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(Aug. 25, 2000)
I have abandoned this site by the way so don't ask for updates anymore. I'm currently working on midistation2 and I will post the new address as soon as I finish uploading my midis. Thanx!

(March 11, 2000)
Geocities blows, I'm transferring my files and this whole thing to a new address coz most of my files have been deleted here.  This won't take effect for a while though.  In the meantime you can access the midis that haven't been deleted by geocities, yet.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Bye bye Geocities, you suck!

I took out the links of some of my Midis here because for some unknown reason they were erased from my Geocities account.  If you find any more dead links please report them to me.  Some of the Midis are still working though.  The ones that don't work anymore are on the "...area51/aurora/5233" address.  I am transferring this whole site to a new address to fix this mess.  Oh and by the way, geocities sucks.

To get to the midis just click on the letters on the top or bottom of the page.  The Midis are arranged by title.

Once again, thank you for visiting my page.  Phew....


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