Thank you for visiting the Ruby Rooster Antique Mall's online store! By clicking on the images below you can review a small sample of our merchandise. If you see an item you are interested in and would like to see photos of it from different angles, you may request them by using the email address to your left. We will be glad to take additional photographs of any item you are interested in and send them to you via email. Please take your time browsing and if you have any questions or feedback, let us know!

Collection: June 8, 2003

Assorted Antique Signs A booth within the Ruby Rooster A large collection of antique bootles Antique Register Mahogany Drawers
Mahogany Settee Miscellaneous Items A collection of pink plates Large Hall Tree Table with Adirondack chairs
Lithography Plate An antique tin Display Window A colorful display A white outfit
Spongeware sugar bowl A very old baby carriage Full-length mirror A collection of white linens Powder Keg