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Station Member
posted 12-01-99 09:57 PM           
There are many mysteries and myths in Norrath and though they may never be Solved... but they sure do make an one hell of an interesting conversation... giving the following facts I would like to hear opinions of players on these Everquest Mysteries.

Fact: There at one time in Everquest was a extremely high level "Seamonster" in Lake Rathe. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE IS PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

Unproven Information: The Creature in Lake Rathe was a Large Serpent called a "Leviathan" or "Kraken". It is found in the deepest parts of the Lake and is GIGANTIC. It may still be hidden in the Game, or as most belive it was removed from the game due to a pathing problem. It has also been rumored to be removed from the Game and replaced with another mob of equal level. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE IS UNPROVEN!



FACT: Aradune once wielded a weapon called the Fiery Avenger that looked like a Flaming Sword. The Sword had been looted off of Aradune by a player in the Arena after a PvP event in the final phases of beta. This the ONLY confirmed time anyone but Aradune EVER wielded a Fiery Avenger. The Fiery Avenger is a two handed slash weapon with very good damage and delay, and a Direct Damage effect. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE IS PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

UNPROVEN INFORMATION: In the Final Phases of Beta Mithaniel Marr the god was also rumored to drop a Fiery Avenger. The Fiery Avenger is also said to also be obtained though a quest Aradune himself has created... the quest is supposed to be the hardest quest in the game. There have been many rumors of the quest but all have been hoaxes so far. Rumors of the quest are that it has to do with "Killing Norrath's Dragons" and "It starts with a small favor".. (these quotes are Rumored to come form Aradune). REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE IS UNPROVEN!



FACT: There are Dragon Bones in the Steamfont Mountains. There is a tale from a gnome in An'kanon telling a Dragon Saving The gnomes. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

UNPROVEN INFORMATION: There is a further more in-depth story from another Gnome in An'kanon That tells of a Dragon that once saved the Gnomes and was nearly killed in the process. The Gnomes used their Clockwork technology to save the Dragon by turning him into a Clockwork Dragon to repay it for saving them. Over time the Dragon went Rogue and King An'Kanon sealed the Clockwork under An'kanon forever. In rumor there is supposed to be a another complete zone adjecent to An'Kanon that the Dragon is in. No one has found the Dragon yet if it is even there. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS UNPROVEN!



FACT: There is a extremely high level Vampire Lord that was in Mistmoore at one time. He only spawns during night. You can lose faction with Lord Mayhing Mistmoore by doing Bard quests in Kelethin. REMEMBER THE ABOVE INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Lord Mayhong Mistmoore was a level 53 Vampire and the only non-stationary level 53 in the game. Some say he was removed from the game due to bugs with his spawn and that he would often leave the tower he spawned in and go on rampant killing sprees. Some say that he is still in the game it is just that he has a Triggered spawn. He is rumored to drop the Skull-Fanged Stilleto (Even though most people know the Skull-Fanged Stilleto came from Kedge Keep in Beta), and some other nice SK weapons. REMEMBER THIS INFORMATION IS UNPROVEN!



FACT: There is a sea creature of high level that was once in the oot. This beast is not the Aliewasuar thing (sorry about spelling), it is a completely seperate beast. REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Rangers have picked up this beast on thier tracking and it is supposedly called a Medalodon. It is supposed to be a large prehistoric shark creature. Other rumors say this beast is a "Sea Dragon". REMEMBER ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS UNPROVEN!



Station Member
posted 12-01-99 10:12 PM           
I'm sure there will be a big deal revealing the existence of Kunark....and can almost guarentee a similar ending to that of the Beta ending with Gods running rampant and a massive choas and what not....

Just seems to make sense in the pattern that has been set before.

Station Member
posted 12-01-99 11:16 PM           
I think your post is very interesting, I don't know what kind of replies you'll get but I'm sure there will be a few geezers coming here telling you that you're wrong blah blah blah. I think your post makes some of us think a bit about EQ. I would love it if all of the things you mentioned are in the game now. I don't know about the sea monsters but I think it would be really cool if they had them. The thing that dissapoints me is the quest system in EQ, you have to kill something to get something or camp for days sometimes to see get something. I think that if they do have some bizarre monsters out there, they should put in a quest of some sort for us to find them(for once maybe make a non aggro monster, some of us don't like killing everything). I don't know if Brad and Verant know this but the quest system is very basic in concept. I would love to have some quests where I have to use my mind to solve some riddles and puzzles and not have to guess where the npc or whatever is. And I hate the rare spawns, obviously Verant has a very creative team working on this game so I don't see why they can't make the quests actually interesting. The Ivy quests were nice but still a hack and slash thing. This leaves us trapped sometimes because if we want to do a quest then we have to usually kill something. I could go on and on about this but I'll pass this time since this is off topic. Your post just made me think about EQ and how it has turned out to be so far in some aspects.

Station Member
posted 12-01-99 11:20 PM           
You missed a few things.

1)Firery Avenger:
FACT: GMs can suctomize their own inventory, creating a changing items on a whim.
FACT: Aradune has said that the Firery Avenger is Paladin only. Aradune is a Ranger. Thusly, it is presumable that the Firery Avenger dropped in Beta is not the same Firery Avenger in the final game.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: The Firery Avenger Aradune used is not just slightly twinked, but completely changed so Aradune can't take any hits about him "cheating" when Firery Avenger has never been Ranger useable.

2)The ClockWork Dragon:
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: It is said a guild accidentally discovered how to gain access to the Dragon, but since they wish to keep the dragon to themselves, they spread the rumor that it is a hoax in order to keep the secret all to themselves.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: A Clockwork in Ak'ano relays players the legend of the clockwork dragon if found and hailed enough.

Just a few things to keep in mind.

Station Member
posted 12-01-99 11:56 PM           
Here's one more thing:

****The Fanged Skull Stilletto
FACT: This item was lootable in Beta (Kedge Keep I understand).
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Verant removed it because it was way too powerful.
FACT: The Fanged Skull Stilletto was given as a reward to the guild who first killed Lady Vox. At the time, Brad was certain she was too powerful to be killed so he had left her unitemized. When she was killed, he gave the guild members these weapons as an apology.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: The Fanged Skull Stilletto is still in the game, only on Mayoung Mistmoore who has never been killed. It has become Rogue only since many of their abilities are bugged (poison making) or pointless (lock picking).
FACT/UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Mayoung Mistmoore has been seen training throughout Mistmoore (which was the reason he was rumored to be taken out). This can be neither confirmed nor denied since anyone who might have seen this train would have undoutbedly run for his life before considering taking a screenshot.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:05 AM           
And another thing on Firery Avenger:

FACT: Brad said he would be reworking the quest in order to make it more "accessible."
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: The quest for Firery Avenger is broken or has been broken by Brad while he rewrite's the quest.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:17 AM           
Actually, i heard from many scources that megaladon was actually a HUGE shark, not a sea dragon.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 09:09 AM           
Since Aradune is an artificial GM character (McQuaid plays the game with a 20ish ranger, you don't really believe he actually *played* Aradune up to 50, do ya?), it could very well have been the 'real' Fiery Avenger. GMs and NPCs can wield any weapon(s) they want...

Not exactly cheating, in any case.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 10:20 AM           
True, but like I said, Aradune was a Ranger, so it had to be twinked unless he lied about it being Paladin only. I personally hope that wasn't the final version of FA because everyone says it's not as good as BladeStorm of the PainBringer (it's just a mediocre sword with a flame around it). If that's the case, I'm putting my Paladin on the shelf.

Another irony, Verant gives mobs the ability to bend the laws of physics in order to keep us from "cheating." Then they have to take out mobs because they won't keep to how they were intended to act. Do you think they wanted the Rathe Monster on land or Mistmoore at the zone?

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 11:50 AM           
Mystery: Can the firey advenger really be a Ranger only weapon(if u do on the eq webisite goto Races and select woodelf, it shows a woodelf with a firey 2 handed sword*Note when he swing he uses 2 hands)
\\\\Can it be both ranger and paladin?
////or is it just Paladin. time will tell friends... i have a pretty good idea on the quote *it starts as a small favor* and yes the noraths dragons are true.. u need the red Dragon scale from lord nagy.. personly i think its a Ranger only sword just for the fact Tunare said something baout the firey sword when the holloween opening for plane of hate was happening.. and aslo on beta the paaldin god mithaniel marr his body never could be looted.. if u look on old screen shots on website it states that and u can ask players that played beta.

OPIONION: i think Firey advenger should be ranger only weapon, they dont have any 2 handed weapons and it sounds like something a ranger would use. as well i have heard many rumors that rangers have a firey sword.
Hope we find the sword sometime i wouldl ike to know what and who its for my self =)

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:21 PM           
Uuuhh, Rangers don't need any all powerful weapons. You get Dual Wield, which Paladins don't get, and that's very good for a hybrid. I think that balances out the fact that you don't get any good 2hswords. And you get good bows and tracking, which is excellent and can be used anytime.

Also, even if Tunare said she was looking for a "firery sword," it means nothing to rangers. Tunare has Paladin guild behind her too (or did you forget that).

Yes I know there is a picture of a woodelf holding a flaming sword (I was going to mention it, but I decided not to). But isn't that Aradune? I thought he was a Wood Elf Ranger.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:22 PM           
Uuuhh, Rangers don't need any all powerful weapons. You get Dual Wield, which Paladins don't get, and that's very good for a hybrid. I think that balances out the fact that you don't get any good 2hswords. And you get good bows and tracking, which is excellent and can be used anytime.

Also, even if Tunare said she was looking for a "firery sword," it means nothing to rangers. Tunare has Paladin guild behind her too (or did you forget that).

Yes I know there is a picture of a woodelf holding a flaming sword (I was going to mention it, but I decided not to). But isn't that Aradune? I thought he was a Wood Elf Ranger.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:23 PM           
Sorry about posting twice.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 12:54 PM           
Hmm, guess I should elaborate on what I thought was an exquisitely simple point:

GM characters are not PCs, they are NPCs. It's not 'twinking', because they aren't a true part of the game universe, ie, they don't fight, buy, sell, or otherwise interact with the environment outside of running events - they are Customer Support for PCs. Aradune is McQuaid's GM character, not his playing PC.

A GM can wield any weapon/item, regardless of class/race/size, because they're not PCs. The rules are different for them. They can do that because they aren't allowed to USE the weapons/items in-game. Therefore, any argument regarding the usage of the Fiery Avenger for PCs, based on the class/race of a GM seen weilding it, is pointless. It could be gnome-necromancer-only, for all we know... just cos Aradune was holding one doesn't mean that PC Rangers will be allowed to wield them. Neither does it mean that they won't be allowed to wield them.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 01:15 PM           
Hi people.

I'd like to add to the rumours about the Ocean of Tears and the Lake Rathetear monsters.

One player claims that he saw the lake rathe monster during beta and that it was then beeing under a gm's controll. It was called a shadowy sea serpent and other players further claims that his group killed it and that it only dropped a rune of prexas(?).

This info has almost been second on another ocasion when supposedly a giant sea serpent was sighted there.

Another monster in Lake Rathe is supposed to be the level 53+ shark Megalodon who lives in the underwater caves there.

As for Ocean of Tears there are rumours of a giant level 53+ shark there too that hits for 150 each blow.

Judging from the posts above, it is also called Megalodon which makes room for some more speculatoins, would it actually bee the same shark. It is then thinkable that a passage exists from OoT to LR but noone has to my knowledge claimed this to be the case or proposed this idea before. Fact is that there are some deep underwater caves within lake rathe which I don't know if they are properly explored.

Now there is some food for thoughts


Station Member
posted 12-02-99 01:19 PM           
One more thing. Now that I read my post again I notice the obvious fact that Ocean of Tears and Lake Rathetear both have the word 'tear' in their names.

Where are you Mulder?

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 01:57 PM           
"We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the above-stated NPC's. You did not read this thread. Go back to your eternal camping and be happy. Aradune is god. You will give him all of your money. Do not doubt your god. Now finish working on his pyramid."


Sorry guys, couldn't resist

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 01:59 PM           
To be honest, i love this stuff, in fact i could quite happily exist for the rest of my days (as a Gnome Shadowknight) who travels all over the world searching for the unknown, and i promise not to call him Mulder .
I once complained that EQ had no real plot, history or background, i was wrong it seems, it`s just buried damn deep.

Oh yes, another thing that annoys me would be that as soon as any mega-cunning quest is discovered it`s up on ALakhazams or EQ-lizer or some other site, spoiling it for everyone.

Ahh well...i just want a gnome SK

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 03:41 PM           
Huh... this begs a question.

The monster in Lake Rathetear is known by several names: Leviathan, Kraken, or Megalodon. For all we know, there could be three different rare spawns here. Now we know a GM told us that the Lake Rathetear monster was removed. But he didn't say which one. Could it be that there are still two giant monsters that spawn in Lake Rathe? If they took one out, it was most likely Megaladon, since it's easier to imagine a sea serpent on land rather than a giant shark ([knock knock knock] candygram).

I didn't know that was how GMs worked. Still, the Firery avenger could have been changed. Like it was said, he was looted in a player event, so he might have wanted it to not be too powerful.

And here's a new rumor:
FACT: In the "official" Strategy Guide, Brad says that he got his armor (green splinted mail) from various dungeons in Norrath.
FACT: No one has found Green Splinted mail in any dungeon.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: It is possible this was removed in Beta. It is also possible it is still in the world and has yet to found. It is also possible that the Green Splinted armor is only availabe to GMs. And it is also possible Brad was lying.

A Gnome SK? That ranks up there with that Dark Elf Bard I saw over the weekend. Hmmm. . . the signs are appearing again.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 04:03 PM           
I seem to remember the Aradune from beta as being a human ranger. But maybe my memory's bad. Also the screenshot of the FA found on Mith Marr during the last night of beta says it's pally only.

Amoryn Battleblaze
lvl 31 Half-elf ranger
Order of Light
The Rathe

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 06:04 PM           
I know someone in real life who has seen the sea monster while playing. I dont remember my exact conversation, but I got the impression that he was crossing a lake, not an ocean, and that the creature was a serpent rather than I shark. He not only saw it and targeted it, but also attacked it (for some unexplicable reason) and it killed him pretty fast. The Alizwasaur does exist, I saw a screenshot earlier today. I am trying to strangle more information about the above sea monster out of my freind.

It is time for the merchandising to begin!
I think that Verant should write a big thick book. It should contain many of the better stories written by players (yes there are some good one, look for the Modus Operandi series) as well as some lengthy nonsensical texts that, upon careful study and research in Norrath, will lead you through quests. This book should contain the history of the gods as well and what they said at GM events or fights, real or invented. It would be cool to actually have a book you could study and use to guide you through the game. It might even contain allusions to the Clockwork Dragon. It could begin to explain the mysterious fact that certain symbols that represent Innorruk, god of hate, are found in odd places (the Ak'Anon Clock in Qeynos, an underwater cave in Permafrost, and a hidden area of Erudin).

I saw in another post that talked about mysteries that someone was starting a FBIN (N for Norrath) although I think this was a joke. Either make this post the new FBIN headquarters or make a new forum.


Station Member
posted 12-02-99 07:36 PM           
And now the question of the Day:
*****Who are the Shadowed Men?*******
FACT: In the past few months, a race of invisible persons have have appeared in the Commonlands, and I believe the Karanas and Faydarks (can't remember). They come in multiple forms, and are not restricted to a class. These beings are magical, and do not have proper factions (you get numbers instead of names). They attack everyone, and the items they drop are no rent.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Do the Shadowed Men have anything to do with Kunark (yes I'm putting this up so an SOE won't close the thread). Perhaps the Iksar have been spying on us for a while. Perhaps they are another form of spy. Perhaps they are beings from another dimension or planet. Are they emmisaries from the gods (perhaps the idea that the Nameless' Archangel is already in effect).

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 07:51 PM           
Hi all,

I guess I'll add to the fun.

Now, I have NEVER seen these for my self (some I have, but I wont comment on which one), but these are the things that I have heard from reliable sources:

1) The Lake Rathe Monster was actually named "seamonster01" during beta. It was a large sea monster looking thing. It was found by going deep within the caves below the island in middle of Lake Rathe. The "seamonster01" could not be seen from a distance due to water fogging. It was so large that it took up the whole screen (much like dragons when you are close). It attacked the player and PERMANENTLY KILLED HIM.

2) Lady Vox apparently permanently killed someone during beta.

3) There are supposed to be 2 Sphynx in Rathe Mountains. One good and one bad. They have riddles to solve and are supposedly involved in a, yet undetermined, Paladin quest.

4) There was rumored to be a gnomish clockwork in Ak'Anon. When he as "hailed" in the Gnomish language at a master skill, he was rumored to reveal the location of the ClockWork Dragon.

That is all the juice I have.

Also, GM characters can WEAR any equipment, Make their own equipment (like a piercing weapon that is 30 dmg/ 40 dly and can backstab for 1000pts of damage). They can do ANY skill. Haha, I once saw an Erudin in Platemail, dual wielding flaming swords and monk flying kick while casting spells. Not to mention backstab. Furthermore, this person was casting ranger spells, shaman spells, and cleric spells from what I could tell.

Thats all for now.

Antryg and Pezz

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 08:42 PM           
Alizwasaur? Is it even rare? Because I was riding the boat to Freeport and I noticed it walking around on an island....I didn't care to get a closer look since it conned red.

Station Member
posted 12-02-99 08:57 PM           
He may not be rare, but he isn't hunted often. He's above level 50, and takes more than one group to clear. Plus I think alot of people are queasy about going into OOT and getting off the boat. Nothing like a swimming for an hour and having no clue if you're about to find an island, or if you do find one that it doesn't have monsters on it (cyclops or wood elves; that's the OOT).

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 09:06 AM           
To add to the mystery...

About the sphinx's, there are indeed two of them in Rathe Mountains, at least last time I was there many months ago, or it may have been beta. From what I understand if you kill one, the other likes you.

Ak'Anon hidden zone? Long ago in beta, when I first reached Ak'Anon I found several caves in the water. One of these caves led to another zone, but I was close to drowning and decided to zone back. This was during Phase 3 beta, during Phase 4 we went back to explore the caves, but they didn't zone you anywhere. I haven't been back since release, may be worth checking out. Sure would be neat.

I don't think this one has made it yet, but back in beta, there use to be a Lower Black Burrow so to speak. I never did find this zone again after that day though I tried. I could swear it was in the back room you can swim to. Anyway, when I zoned in, I didn'tgo much further for I saw two gnolls knights standing in front of me. There was another person in the zone, and after hailing him he said he was killing the gnoll King.

The sea monster huh? In early beta I went to lake rathe and decided to play around on a boat for a little bit...

A seamonster01 hits you for 341 points of damage!
Loading please wait...

Being only level 15, he killed me one shot, sure wish I could of seen him, all I saw was my screen fill up with color. I still fear crossing the lake that the thing might be there again.

Have any of you seen the plane of Air outside of being a Guide? I got summoned there by a Guide once when I stuck in the air about a billion feet up it seemed. I am EverBugged. Wish they would open plane of Air, looks like some twisted dream.

Anyway, thought I would share my experiences with you. Sadly release offers little in discovery.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 10:17 AM           
They say the zone to the clockwork dragon is on timer. It works only at certain points. I think I've found the cave (if it's where the water empties out in the end Ak'Anon, then I have found it), and if it exists it's definitely on a timer.

I could believe that there is another "boss" of Black Burrow. Gnoll High Shaman doesn't sound like a leader of a Warlike race. They may have taken the zone out however, because no one could find it.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 10:49 AM           
If you go to they have a screenshot of the Kraken of Lake rathe. If you can't find it, there is a link to it from a post w/ the same tite as this on on the message bopard at EQ'Lizer.

And here is another mystery-those firepots that are locked.(I know of one in Neriak 3rd gate and one by the heretics on Odus) that are rumoured to be teleporters.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 01:08 PM           
This is a very interesting topic to talk about, lots of cool rumors and myths around. Allizewsaur is a monster in OOT on an island with some low lv goblins. He looks like a giant lizard that walks on two feet. I have some screenshots of him(though the trees in the background are square cause I didn't upgrade my video card at the time yet)and he's pretty cool. I went there with camo and he didn't see me at all but few weeks ago they made it so that dragons can see invis and camo, not sure if he'c included in that category.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 01:10 PM           
Yeah Green Splintered is a mystery too, for all we know it could be in the game and people are just lying about it. It's been talked about before and people said it's not it the game, who knows. We can't be sure they were telling the truth. It's not like they'll tell us it is in the game because they don't want us running around searching for it

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 01:24 PM           

First of all, I think this is a very good post and needs some posting by Admin.

The Kraken screenshot on Everlore was a fake, look at Einhander's post (its me) and youll see why. Im sure there is or was a seamonster in Lake Rathe because anytime I see a guide I bother them with these questions =)

The blackburrow thing is also very odd, There is a level 20 gnoll called Tranixx Darkpaw there, but hes a rare spawn. I also heard of another gnoll king called Lord Elgnub (Part of the Gnoll Slayer quest, talk to Marin Sayer in Qeynos hills) But who knows. I hope theres some special caves or something in blackburrow weve been missing for all this time? But this is another Mystery all together =)

Brad has said that there will only be one new race in the expansion. I heard about the expansion about 2 months ago, and i think 6 months is worth more than one race. So my theory, is that he is lying (remember just a theory) Hes lying so well be really suprised when the expansion comes out and everyone wont be Iskar. Why do I think this? Currently, i beleive NO monster can dual weild or have dual weild animation (1 weapon in each hand) But if you look at the screenshots on EQExpress it shows a bear/man person weilding a Club AND an axe... New race possibly? =) Only time will tell.

Ive never been to Ak'anon so i dont know ANY of those mysterys.

And another thing to add to the Lake Rathe monster... If you talk to a Man in qeynos hills, he says something about a lake monster there. (Either that or a underwater city, im pretty sure lake monster though)

Cartman Saiyan Kame Hame Ha's YOU for 500 Damage!

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 02:42 PM           
There are a lot of zones that COULD be added to EverQuest, but are not in right now. Such as (east to west):

Dragonscale Hills, Elizerain Lake, Wayunder Lake, Loping Plains, Ranthok's Ridge, Hills of Shade

ANTONICA (Tunaria)
Lifire River, Rujarkian Hills, Gulf of Gunthak, Broken Skull Rock, Greenblood River, Serpent's Spine, The Serpent (River), Winter's Deep, The Frigid Plane, The Nest, The Dead Hills, The Buried Sea, Unkempt Wood, The Hatchlands, The Northlands

The Vasty Deep, The Barren Coast, The Gulf of Uzun, Stonebrunt Mountains, The Grand Plateau, Abysmal Sea

And these are just the outdoor zones.

H i r e
Lore Master

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 02:48 PM           
The Greenblood River IS in the game-what river do you think it is that runs through the Feerott, eh? Oh-and green splinted USED to exist-it was dropped by mobs in Sol B back in beta. It had better AC than rubi, but was wearble only by classes that could normally wear plate. It was removed when EQ went to retail. The high level armours you see from the Planes are most likely the replacements for it.

~Executor Scelestus Shadowstalker of Black Sun

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 03:05 PM           
Oh here's another Unsolved Norrathian mystery:

FACT: In the EverQuest history site and in the strategy guide, there is a long tale of Miragul, an Erudite who desired to acquire absolute knowledge of the universe. It says that his sanctuary was hidden in the far North, and that it contained treasure and knowledge unparalled by any other civilization. He also never died, he turned himself into a liche but was unable to transfer his spirit into the vessel. Thusly, his spirit and Liche are hidden away in his innersanctum.
UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Why would the EverQuest designers put this long well developed story out if it didn't have anything to do with the game? Is there some hidden zone in EverFrost peaks? Is this a zone that doesn't exist right now (or ever will), or is it so secret that no GM is allowed to speak about it. If it does exist, what is inside? Simply a high level liche and ghost? Monsters that carry items that blow plane gear away? Monsters that drop unique, high level spells?

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 03:12 PM           
Im just curious why this message is posted here and not on the general area of the regular message board.
I was under the impression this was discussion about expansion.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 03:28 PM           
Please tell me where i can find this gnome, what his name is, and what are the key phrases to make him give you the info.?

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 03:31 PM           
This post does have to do with the expansion. Ppl are giving ideas to what should be in the expansion.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 03:39 PM           

FACT: There is a extremely high level Vampire Lord that was in Mistmoore at one time. He only spawns during night. You can lose faction with Lord Mayhing Mistmoore by doing Bard quests in Kelethin. REMEMBER THE ABOVE INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE.

UNPROVEN INFORMATION: Lord Mayhong Mistmoore was a level 53 Vampire and the only non-stationary level 53 in the game. Some say he was removed from the game due to bugs with his spawn and that he would often eave the tower he spawned in and go on rampant killing sprees. Some say that he is still in the game it is just that he has a Triggered spawn. He is rumored to drop the Skull-Fanged Stilleto (Even though most people know the kull-Fanged Stilleto came from Kedge Keep in Beta), and some other nice SK weapons. REMEMBER THIS

Is in game still. Memebers of guild saw him awhile back and he casts a aoe spell that does 800+ dmg. Hit hard as well. He only spawns fo 15 min and then despawns if no one is there to attack him. He is a very rare spawn and a ugly scary one at that. ) We were trying to get enough people there to take him on but by the time we got there and setup for the attack he was despawned. ( With a 15 min window it is very hard to plan a attack on a 53 + mob.

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 04:16 PM           
I have a bit of info I will just throw in here, whilst searching for the tinkering manuals in akanon, the one that seems to be (hidden) we discovered a ' light star ' that stands next to a guide near the priest of discord that does not spin. On clicking on this ' light star ' you get the ' creaaak ' sound of a door opening, but none has found the entry. Any more information on this would be greatly appreciated very neat 8)

Station Member
posted 12-03-99 04:56 PM           
Is the FA the only sword in the game that has fire on it? If so I saw a normal player using one of these when I first started the game (a long time ago). This was after beta though.

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