 About this Site
About My Website

So I'm sure some of you are confused what this site is all about. Especially for any newbies, this stuff can be a little intimidating. But I would like to explain just in case anyone is wondering.

This site hosts downloads for the computer game, "The Sims" by Maxis. Its a game where you control computer people and tell them what to do everyday. Right now its limited to telling them where to work,what to eat/cook,what activities to do to improve skill (ie-study cooking,play chess), or for fun (ie-watch tv,play basketball), and when to bath,relieve themselves,get married. However there may be a new game out soon where you can tell Sims (the computer people) what to do while at work and on the way to work. *can't wait* But that's besides the point. What I'm basically explaining is a simulation (this whole game simulates real life).

Anyways, my site (like thousands of others) hosts many free downloads which you can use in the Sims game. They give you customized objects,walls,flooring,clothing *often called skins*,and faces (what your Sims will look like). Other sites offer to make a house for your Sims,or a new roof design, or even paintings to hang on the wall. And with the two expansions that came out so far (Livin' Large & House Party), many people of course have cloned those new objects to create new ones.

One thing that every newbie must be careful not to do, is copy someone else's objects/downloads, and alter them a little bit only to take full credit for the creation. This is considered theft by the Sim community so please be considerate of others.

And for those who are new to the game, I'm sure you will be excited about creating beautiful homes for your Sims, as I still am, so why not stop by some of my pages and save some creations to your Sims directory? You'll soon grow tired of the default stuff that comes w/the Sims. Of course every Sim should have a different looking home right? That's why there's such a huge community of Sims fans all hoping to create the perfect home for your Sim ^_~

BTW, if you would like to go to the official Sims site please click here to get the latest patches,objects, and news! Want to see more? Please submit your suggestions for info about the Sims/cheats/help/explanations:

What is your name?

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Here is a pic of two sims chatting for what seems like hours,lol!