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The above is a sample of my site award. Also on the award will be placed your website's name (counterfeit protection.) All submitters are granted 25 points in the abbey, if they are a member. There are three ranks of awards, they go as follow:

1. Superior
2. Excellent
3. Good
There are five requirements for my award that are taken into consideration:

1. Originality
2. Layout
3. Grammar (Unless there is a purpose to improper grammar, such as molespeech.)
4. Creativity
5. Activities/Information.

If you think your site has what it takes, sign up for the award at the bottom of this screen.


Superior Award

The Redwall Encyclopedia - 'Snowfur'
A great site that has lots of Redwall information! It's been around for quite some time.

Fort Ruddler - 'Ariel Oceantear'
An awesome club site with many, many activities. Can't give any better compliment to a clubsite.

Redwall HQ - 'Rowan Treeleaper'
A site with a great Redwall layout with information on the author, the series, and creatures in redwall books. This site is full of fun activities and information.

Silverpeak Island - 'Bandeye Linsang'
A site with the best layout I've seen on a Redwall site. It's got an easy to remember address, a cool tropical design, and so much more. Overall, it's a great club with lots to do.

Pearl's Gallery - 'Pearl Stormwind'
Maybe it's the fact that I couldn't draw a picture as good as Pearl's if my life depended on it, or maybe her pictures are really just that great, but this site is full of great pictures that I wouldn't mind using on my own site. Pearl's furry art is great and plentiful, and she has a little picture exchange thing too! It has a great layout, that I'm assuming is done in CSS, just make sure you're looking in the right place, I almost missed the navigation menu the first time I went there. (It's on the top of the page for those of you who can't find it..maybe it was just the little hotmail banner that comes when you click on an emailed link that made it hard to find.) Well, now that I'm done rambling I just have to say, Pearl's Gallery is a Superior site when it comes to Redwall and furry art.

Fort Nightshade - 'Snowstar Fleetpaws'
A superior site all around. Fort Nightshade is a great clubsite for all your RP, Fanfic, and Fanart needs. The site has a high number of members (117 on 4/7/02), a direct result of the high quality of the site, not to mention I like the seamless frames layout and the music that fits this site well.

Redwall Compendium - 'Briar Snoswpine'
Redwall Compendium is a great information site to answer all your questions about Redwall creatures, weaponry, buildings, and more! It has a beautiful layout, especially the mian page. In fact, the only oddity I can find is that when you click to go back to the Compendium from some of its sections it will open the main compendium page in a new window. So if you like Redwall information, this site is most definitely worth a look. If you've ever had questions about any of the Redwall creatures or weapons, whether in the books or real life, this site can quell your wondering mind.

Excellent Award

The Redwall Library - 'Talno Moonwhisp'
The Redwall Library is a great site if you want to showcase your artistic abilities or check out the works of others. This site accepts submissions of all sorts of poems, songs, stories, and artwork to display on its pages and boards as well as containing some typical clubsite activities like riddles and quizzes. The layout, however, isn't as good as it could be. The links to the site's pages from the main page are rather scattered and disorganized and the site has not main background or theme. Overall the site seems like the perfect place for someone who likes to display artistic talents or enjoy the works of others.

Lancepaw's Fort - 'Lancepaw Fortesque'
An overall good clubsite with many activities and a good message board. The site's activities range from traditional to very original and there is something for everybeast who joins. However, the background can at times be hard on the eyes, especially when white text is on it. Also, if you plan on visiting the fort, be sure to download the plugin if it prompts you to, or else you'll be plagued by prompts to download the plugin each time you go to a new page. All in all, Lancepaw's Fort is a great site and worth a visit- or an extended stay!

Marshank - 'Lord Badrang'
A good, small club with several interesting activities. This vermin club has two different ships and a regular army with ranking systems for each based on the coins you collect by completing activities. The activities range from slaving and missions to a quiz and biographies. If you're looking for a vermin club, I'm sure Marshank would be glad to have you.

The Mystere Rainbow Starlight Island - 'Moonsun Mystere'
A very unique site with a small club. Has some very interesting artwork, and some intriguing critters too.

Tarlon - 'Waterstream'
A new club site with only a few members. Has some quality activities where you can earn gems. Intriguing music adds to the mysterious aura surrounding this cave dwelling.

The Forbind Crossroads - 'Rawnie Elvhale'
This site has some information on the ROC in general, with links to different types of Redwall sites and some non-Redwall sites combined with a good amount RPing information on how to RP and how to create a RP character. It also has forums for the site and for other webmasters to look at tips and make announcements about their sites (unfortunately I do not know the extent of these forums, because I didn't get the chance to join.) A nice layout to accompany very good graphics, with quite a bit of RPing information, The Forbind Crossroads definitely deserves this Excellent Award!

Salamandastron, Home of the Badger Lords - 'Lord Darkheart'
This site was submitted by Flashtail, who also helped make this site. Salamandastron, Home of the Badger Lords has a great layout (will be even better when all of the images for the navigation at the top work.)It has quite a few good activities and a nice little story line. It have VERY few members, but a unique ranking system by medals. This site gets the excellent for it's terrific riddles and quizzes and a nice layout.

The Corsair Alliance - 'Redeye'
A vermin site with a nice sidebar type layout and some good content already. Redeye sets a high goal, in trying to find, rank, and link to every club for Redwall vermin on the internet. Some more content or site action would have earned it a better rating.

CORIM - 'Lee Duffy'
This site seems to be a combination activity and information site with the makings for a good club. Except for an unsightly "Page Loading...Please Wait" sign once you first try to enter the site, the page has a layout that's practically immaculate! The drop down menus make the site so easy to navigate that anyone who can read english is sure to find what they're looking for if it indeed exists on the site. The color scheme is also very suiting for the page, never clashing, and the text is very easy to read at all times. The most interesting thing about this site I'd have to say is the Mole Translator. I've seen something called a mole translator before, but this one has much better capabilities and serves more as a reference for those who can't understand what their favorite Redwall moles are saying. With such a good site already, and always something new to come, look for the Corim to become a Superior site in due time.

Lunar Isle - 'Kaliah Wolfsbane'
Lunar Isle is paws down the best site I've given the Excellent Award to. Some may ask, "Why not give it Superior then?" Well, the answer is as simple as it is complicated. It's a great RPG based site with many activities, but the thing that got to me was the layout. The site has a nifty little drop down bar to select where to go, and for those whose computers aren't capable there is the basic list of site links. However, this drop down/list menu isn't on every page. On the majority of the pages you have to wear out your back button on the browser, something I'd prefer not to do. The only other thing is that the listing of links doesn't seem to have any order to it, it seems as though everything unrelated is set side-by-side. Of course this is easily solved by the site navigation page, but I'm not too keen on reading for five minutes [over-exaggeration on my part] just to find out how to get where I want to go. So basically, if you don't mind those two inconveniences, this is the RPG club for you!

Moonlight Mountain - 'Lord Goljaw'
Moonlight Mountain is a rather good new site with a long list of activities and interesting things to do. Moonlight Mountain is your basic Redwall club with weapons, armor, jewelery and other things to buy and sell. The site layout is nice and uncomplicated, although some activities and other things (such as the rules) could be better explained. For the most part, this is a new site with a bright future.

Good Award

Salamandastron Short Patrol - 'Sunflash'
Salamandastron Short Patrol (SSP), is a dibbun clubsite with a quaint feeling and quite an interesting name. At SSP members can do all sorts of activities to earn ribbons or do other things to earn special awards. However, as with many sites that have earned the Good Award, SSP's layout is a bit troublesome. The frames layout is nice, however the verticle scrolling is not very viewer friendly. Perhaps if the frame on the right of the screen was removed that would solve all of the problems. Also, a few pages were not up yet, but I'm sure Sunflash well get to those soon. Overall, this is an excellent club with just a few design flaws. Check out SSP if you're looking for a dibbun club, I'm sure Sunflash will be glad to have you.

Quickpaw Widepad's Webpage - 'Quickpaw Widepad'
Quickpaw Widepad's Webpage is a nice little Redwall based site with a few interesting things to look at. Quickpaw has a collection of Redwall artwork gathered from and properly credited, as well as a list of links, his own book collection list, as well as a nice Redwall song.

Ruddaring Caverns - 'Finnbar Galedeep'
Ruddaring Caverns is a nice club site with several activities, Redwall information, and message boards. However, it has an Achille's heel in design. The background really doesn't match the frame, and the frame's text is hard to read. Also there's a lot of scrolling involved, including horizontal scrolling. The non-frames version is a bit more pleasant on the eyes, however whenever you click a link it opens in a new window. Overall the site is nice and appears to be regularly updated by its host, so if you're looking for a good site with activites and information that gets updated, this might just be your place.

The Path Wanderers - 'Shady' and 'Gleameye'
This is a great new club with quite a few activities to work on. With old-time favorites, and original activities of its own, The Path Wanderers is a club site that's surely worth your time. Had it not been for a few details with the site design and text readability, I'm sure The Path Wanderers would've gotten an excellent award. Keep up the good work Shady and Gleameye!

Camp Oak - 'Shad'
Camp Oak is a small club site in need of new members. The Camp has a few good activities of the submission variety, including book review and kitchen submission areas. This site also has some information on the books and a small variety of other interesting points. Camp Oak is a good small club, and I'm sure Shad would love it if you would stop in for a visit.

Woodland Infantry - 'Bloodrath Quicktide'
The Woodland Infantry is a new club site that's off to a great start. The site is laid out for war-style roleplaying efforts including several divisions of forces. As with all new clubs, it still needs some more activities, but has a good start and some obvious plans for future activities. However, the site's main downfall is the grammar and spelling, at times making several things hard to understand. If you are willing to look past some simple errors and you're looking for a small club with a homely atmosphere as a place to vent your creativity, this may be the place for you.

Mattimeo's Secret Hideaway - 'Mattimeo'
A very new site with much promise. So far there are quite a few pages, but no real content. The page with the most content, Mattimeo's Family Album, is an original and fun idea, showing the creativity of the site's creator. Good job, just fill up those empty pages and you'll be ready for a better award!

Thoro Online RPG - 'Thoro'
This site is a new RPG with a few members already. Based in the land of Totolly, you can do a large variety of things within the lands. You can build, buy, create, join and so much more. But watch out, if you die, your character is gone for good and you have to start all over. The only problems were with spelling and the graveyard's unreadable black text on dark red background. Other than that, the only reason this page doesn't get the Excellent Award is because of a lack of things that take up time. It would probably just take a few minutes before you run out of things to do, but that may be fixed with more members.

Loamhedge Abbey - 'Vercin'
Surprisingly enough, this club is a vermin page. It has some quite humorous effects, like the Slave Pit, where Vercin comments on things such as a hare's funny hat and Asmodeus being a watch snake. It has a few things to do, but lots of pages to explore...if only there was more on those pages. It's a great start, Vercin!

Swift Current - 'Stream Watcher'
A New Club! It is a good site already, and will just keep getting better! Good job Stream Watcher!

Swiftstrike's Redwall Abbey - 'Swiftstrike'
A brand new site with a good start and a few cool effects. Keep up the good work, Swiftstrike!

The Mossflower Union - 'Brockblood'
A new RPG club with a great premise. It needs more members before stuff really starts happening.

Holt Purple Sunset - 'Splash Shellseeker'
A new Redwall club with a good start run by our very own Dotti and it has my personal favorite section, True or False. It needs more members and a few more activities.

The RSOS Club - 'Brandon Squirrelking'
The RSOS Club (Royal Squirrels of Southsward) is an extremely new Redwall club with no members yet. It has a few activities with more to come, but has a nice layout already with mutliple feedback options. The grammar isn't the best, but no site is free of grammar mistakes, mine certainly isn't. Overall a good site that will undoubtedly get better with time.

Leafplain Abbey - 'Fleches'
Leafplain Abbey is a good new club that needs a little bit more work and some more members. It has a few good activities, and some pretty good affiliates as well. If Leafplain could get some more members, it could become a really good club, although the misspelling of the word "abbey" really made me twitch.

Martin's Redwall Page - 'Martin'
Martin's Redwall Page is very new, and therefor has very little yet.

Submit your site via email!!