Here I intend to put some episodes of my life; every once in a while I would write a story that might be interesting to read. They can be sad, funny, odd, thoughtful, they can move all kind of emotions. I would share them with the purpose of giving you more reality about a "daydreaming, crazy artist", a person "walking on clouds", a "poor girl making her way", a "chick who is so different".
If with these writings I can give inspiration to others to follow their ways, I will be happy.
-- Andrea.
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Diamonds in my hair
   It was my son's last day in the kindergarten, on a hot summer afternoon in Budapest. I saw a make-up artist for a test. I wanted some make-up for the stage, which would look natural but my features can be seen.
    OK, she said, it's 15 minutes, you don't need much foundation, so I just put a little bit here, and so on, and so on.
    At the end, I looked into the mirror from a decent distance -- Geeee, beauuuutiful! Well shaped, strawberry red, glossy lips, huge eyes with XXXL lashes, etc, better than a Hollywood star!!!
    But for 40 cm-s... Oh, my God! My skin looked thick like a wall, and the rest... Brrrr! 
    And I was in a hurry, had to pick up my son. So, imagine this picture: a girl in casual jeans but with such a rich "painting" on her face as of a scarlet woman, in 30°, running along the Grand Boulevard, then jamming in the subway, when the traffic is at its peak. Fortunately, I could pull my baseball cap deeeep into my face.
    When I arrived to the kindergarten, my son, Shanko would just stand there, staring at me and thinking. I tried to cheer:
    -- Hi, honey, do you recognize your mother?
    -- Uhum...
    -- And what do you think, am I nice?
    He would just stand there, staring at me, sucking his finger, thinking, thinking, thinking... Then he finally came up with the conclusion:
    -- No.
    -- ????
    -- You know, Mom, you should wear a long, nice skirt, like the princesses, have long hair, and put some diamonds in your hair. Then you'll be nice.

    This is how that poem came about.
My Heart Will Go On

As you will see, many of my stories are about the life of a street performer. It's because playing music in the streets is such a special experience that it is far beyond the imagination of people I've met.
    Some people might think: "Oh, poor girl has to sing in the streets to earn her supper.Oh, what a pity!" But they wouldn't ask if they could help me in some way...
    And what I think of those people: "Oh, this lady, she has to wake up each morning at 6, in the -- maybe smoky -- office all day long she has to answer phone calls, type letters, wear always perfect business outfit, fighting with machinations of "nice" collegues, sit at the computer till her back hurts, then after work she can go shopping and do all the house work, deal with the kids, and if she doesn't fall asleep in front of the tv, then thanks to certain amount of alcohol she needs in order to forget about all her pain and stress, she still can try  to give a smile to her husband who just came home from a date. And maybe, as a little girl, she was dreaming about being on stage one day, singing or dancing, or doing other art forms, painting or something the like. And I am free as a bird, don't know alarm clock, whenever I like a place, I just go there, in jeans and clogs, and do what I always loved to. Having fun, giving something nice to other fellows, and I even get some exchange for it... who is poor?"   
    Singing in the street is one of the best schools I can imagine. Here you can observe all type of people, you can make experiments, learn how to deal with different personalities and emotions, keep on going no matter what happens, and a lot more. Though, it's better if you have certain basics, for example some vital data and skills I've learnt at courses. If you wanna know more about them, just drop me a line.
    Without applying those, I wouldn't have been able to this:
    I was singing in Munich, Germany, just without any music. It's a nice place there, with excellent acoustics. If I just opened my mouth it could be heard all around the street. And people were grateful for it.
    When I got to the Titanic song, I would go "...and My Heart Will Go O-o-o-on and o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-on", you know, giving out all what I had, my heart and everything, -- a boy passed by, very close to me, and he put a burning cigarette into my mouth...
    Fortunately, I could grab his hand fast enough so he took the cigarette out and I didn't even had to interrupt my song.  
    My heart will go on and on...

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