Suicide Attempts

After Four Suicide Attempts A Man Is Found Not A Danger to Himself

On June 4, 2002, Jerry Don Evans, 42, was found competent to stand trial by a Shasta county Court.  An evaluation by mental health experts, which determined Evans is not a danger to himself or others was presented to the court this day. 

Evans faces charges for the alleged May 10, 2002, kidnaping and rape of his estranged wife who had previously obtained a restraining order against him.  The phone lines were found cut at the woman’s home, and two children were left home alone when he forced the woman at gun point to drive to a Susanville motel and back. 

The statement that he is not a danger to himself is amazing.  No, it’s shocking!  Previous to his arrest, Evans stabbed himself in the stomach with a butcher knife.  After his arrest, while housed in the Shasta County Jail’s medical unit, Evans attempted to hang himself with a sheet.  The knot he tied in the sheet failed saving him.  He was later moved to a jail housing unit after assuring authorities he was not suicidal. 

On June 1, 2002, at approximately 7:00 p.m., on a Saturday evening, Jail Officer discovered Evans had again attempted suicide.  When his cell mate left for a visit, Evans immediately locked himself in his room and blocked off the window.  He then used a razor blade to slit a vein in his arm, and had lost a great deal of blood before being discovered.  When the ambulance crew removed him, Evens was comatose, and was rushed to a local hospital where he was eventually placed in the Intensive Care Unit.  After Evans was returned to the jail a couple days later, he attempted yet another suicide when he ripped-out the sutures and reopened the previous wound. 

Yet he is not a danger to himself or others! 

(This story less any knowledge of the suicide attempts is reported in the Record Searchlight Wed. June 5, 2002, Section B, Page 1.) (Another cover-up?) 

By Prisoner Tom Watson

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