Workers with Heart


Owner: Tracey Kendall


Phone number: (617) 3297 6654

Mobile number: 0422 539 823

Welcome to our website of Thonar Amstaffs.

We hope you enjoy the stories of our dogs’ lives, achievements and goals.  We wanted to create a website that had a touch of difference so the dogs have written their own stories.  

Our dogs are a huge part of our lives and we treat them as if they were our children and no less.  We take pride in everything we do connected with them and we are very proud of their achievements and continual vitality for life.  

Fenrir being our first Amstaff has been a genuine Ambassador for our breed. Xena being our first bitch has blessed us with our two amazing pups Jarl and Fionn whom are also following well in their parents footsteps.  We look forward to Fionn continuing the Thonar name when she is mature enough to be a mum herself.  

Working Amstaffs

We endeavour to preserve the Amstaff’s working abilities, hence involving them in as many working activities as possible.  We have always tried to encourage other Amstaff breeders and newcomers to involve their Amstaffs in different activities as well as the show ring as we feel this is an important factor to the future of our Amstaffs.  

Puppy package & Education

We supply owners of our pups an extensive puppy package including colour pictures of the puppy from birth as well as pictures of as many of their pedigree ancestors as we can find.  Information on the history and background of the Amstaff, training, care and feeding regimes, weight chart, vaccination and worming details,  personality profiles of the sire and dam as well as any other information they require.  We also provide potential buyers of Amstaffs an education session at our home where they can play with our dogs and can get first-hand information on what to look for and beware of when buying a pup.  We keep an ongoing relationship with all the owners of our pups to see how they’re going and offer our assistance in any situation should they require it.  We genuinely care about the welfare of our pups once they have left home and enjoy the updates that their new owners give us.

Your views

We would love to hear any views and thoughts you may have so please do us the honour of leaving a message in our guestbook.


Thank you and good bye.


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