Email from Ian

Sat 21 June

Hi Dave Ian Here

Goa was great and Bhopal but Katmandu is the dogs ######## !!

I don't have much time but i'll tell you the pictures on the site look great. didn't find Murton yet (POO!)

this is much much much much much much cooler than anywhere I went to in India

I'm here alone, Emma should have flown yesterday (fri) but I left Delhi on Thu. will be meeting up again in Singapore/bali/oz ( dont panic---no split)

Should have told Parp Emma's been ill and left India early to recover, not coz she was tired (but she was tired coz she was sick )

don't reply coz I wont bee here again

see ya , Ian

PS tell Murton I miss him and that I've left him some messages in different places (he'll find 'em)


oh, and I didn't get the package he left me in Delhi...NEVERMIND

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