Typography by Vid the Kid
Last updated: 1 Mar 2006

DavidSys, DavidCons

A simple sans-serif bitmap font designed for UI use. DavidCons is mono-spaced; DavidSys is proportional.

Version 1.00
Size Style Char set
10 Regular 32-255 (CP-437 Mapping)
7 Regular 32-127
10 Regular 32-127
10 Bold 32-127


Lazy, small-caps hand printing. Engineers often have to print nicely on technical drawings; when they don't have to print nicely, it tends to look like this.

Version 0.05
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Regular A few letters None AA only

Engineering Plot

Based on lettering used in engineering graphics. Sans-serif, uniform pen width, simple geometry. More punctuation, lower-case letters, bold and oblique styles may be included in the future.

Version 1.10
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Regular Capitals, Numerals, some Punct. Aggressive None


Based on, and extrapolated from, an old wiccan spell book. I have recently found out that this font is commercially available under the name Dalliance, and I will therefore discontinue development. The incomplete Magick, however, will remain available here for the forseeable future.

Version 0.40
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Regular Lowers, some Capitals None None

Old Block

Simple, mono-spaced, all-caps block lettering. It gives me the impression of the early or middle 20th century, especially utilitarian applications—but I wasn't born until 1984, so I'm no expert. An outline version may be produced in the future.

Version 0.50
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Black Capitals, Numerals N/A None


Sort of a morph between printed letters and braille. May be helpful for sighted people to train themselves to read Braille visually.

Version 0.00
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Regular None None None

String Literal, String Variable

My first true-type font to cover then entire Windows-1252 character set, I'm quite proud of this one. It's designed to be easily readible yet pleasant, and so that similar characters (such as the lower-case l, the upper-case I, and the numeral 1) are distinguishable. Also included is the old IBM codepage 437 extended ASCII characters, such as those used for box drawing and shading. String Literal is mono-spaced, while String Variable is proportional. This font family can be applied to many technical and non-technical uses. Hinting will be added in the future, as well as bold and light weights, plus kerning and oblique styles for String Variable.

Version 0.61
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
String Literal
Medium Win-1252, IBM-437 N/A None
String Variable
Medium Win-1252, IBM-437 None None
String Literal 437
Medium IBM-437 (at old mapping) N/A None

Vid's Norse

Norse runes. Yeah, I really don't know what else to say about this one.

Version 1.00
Style Character set Kerning Hinting
Regular 24 runes mapped to capital and lowercase letters None None



Only applicable to bitmap fonts. Specifies the point size (at 96dpi) at which the font is available.


The weight and slant, and possibly other style properties, of the font.

Character Set

Which characters are present in the font. All TrueType fonts on this page are Unicode-compatible, except those which specify an alternate mapping.


Only applicable to proportional TrueType fonts. Specifies to what extent spacing has been adjusted between specific character pairs.


Only applicable to TrueType fonts. Specifies approximately which or how many characters have hinting instructions. Hinting tells the computer how to best display fonts at small sizes and resolutions (such as on the computer screen). "AA only" means the font should utilize text smoothing at all sizes, where available.


My original intention of this page was to offer a few fonts free of charge. And I intend to keep it that way; however, it would be simply masochistic of me not to provide a way for people appreciative of my work to make donations. If you want to make a donation, use the button on the right. The amount of the donation is entirely your choice, but keep in mind that each kilobyte of an uncompressed TTF file represents about an hour of my spare time, or even more for hinted fonts.

Other Fonts I Like

Roadgeek 2005

A great, free set of fonts that are good for imitating a variety of road signs. It's probably the closest to the real thing that you'll find anywhere for free.

Trebuchet MS

Excellent for general-purpose headings. You might notice Fazoli's uses this font in a lot of its materials. Also, it's similar to the new Clearview family used on road signs.


In my opinion, nicer than Times New Roman. On the other hand, this might be partly due to the fact that TNR is used just about everywhere a serif font is needed.


I recently took a close, comparative look at Helvetica and Arial. What I found was that there are subtle differences between the two which make Helvetica look quite elegant and business-like, whereas Arial just looks cheap.

This site is copyright ©2002-2006 David "Smith" a.k.a. Vid the Kid a.k.a. Bír'd'in. This page is part of the Vid's Space site and all relevant disclaimers apply.