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Pass the Cheeseburger and Hold On Tight

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Pass the Cheeseburger and Hold On Tight
By Wetdog

In this desolate world of Diet Coke, low-fat fudge cakes and Oreo Cookies made with Sugartwin, it is not surprising to find our hobbies come in similar health-conscious categories. Just like their edible counterparts, the hobbies we choose to participate in, can either end up killing us, or they can end up bettering us. Regardless of the eventual outcome, everyone needs hobbies to help them fill their pastimes, and everyone requires various types of hobbies to keep them going. These hobbies come in three health conscious categories to help us count our adrenaline intake. 

The 'extra spicy' adrenaline rush occurs in people who have hobbies that require them to exert great physical energy. Activities such as skydiving, rock climbing, Bungee jumping, and 400 mile an hour car racing, are all examples of pastimes that really get the heart pumping and the adrenaline flowing through the active parties veins. These are the Big Mac's of the hobby world. They are dripping with enough fat that will eventually clog arteries and result in sudden death. However, hobbies such as organized hockey, soccer, volleyball, and gymnastics are also full adrenaline hobbies. While being less death defying, they still provide the participant with enough of a rush to exhilarate even the spectators. The average full adrenaline hobbyists are the 'young and adventurous' types that have a wild streak in their everyday life. Thankfully, for the rest of us, there are less dangerous hobbies to be had.

A step down on the adrenaline food chain is the 'mild-but-tangy' adrenaline rush. These are hobbies that provide some sort of physical exercise but don't put life in any sort of direct danger. Hobbies such as traveling, building cars or collecting Coke cans are all examples of medium adrenaline hobbies. Of course there is still the danger for freak occurrences to result in death, they aren't exactly part of the game. Someone that rebuilds old car engines could very well end up with the car on his or her chest, but such a happening would be considered an unexpected accident. This category is where the majority of the population finds their enjoyment. However, for the extreme introvert, there is still one last area of interest to provide a safe and secure environment.

The 'adrenaline light' hobby is the type that requires virtually no physical energy, and provides the active participant without a real threat of danger what so ever. Reading, writing poetry, and surfing the Internet, are all examples of adrenaline light hobbies. These are hobbies that require the hobbyist to relax and proceed at their own desired pace. The average person that enjoys these types of hobbies, generally, are quiet and enjoy being alone; they are usually creative and thoroughly enjoy learning about many different areas of life. The threat of danger is obsolete; the only chance of personal harm is the result of an act of god. Note: a paper cut to the jugular vein will do it every time. Forecasting predicts that, with the recent "cocooning" trend, the number of adrenaline light hobbyists will increase in the near future, especially as the Information Wave comes in to full swing. During this time period, people will not have to leave their homes for anything. This is the category of the future.

Keep in mind that any person is still able to have various types of hobbies that span across all three categories, however, they are classified according to their most-adrenaline filled hobby. If you jump out of a plane on weekends but attend Tupperware parties during the week, you are still considered to be a Full Adrenaline hobbyist. The beauty, as in all areas of life, is that every individual will have his or her own preferred type of hobby resulting in such a diverse spectrum of hobbies. Whether you are collecting stamps or climbing the Himalayan mountains, be proud of what you enjoy doing in your spare time, for it is truly is your time to do with as you please. 

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