The Lothlorien Letter

-- Front Page --

-- Editorial --

-- Articles --

-- Stories --

-- Fan Art --

-- Comics --

-- Poetry --

-- Makeovers --

-- Quotes --

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***Welcome to the fifth edition of The Lothlorien Letter! This newsletter was the idea of crzydncr! She worked with arwenundomiel86 and carpe_gimli to bring this to you! Special thanks to lady_nefrodiel for helping get this issue up! Thankies Britt!***

LoL Contest Winners!

Don't forget to see the winning entries for the Poetry Contest and the Drawing Contest!! Also, congrats to Steve for winning LoL's Caption Contest by submitting the most hilarious caption EVER! XD


Talema: Part 2

Once inside the barn, Talema wished she hadn’t gone in. She could barely see anything and the smoke burned her eyes and throat. “Think,” she commanded herself, “Which way should I go?” The sound of frightened whinnies pierced the air... more>>>.

Humble Beginnings: A Reversed And Rather Disturbing Cinderella Tale Which Make Absolutely No Sense (But That’s Okay)

Legolas the elf looked up. His naturally grey eyes caught the familiar sight of the white horse galloping gracefully through the iron-wrought gates. "Mama!" he shouted, dropping his nail kit and racing to her... more>>>

**If you would like to submit something (articles, stories, comics, etc) to The Lothlorien Letter, email them to