The Frame

        Even before we started we knew that there would have to be some welding going on.  Todd had found some cracks where the steering was anchored and on the opposite side as well.  the front crossmember was barely attached, and the rear frame was in similar shape.  Plus my add-on front receiver wasn't exactly square to the world.  Todd's sense of style required that a proper receiver be placed on the front and made square to the frame.  A twin was also to be added to the rear.  Before any of that could happen we had to clean the frame.
        Todd had the frame stripped to a rolling chassis in short order.

 on the front is a push bumper I intend to use to move vehicles around the warehouse yard.
        Then he dropped the front and rear springs and differentials and we had a bare frame.

        Todd's main business is Sandblasting and here you can see how the frame got cleaned up.

        All cleaned up and ready for repair

        The first thing welded was the loose front crossmember.

The frame is upside down here and you can see the mount for the power steering.

        In the process of welding up the frame we added a new front receiver and a new rear receiver, straightened the tweaked spring hangers, added gussets to the front crossmember, boxed the front of the frame, added new gussets to the welded on front bumper and rewelded various factory welds that had broken.  When the welding was done Todd touched up the frame with the sandblaster and it was ready for paint.

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