American Thrianta Rabbit Breeders Association Officers
President:                            Vice-President                      Secretary/Treasurer
Bob D Whitman                                Glen Carr                                              Carrol G. Hooks
2355 Rusk Street                             19867 E 1300 North Road                8761 Aycock Road
Beaumont, TX  77702                      Bloomington, Il  61704                      Moody,  TX  76557                 
(409) 835-0644                                  (309) 663-1018                                 (254) 986-2331   Fax: (254) 986-1353
Bob Lloyd                                        Josh Humphries                               Duane Holman
2600 Des Moines St.                    7700 Runyan Rd.                              714 Teal Dr.
Des Moines                                    Georgetown                                        Grand Prairie
Iowa 50317                                     Tennessee  37336                           Texas  75052
(515) 265-2703                              (423) 344-3336                                 (972) 264-1099                       
Tim Branham                                  Elaine Harvey                                     Bill Mairs
6449 Snidercrest Rd.                       700 Fryerstown Rd.                        PO Box 16
Mason                                                 Myerstown                                         Wallhacin
Ohio 45040                                        Pennsylvania 17067                       Canada  V0K2P0
(513) 398-8365                                 (717) 933-1135                                (250) 457-6703                      
Newsletter Editor                               
Valerie Robledo                                                                                          
Constitution/By-Laws Chair
Tim Branham

Audit Chairman
Bessie Yeary, 3201 N. Alamo Rd., Edinburg, TX 78539
Election Chairman
Josh Humphries

Standards Chairman
Glen Carr
Membership Chairman
(Vacant - if interested, contact President Bob Whitman)
IMPORTANT OFFICER ELECTIONS NOTICE: Our ATRBA Constitution states:  "Any member, over age 18, and having been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year, wishing to become a candidate for any elective office of this Association shall submit a 'letter of intent' listing the member's name and the office for which the member desires to be a candidate, be signed by the member and sent to the Secretary by mail, postmarked no later than June 15 prior to election.  E-mail is not acceptable."

This year, the offices of Vice-President and three (3) Directors are up for election.  Vice President Glen Carr and Directors Duane Holman, Bob Lloyd, and Elaine Harvey are up for election.  If you are interested in running for any of these offices be sure to send your letter of intent to the Secretary, postmarked by June 15th.  If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact me.

Carrol Hooks, Sec/Treas.
8761 Aycock Rd.
Moody, TX 76557


If you or your club are interested in hosting the 2008 National Thrianta Specialty Show, please prepare and send all pertinent information to the ATRBA Secretary by August 1, 2007.  The ATRBA Board of Directors will review all information submitted to determine when and where the 2008 National show will be held.  Include all details, such as date, location, motel & banquet information, building/judging equipment costs, and a listing of all other costs which would need to be paid by the ATRBA.  If you are interested, and need additional information, contact either President Whitman, Vice-President Carr, or Secretary Hooks.

Send your bid information to:  ATRBA, 8761 Aycock Rd., Moody, TX 76557
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