A Declaration of Love, or Why Are Boats Better Than Women?
My sailing vessel Tärna is one of my greatest interests in life. She is my mother, my mistress and my mother, all in one. I use her for cruising along the swedish eastcoast. During the summer she is out sailing or rests by a buoy at our summerhouse in Furusund's Archipelago.
This summer I have made a trip to Gotska Sandön and Gotland. The story is
I recommend it, It involves dramatic sailing, romance and booze!
Tärna is an International Folkboat, built in 1974 at Marieholms varv in Sweden. For more info check out the
Swedish IF-boat Union. Tärna's data in metres and kg are:

LOA: 7.87
Depth: 1.2
Beam: 2.2
Weight: 2,200
Whereof keel: 1,200

Mainsail: 16 sqm
Genoa: 15 sqm
Jib: 10 sqm
Spinnaker: 40 sqm
Engine: 6 hp outboard

To see a drawing of her, click
here.  I also have some other pics of her.
If you feel that you absolutely don't want to follow those links, you'll have to make do with a shot from deck. Unfortunately, you will also have to make do with one of my sailing friends, who disturbs the view somewhat. If you like his body,  he will soon be availabale as barbiedoll. He is also on my "Friends page".
A small story about nighttime sailing
A trip to Åland
The temperature in Vostok, Antarctica
När din lilla båt
har legat så länge
för ankar i hamnen
att du förjar få för dig
att hon är ett hus,
när din lilla båt
börjar att skjuta rötter
i gyttjan vid kajen,
då är det dags att styra ut!
och din egen pilgrimssjäl

Av H Camara
I have a couple of links, though you who have actively been searching the net for IF's have probably already seen them.