Yahoo! GeoCities Member Banner Exchange Info


1 Sign of the True God

2 Sign of the Messiah

3 Did Christ Die on Friday?

4 Time of Christ's Burial

5 The Resurrection

6 Rapture in Prophecy

7 Reasons for the Rapture

8 The Wrath of God

9 Satan/End Times

10 Book of Revelation

11Timeline of Revelation

12 Mark of the Beast

13 Hope of the Christians

14 Annual Holy Days

15 Armageddon

16 The Woman with 12 Stars

17 Time for the Rescue

How would you like to take a vacation to Paradise?
Your trip will be all expenses paid.
So get ready for the greatest adventure of your life.
Our friendly cruise director is called:

The destination is divine, "The heat and sun shall not
strike them." Isaiah 49:10

The surroundings are very peaceful "The wolf and the lamb
shall feed as one." Isaiah 65:25

Everything is free in the Gardens. "He who has no silver,
come buy grain and eat." Isaiah 55:1

If this sounds better than waking up at 7:00 AM tomorrow...
Email me at:

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