Jenna's Stupid Site for Stupid People

The Christmas season is in full swing so I thought I'd put these lights on my site. Hehehe, aren't they annoying?

Hi people and welcome to my humble abroad! Yeah, that sounded really stupid, but I don't care. I got tired of the way my old front page looked (it's looked the same for 2 years), so I decided to make a new one. It's probably cheesier than the first one, but I really don't care. I got tired of my old blue background too. I love this ghetto, white-trash background. Hehehe, I stole it from another website. I know what you're thinking, and no, there is nothing wrong with stealing. If Samuel Slater didn't steal ideas from the British in the late 1800's, then the Industrial Revolution would have never occured in America. So there! I'm gonna rob a bank now. Wait, no I'm not. It requires too much work and planning. Besides that, I would have to stand up and move around. That requires way too much energy (hmmmmm....maybe I could use a wheelchair...yeah, that could work). Yeah, I'm a really, really lazy person. I should be doing my homework now instead of updating this site. But I don't feel like it, I never feel like doing schoolwork. Let me put it to you this way: for every hour that passes, I only feel like studying for less than a second. I guess I'll just fail that math quiz I have to take tomorrow. should I ramble on about now? Well, my life has been rather interesting. Wait, no it hasn't. Why don't you tell me about your life? Never mind, you can't talk. Well, you can, but I can't hear you through this website. Or maybe you really can't talk, maybe your vocal cords got ripped out in a boating accident. Yeah, I know that's not possible and it makes no sense, but I don't care. I'm gonna stop talking about vocal cords now. I'll bore you with my feelings on rice instead. Rice is good. Rice is white and fluffy. Rice is nature's candy. Rice is nice. Wow, I made up a cool rhyme; "Rice" and "nice" rhyme with each other! Stop giving me that look. I don't take drugs. Really. Maybe I really should shut up now, because I need to get some homework done. I actually feel like studying. Yeah, so don't go away, look at my stupid site. That is a command. I AM WATCHING YOU!

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You are person number . (Crap, that evil flying monkey broke my counter again)