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Album: Oops I did it again.
Review: The bitch made another shitty album, half of the damn songs have the same beat with different tempo. She ain't do shit again, yea maybe made more teenyboppers dress as slutty as her, but that ain't no achievment. So she shouldn't name her album that cauz it ain't all that.
One word for this album stupid, e-mail my heart and all the rest sounded like shit, I'm suprised she made it this far,but I forgot they need a teen prostitute for the sales of their record company.

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Did anyone see her at the 2001 Vmas! If you thought last year was bad! Trust us she can get worst! Check out Pic of the Month for more on this! School is back and I guess Im going to be busy now! So enjoy it while you can!

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Da iLLeSt WuN     Salboston