NEWS: Thanks to everyone for checking out our site.

Maybe i should be the one to tell all of you this

therteen isn't NO more, but it kind of is right now. I know we only had one show, and people kind of liked us....but this is the way it had to be.

I *missy* am moving to north carolina in the beginning of August to live. Alana is happy in portland, and stef....well....who really cares about stef!!! *jk we love stef!*

Both alana and missy still love rap, ice cream, the pump house, blink 182, new found glory, mr. winkle, shakira, blacklights, and mexicians......

i *missy* am working with a band in north carolina, and for any additional information on what im up too, e-mail me and i will gladly tell you.

Alana will probably be in more bands too, and she will tell you about them. So until then:

thanks to everyone who checked our site, downloaded our mp3, went to our SHOW, emailed us, and cared. We really apreciated it. Follow up with our own side projects...

though therteen might have seemed short lived, it really wasnt. There was a lot of heart, soul, and sweat put into this band. A lot of friends who helped us out, a lot of different bass players, a lot of songs, and a lot of creativity in this band. In a circle of friends, it was a commonword, for a while.

"Therteen got me through a lot of heartache, at the lowest point of my life. It gave me the chance to bitch about the people that treated me bad, and rejoys at those i love. Alana never critisized my songs, made me feel comfortable, and was always an awsome person to colaberate with. Therteen will always be one of my favorite bands i've ever been in."-missy

Therteen isn't dead, we are just, splitting up for a your mommy and daddy :) -missy aka jordinsilver


xoxoxox therteen

last updated: 7/22/02

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