middle"

tolkienlordofthering "I am SO not an eggplant. *gags* I'm a guitar!"

arwenundomiel86 "Steve is my super sezzy boyfriend that I have yet to meet face to face which is the purposefulness behind the trip. Kit ish my lova and I'm gonna go see her on my way back from seeing my boyfriend of 3 and a half years for the first time. Got it?"

carpe_gimli "*kills Mouse and Ali* DIENESS Upon ye bequavered soulships!!"

carpe_gimli "*snort* My dear Jenny. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny... *nods head understandingly* I know- many people get them mixed up, but Brazilians speak Brazilish. Understand? Good girl."

arwenundomiel86 "Ali's advocating an alternative lifestyle welcome only in the Appalachian Mountains!"

tolkienlordofthering "They're all outside admiring our dirt and rocks in the front yard."

carpe_gimli "-My mommy says I'll marry an ugly guy, who's weird like me, and has my strange sense of twisted humor- "