Inside Tidewater

Exploring GFWC

For More Information...

Women's clubs offer the individual member a non-professional channel through which she can best realize her own capabilities and make her most valuable contribution of service.

Club women join together for fellowship and through constructive action help build, serve, improve, and enjoy the community in which they live.

As a member, you will develop a wide variety of interests; build lasting friendships; and bring to light your own hidden talents.

The many opportunities afforded through club work provide a threshold from which each individual can develop an overall awareness and deeper perspective for community, state, national, and work events, which influence our quality of life.

You will become more keenly aware of the privileges and responsibilities of belonging to the world community.

To learn more about membership, please visit visit a club near you or contact Tidewater District for more information.

2006-2008 Officers

Kelly Kranz, President
"Tidewater District...SEA the Excitement"

Scarlet Stiteler, Director of Junior Clubs
"Tidewater Juniors - Transforming Our Communities"