Postcard to Karen from Ian, S.A.

(Received 21/2/97)


Here's the first of many cheesy postcards you'll be getting! I know it's late for Xmas but I couldn't (strange scribble but looks like ->) bin it coz I bought it in the middle of the desert, on the side of the road when the bus left us at a roadside cafe and drove off! It did come back for us 15mins later but you did have to worry. It's taken us 6 weeks in sand and rock and dust to finally get to the sea! After a few extra days in Israel I've caught up with Murton in Dahab, Egypt. We leave tonight for Cairo and tomorrow night for Africa. Egypt is cheap, smelly and has lots of cats. Dahab is THE nicest place in Egypt. Take your holiday there this year, you'll love it. Later Love Ian

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