



Desktop Themes FAQ

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This section provides a rough overview of about desktop themes in general.

Q1. What are desktop themes?

Desktop Themes are basically used to decorate your desktop. Desktop Themes are files that specify color schemes and a collection of sounds, wallpaper, cursors and icons. Each theme package will contain sounds, icons, cursors and at least one wallpaper.

Q2. How do I use desktop themes?

You need Microsoft Plus!, either the Windows 95 version or the Windows 98 version. You can't download these. You need to buy it from your nearest software store. If you can't afford Plus!, there are alternatives like LeftSide Software's Desktop Theme Manager that are downloadable.

Q3. Where do I get more desktop themes?

Well, there are tons of desktop theme sites on the Internet. Some sites, e.g. EZthemes, lists and stores desktop themes created by others. Others, e.g. Desktop Reflections, are created by desktop theme creators to display their own work.

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