
Desiree Devlynne Darling (Nymphette/WetNymph)


I'm Desi, nice to virtually meet you!

Please feel free to explore my site and email me if you'd like to share travel info or other creative stuff. I'm kind of a beginner at this HTML thing -- my links are all on the bottom of my webpages. Each has a brief description . . . the travel tips & tricks page requires you to hit the back button . . . so follow the Nymph buttons to learn more about me.

Ok, I've confused so many Regional Seattle chatters in both IRC/MSN & Yahoo , here is my home page *hehee* -- You asked to know more about me -- maybe you'll think twice before you ask any more ... because truth is stranger than fiction *grins mischeviously* :o)

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You might wonder~ 'What exactly is a Nymph?' Do not Guess ~~ If you do not know what a Nymph is ~~ per Websters:

1. In Greek & Roman mythology, any group of minor nature goddesses, represented as beautiful maidens living in rivers, mountains & trees, etc.

2. a lovely woman; maiden; literary or playful usage.

3. in entomology, the young of an insect without complete metamorphosis; a pupa.

4. any of the various nymphalid butterflies, including the purple, the fritillary and the peacock butterflies.

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I was inducted into the chat "Hall of Shame" back in August 1997. Thanks to my friend Ralph, bless his little heart! *grins* He emailed me the zip file for ICQ and told me when I had it set up to call him. The first file I ever received was none other than MS Chat. Ralph changed his chatnames often (I learned from the aggresive cancer, good thing we were friends a long while before he initiated me to the online life. *hahaa* On that fateful August day, Ralph directed me into a private room, told me to just "go with your bad self ... ", then sent an invite to one of those sex rooms for them to join me ... suddenly I had one hundred & twelve guys asking my for my a/s/l and a myriad of "less than socially acceptable questions" about my sex life, and what was I wearing . . . ahhh, whats initiation without a few rollicking good laughs.

I cut my chat teeth with msChat and progressed quickly to pIRCh. Thanks to my growing number of online friends, I quickly became a host on IRC and really enjoyed my time there! I still sign into IRC through pIRCh, its been a good little progie for me.

June, 1998 I began chatting in the Yahoo/Regional/Seattle rooms -- Click the first 2 links to view my friends there! A few of us are known for partying... so don't be surprised to see our candid photos there! *giggles* . . .

Screen names for my aliases include (but are not limited to): DarlingDesiree, JessicaRbbt, DevlNMsJones, WetNymph, Nymphette63, PartyNymph1999 and MsPoetryNMotion . . . Are you ready to meet this intense, genuine comical tomboy of an energetic Nymph?

Click below for more @ your own risk... *grins wickedly*



dark_bullet Here's the GT/Party webpage *hehee* (Thanks Darin)

dark_bullet Yahoo Chat (Seattle Regs/Pics/Events)

dark_bullet Nymphette: ~~ Know the Nymph ~~

dark_bullet New Years Eve 1998: ~~ NYE Party @ The Rocksport (west seattle) ~~

dark_bullet Pics'N Profiles: More than you ever wanted to know about me, my friends and where I like to travel

dark_bullet Candid Friends & Chatters PIX

dark_bullet See my roomies, while fuzzy, they are cute! Puppy Power to the 2nd degree ...

dark_bullet Scenic Pics ~~ where I live & Travel Tip links

dark_bullet Bon Voyage Mon Amies ~~ Love always, Nymphette!

Send Des your favorite destination via email ! *gigglez*


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