the magus's poetry wilderness                          Back
           To begin, this is a continuing experiment with somewhat ambiguous parameters, a venture into the realms and voids of absence,  love,  kingship,  and other human longings and abnormalities.  An unfolding exploration of gentle madness, attempting to uncover some hidden meaning, some voice crying out in the wilderness.  You,  the reader are the eyes in which judgment is placed.

           The names and events are irrelevant,  for it is the smells of trust,  the taste of life decaying and building in the fridgid night.  These are the details in which I hope not to ignore,  as I ride this serpent of time.

            Now dear reader the anonymity of this electron medium allows me to re-invent a new personification of myself.  Premises the freedom of flowing thought unabated or hindered by the cold stair of reality.  Here I have come to be known by myself and others as William Magus,  an assumed name with a history based in tangible realities.

             There is a long series of events which has led me to this porthole of the world.  They,  by my own definition of life are irrelevant,  rendered to the scenery of an evolving story,  so we will not mention these conspiracies and contrarieties except to convey they have occurred.  Significantly greater is the influences of literature and and that of artists,  I have read, heard, or observed.  These are the tortured souls in which I associate myself with,  the roles I have played,  play,  or will play in the future.  Parallel to Henry Miller I imagine myself as an artist,  not a writer,  poet author perhaps,  but never a writer,  for a writer is the tool of society used to reach out into our dreams,  conforming and molding us into manageable souls.

             I will not conform to the “white bread Americana”,  prefer the label of the screaming lunatic to the affable or the apathetic.  Perhaps this experiment will discover that there are many more of my species revolving the planet,  or perhaps my dreams are asinine and unwise and I will discover that I am truely alone...

                                                          William the Magus (themagus)                 Top of Page                                     Finished