Fearn Thurlow

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From Who's Who in American Art, 1980:

Thurlow, Fearn Cutler, curator.

b. West Chester, Pa., Dec. 5, 24. Study: Vassar Col, 42-44; Drew Univ, BA, 67: Newark Mus trainee, 67; Rutgers Univ, 70-72. 

Collections Arranged: Joseph Stella, NMex, 78-79; Geometric Abstraction and Related Works, NMex, 78-79. Teaching: Instr art hist, Drew Univ, Madison, NJ, 70-72.

Pos: Coordr art sem, Drew Univ, 68-70, cur univ collection, 70-72; asst cur painting & sculpture, Newark Mus, NJ, 73, cur painting & sculpture, 73.

Mem: Am Asn Mus; NE Mus Conf; Am Fedn Arts; Vistorian Soc Am.

Res: American painting and sculpture.
Publ: Auth (catalogue), J Alden Weir, Montclair Art Mus, 72; auth, Newark's sculpture, Newark Mus Quart, winter 75; co-auth, As the Seasons Turn: Southwest Indian Easel Painting and Related Arts, Newark Mus Quart, spring, 77. Mailing Add: RD 2 Mendham NJ 07945

New York Times, sep. 11, 1977:
Mrs. Fearn Thurlow, curator of painting and sculpture at the Newark Museum.

compiled by Bill Gardiner, September 1999

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