
About the Author




About the

Story Making Mother

an OrsiniFamily.net site!




A few decades ago, I was born to a wheelchair bound mother and a father who left home when I was a baby. I was soon in the custody of my grandparents, who had a dog who answered to my name--so they changed mine! (That is why I never use my first name.) I grew up in the city and the ghetto, for a while, but when the opportunity arrived for me to live with my aunt in the country, I gladly left the concrete jungle behind. Since then, I have loved my adopted state with a passion that makes real natives smile.






My family includes my husband of a decade and a half, a lovely teenaged daughter, an adorable adolescent son, and a handsome growing boy whom everyone spoils rotten. We live near my mother-in-law, who is my best friend, and who is raising a beautiful teenaged granddaughter. We all go to church together, eat out as a unit, and pretty much live as one family in two houses--a happy arrangement pretty typical of Hispanic families.






Everyone in my small Spanish-speaking church fulfills multiple roles, so I am not unique. I love everything about my involvement in church, which include being a scout leader for pre-teen girls, managing the church nursery classes, and filling in as a part-time personal secretary for my pastor.






My passions include my relationship with Christ, writing, and spending time with kids. I read and study the Bible and books about my faith and people of faith, I maintain a series of websites and blogs, and I homeschool my children. These activities keep me in contact with all of my passions and fulfill me on the highest level. Now that I have my Associates degree and am a Senior in a Bachelors degree program at a local state university, I find that I am looking ahead more often and dreaming of what is to come.






In the future, my goals are to become a certified teacher, to eventually work at and maybe head a private school, and to be part of making reading fun for children with stories that make them feel special. I hope that my writing gets noticed, of course, and I want to overcome my stage fright so that I can be as eloquent in real life as I sometimes am on paper. That about sums me up!






Now, as for my stories, that's simple, too. I got started making up stories at age 12 because my cousin was impossible to control unless his mind was constantly occupied. I invented an alternate personality similar to the Story Making Mother, and I entertained him with tales that I made up, most of which included him as a main character.


Later, when I had kids, there were values I wanted to teach, and while preaching about them helped, telling stories that illustrated the point often made it personal. They loved the Pumpkin Story and were inspired to endure criticism for doing what is right. They listened to the Gumball and determined not to complain. The Lamp helped them to see that the reward for their obedience would be sweet. Each story I told helped send the message home and imprint my values on their hearts.

Now, as a children's church teacher, my stories continue to touch kids. I often find that if I need to change their behavior, a story does it easier than any long lectures or punishments could do. These stories are reaching a larger group and they have proven themselves to be truly valuable for so many of my fans.





I believe that Jesus Christ was hurt and that his blood was spilled for me. He died and then rose on the third day, making the way for us to go to Heaven to live with him. I know that he would have done it for you, too, even if you had been the only sinner on earth. I believe we have all sinned and need his gift of forgiveness. If you do not think so, ask yourself if you ever made someone cry. I do not believe any of us can earn Heaven, and if we tried, that would be like rejecting his love. However, because we love him, we do try to please him, and this means living holy to the best of our ability. Jesus tells us we can live well because we have help--the Holy Spirit.


This sounds complicated, but it starts out easily. Tell Jesus you want to believe him, that you will serve him if he wants you. Tell him you give him your life, and that you want his Spirit to guide and help you. That is it!


At least for now. Then, read the Bible, which you can find online at www.biblegateway.com --my favorite is the New King James Version.


The next step is to keep talking to God regularly, at least a couple of times a day. Finally, go to church. (Yeah, you knew there was a catch---smile!) Make sure your church believes Jesus is the son of God, in the Trinity, and that the Bible is the complete written word of God.






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